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Great Reads

by Dirk Bahle
A list of advanced tips & tricks on Virtualized WPF TreeViews
by Dirk Bahle, Alaa Ben Fatma
Tips & tricks on visting and searching nodes in WPF TreeViews
by Vyacheslav Voronenko
Three approaches to store tree like structures with NoSQL databases in MongoDB
This tip describes a n ary tree structure.

Latest Articles

by Nicolas DESCARTES
How to implement kd-trees in C# ?
by IAmJoshChang
How to traverse a postorder binary tree
by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
Mocking/stubbing lambda expressions to have a bit more control over our unit tests
by Akshay Srinivasan2
This article describes a technique to quickly retrieve and present hierarchical information from a flat relational database table with only one table scan.

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22 Sep 2017 by Dirk Bahle
A list of advanced tips & tricks on Virtualized WPF TreeViews
8 Dec 2017 by Dirk Bahle, Alaa Ben Fatma
Tips & tricks on visting and searching nodes in WPF TreeViews
16 Jan 2013 by Vyacheslav Voronenko
Three approaches to store tree like structures with NoSQL databases in MongoDB
26 Mar 2015 by
This tip describes a n ary tree structure.
24 Feb 2019 by chuck in st paul
This is a utility program for bulk/batch renaming of files that demonstrates using and creating events
31 May 2016 by Hamid Mosalla
Dynamically building JSON tree for use In JavaScript components using C#
12 Nov 2011 by Mehdi Gholam
Start here :[^]
10 Feb 2012 by Andreas Gieriet
If you are willing to pay a permanent runtime penalty for your argument of maintainability, you could do it via reflection. You would also lose type savety.private static void SetStatic(string prop, T value){ var p = MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.GetProperty(prop); ...
13 Mar 2011 by Yusuf
You question is some what not complete. For starters you need to explain what you mean by 'HTML Trees'. The fact that you put it in quotes suggest that you meant something, but clearly you know that is not the term. Also, the fact that you are unable to find any good hits with google may be the...
8 Jun 2011 by Dave Kreskowiak
It's not that simple. The standard TreeView control in the ToolBox doesn't support doing this natively, so you have to make your own, or find a third party control that does this for you.There's a couple of CP articles that cover doing something like this here[^] and here[^].
10 Feb 2012 by Andreas Gieriet
Or an alternative of Solution #1 to play around a bit ;-)public static int StaticProp { get; set; }public int Prop { get; set; }private static string StaticSet(Expression> p, T v){ string name = p.Body.ToString().Split('.', '+', '/').Last(); ...
27 Jul 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
tree *root = NULL; // Create new root from the class tree of the header fileroot = root.Insert(root, 9); // New node with the number 9 on itThe first statement creates a pointer and sets it to NULL, so it does not point to anything. You then try and call the Insert method on a NULL...
24 Feb 2018 by BillWoodruff
Knowing your tree's item nodes are always leaf nodes of a specific type makes your task a bit simpler. I'm going to post a sketch of a structure that will implement a tree of this type which I know works. I say "sketch" because my goal is to assist you in developing your programming skills ......
15 Dec 2018 by wprintf
How to encode binary trees for algorithms such as RandomForest
2 May 2010 by rimone
I'm trying to find a way to get a most granular vertex based on criteria in the path of the graph. Giving the following tree: and the following metadata description: (test)label h---------------h 1a 1p 2b 2s 3q 4z ...
28 Jun 2011 by OriginalGriff
There is this one: Generic Tree Container in C# 2.0[^]And this: A Generic Tree Collection[^]But if you try googling, you will find loads more: Google[^]
28 Jun 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
I think a tree structure is not available in standard .NET libraries because writing it using available collections suck as generic List would take… minutes, certainly less then an hour.Hard to believe?Here is the idea:using NodeList =...
9 Aug 2013 by nv3
The problem lies in the definition of your node structure:typedef struct Node{ int info; struct node* left; //
9 Aug 2013 by nv3
As Griff already pointed out there are a couple of things totally wrong in your code, and you can see them by just looking at it. Let's start with your main program: node *root=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node)); root=NULL; insert(root,4);Obviously, you meant to allocate a root...
17 Aug 2013 by OriginalGriff
Look at your code:void deleteNode(node *root,node* parent){ node *temp; if(root->left==NULL)/*Only left child*/ { if(parent->left==root) parent->left=root->right; else parent->right==root->right; free(root); } else...
13 Apr 2016 by BillWoodruff
As Sergey suggested, the "big win" here would be to get whatever is producing your data formatted as string into JSON, or XML format; parsing those formats to a Tree data structure, or creating a populated TreeView Control using those formats, is straightforward.If you are going to try and...
25 Aug 2019 by RickZeeland
Here is a tutorial: Binary trees - Learn C - Free Interactive C Tutorial[^] And here is a nice explanation: binary-search-trees-explained-5a2eeb1a9e8b[^]
8 Aug 2020 by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
Mocking/stubbing lambda expressions to have a bit more control over our unit tests
16 Jan 2022 by Luc Pattyn
(1) ArrayList children; declares an object called "children" with type "ArrayList" where ArrayList is a particular collection of objects, in this case all those objects must be instances of type TreeNode. So children will be a bunch...
17 Dec 2009 by Kschuler
I copied your code into the load event of a new form with just a TreeView control on it and it worked just fine. The form loaded with two items in the treeview and the second one (velii) was selected. When I debugged it showed that TreeView1.SelectedNode was the velii node. Perhaps some other...
18 Dec 2009 by kesanliali51
Thanks Kschuler,You remembered me that I added a beforeselect condition which is not satisfied in my Best,
4 Jan 2011 by #realJSOP
Part of being a programmer is being able to analyze the problem, and then design and implement the solution. If you ask someone else what *they* would do, then it becomes that person's solution instead of yours. How are going to learn from doing what someone else would do?Lastly, you should...
23 Apr 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The problem is not finding the depth, the problem is to do it just once. Here is the way to do it: do not create a function for finding a depth of the current node. Instead, include the depth of a current node as a parameter of the recursive function.void AccumulateNodeInfo( node *...
22 Jun 2011 by OriginalGriff
It's pretty simple: the runningTotal is passed to the routine by value, not buy reference. So when you make changes to it, they are not reflected back up the tree.For example:void Change (int i) { Console.WriteLine(i); if (i
26 Jul 2011 by BobJanova
First question: how complex are your components? Recalculating the price each time may not be a problem, and means that you have no issues with caching and making sure updates work.What you essentially want for rebuilding the prices is a reverse tree: starting from the component that you...
6 Aug 2011 by Richard MacCutchan
The web site is automatically forwarding your browser to the second link; there is nothing you can do about this.
31 Aug 2011 by dasblinkenlight
Convert the tree to a list using an in-order traversal[^]. The list will be sorted, except for the two swapped elements. The first of them will be followed by a smaller number; the second one will be preceded by a larger number.9 10 16
13 Nov 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Yes, somebody can.(The proof is the post by Mehdi.I answered your question, but it does not look very useful, does it? This is because you ask incorrect question. Take it into account next time. However, for this very question correcting it makes no sense. Use Wikipedia and Google first,...
19 Nov 2011 by T0mii
fixed it, i was over thinking it, cause i just need to delete the largest number in my tree and that wont have a right childe, and then i only have to replace it with the left childe if he got one and delete it, it works perfect, ty everyone who helped me, trough this project.Here is the...
1 Dec 2011 by thatraja
Found similar questions with answers, check theseTree View in[^](MLM type tree)Creating dynamically Binary Tree to Display Member[^]Draw a Binary Tree using Asp.Net[^]
11 Feb 2012 by Andreas Gieriet
Hello Clifford,maybe it helps if I first elaborate a bit on lambda expressions and then explain why it is not possible what you aim to do with properties.Delegate: what they are forA delegate is the means of C# to hold a handle to a method without executing the method. Once you have...
21 Jul 2012 by Code-o-mat
My guess would be that when you do the GetDC-GetTextExtent thing the DC has a different font selected into it (System font maybe?) than when the tree is drawing the items.When you do the calculation, maybe try querying the tree for its font with GetFont[^] and use it for the calculation.
23 Sep 2012 by Jörgen Andersson
How to find the Lowest Common Ancestor in a tree.
7 Aug 2013 by Zoltán Zörgő
Since recursion is actually calling a function from itself - it is just putting stuff in the stack. And you can model a stack with an array or a dynamic structure. So you can transform any recursion into a non-recursive algorithm, where your code is doing the stack's functionality. Here is a...
9 Aug 2013 by OriginalGriff
No, it is doing exactly what you told it to do.It's just that what you told it to do is rubbish, that's all! :laugh:Look at your code.Why do you have a loop for cur!=NULL at all? you don't do anything with cur after it!What do you expect this code to do?if(root==NULL){ ...
2 Dec 2013 by Freak30
Since your nodes have a Parent property you can just move up until you reach the one with order 1. Something like this.Node primary = (currentNode.Order 1) primary = primary.Parent;
17 Dec 2013 by CPallini
Microsoft genlty provides an article on the argument: "An Extensive Examination of Data Structures Using C# 2.0 - Part 3: Binary Trees and BSTs"[^].
17 Dec 2013 by Maciej Los
Have a look here: Walkthrough: Displaying Hierarchical Data in a TreeView Control[^]
13 Jan 2014 by Vedat Ozan Oner
13 Aug 2014 by Yogesh Kumar Tyagi
view this link for mvc tree view How to Create TreeView in MVC3[^]i think it will help you.Build a custom MVC Tree Control by using jsTree[^]
13 Apr 2016 by OriginalGriff
This example uses "(" and ")" - but that's a trivial change: c# - Tree structure as string - how to match nested braces? - Stack Overflow[^]
8 Jun 2018 by Patrice T
Quote: Does this code to insert to a tree not work for empty trees? First: read the code and particularly comments. // base case--we have reached an empty tree and need to insert our new // node here second: there is an easy way to know the answer, make a testing program that call the routine...
3 Sep 2019 by jimmson
I would say that your jsTree script is loaded after your code. Try to initialize it on the page load: $(function () { $('#data').jstree({ 'core': { 'data': PGroupdata } }); }
9 Jan 2020 by Maciej Los
For MS SQL Server, please read this: Hierarchies WITH Common Table Expressions | Microsoft Docs[^]
16 Dec 2009 by kesanliali51
Even the simplest code like this doesnt work: TreeView1.Nodes.Add("ali", "alii")TreeView1.Nodes.Add("veli", "velii")TreeView1.SelectedNode = TreeView1.Nodes(1)selectednode becomes nothing after this code.The same code in c#2.0 runs without problem.Is there a bug with...
11 Feb 2010 by karismasa
Hello,I am working on an algorithm and perhaps an implementation in C++/c# for logical expressions. I want this logical expression for example, k = ((((a+b)'c)+((d+e)'f))g. My task is to put this expression in a short DNF / Sum of Products form such as abc'+bdf'+.... To do this I planned to...
11 Feb 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
Who is this message for? If this is concerned with one of the thousands of articles on CodeProject, then please use the forum at the end of the article.
11 Feb 2010 by karismasa
Is there any tutorial or example that you can provide for ANTLR?
14 Feb 2010 by d_saravanan
Hi,Any one please tell me how to represent an xml file content in a tree data structure format. This is to be used for the tree comparison based on the similarity.Please help me...Addition on 15.02.2010:Hi,Please note that i want to apply the tree edit distance algorithm for...
14 Feb 2010 by Sandeep Mewara
Please go through the below link, this will help you:XML - The Tree Structure[^]
7 Apr 2010 by ramindya
****THIS IS A ASP.NET Web APPLICATION NOT WINDOWS FORMS*************Problem/ Question: To search a child node anywhere in the treeview. I need to type a Node name in the textbox and search the node name in the Treeview and highlight the node name on finding. I don’t how to do it. I tried for...
12 Apr 2010 by DaveyM69
I've never used it but here[^]'s the first link I found on google for 'R-Tree C#'.
15 Apr 2010 by Bahraini0
Good day,I've read your article "Horizontal Tree"; it is nice but I need to use the tree for drawing family tree. Could I append Child automatically to a node? Could I add another tree inside the parent tree? Could the node has mutiple parents?I hope if you could help me in...
15 Apr 2010 by Tom Deketelaere
You would be better of asking this in the forum of the article.Go to the article and at the bottom you'll see a forum. Post your question there and the author of the article will be notified of your question.There is no guarantee that the author will read your question here.
21 Apr 2010 by ely_bob
quickest way is a ///Pass into this the base Node.TreeNode recursiveFind(TreeNode Node, obj yourCritera){TreeNode HoldTN = null; foreach(TreeNode tn in Node.Children){ if([YOUR SEARCH CRITERA]){ return tn; } else{ HoldT = recursive(tn);...
21 Apr 2010 by Pranay Rana
Following is code used by me to highlight selected now in tree view #region code done for selecting node by pranay rana string filename = this.Request.FilePath.ToString().Substring(this.Request.FilePath.ToString().LastIndexOf(@"/") + 1); ...
12 Jul 2010 by HaNnOuU
Hi everybody.I am doing a project with WPF, it's the first time, so i am not an expert in WPF, and i have some problems with treeView.I am trying to create a treeView from an instance of my class menu. A menu is composed by Items and every Item can have a collection of subItems, which can...
21 Jul 2010 by Geewiz_Aa
Normally I'm a Database guru, but today I'm looking to build a complete application. I've written my procedures, loaded my data and I'm ready to develop the application.My application needs to display data in 2 tree views (or listviews) in a side by side relation. A simple button will...
21 Jul 2010 by Christian Graus
I would suggest you need to search for winforms, and exclude ASP.NET from your search, it sounds like you're reading ASP.NET articles. There are tree and list controls in winforms that are far richer than the web stuff that exists.
21 Jul 2010 by AspDotNetDev
As CG suggested: treeview
27 Jul 2010 by Geewiz_Aa
I found this example helpful[^]
11 Aug 2010 by Richard MacCutchan
If you are using MFC (or even pure Win32) then I would suggest using a splitter window with a treeview in one pane and a list view in the other. Alternatively you could show a dialog with a listbox on every tree node selection. Your question is really too general to give a definitive answer in...
4 Jan 2011 by AbnormalCreations
I am currently creating a small 2D game engine for my final year project at university, but when ever i think im going in the right direction i get stuck on things like real time rendering in c#, creating and rendering a BSP tree in c# which I have come to find is a difficult task.So i turn my...
4 Jan 2011 by Kythen
RE: #3I think the choice of data structure depends on how you intend to use the game engine. If you're thinking of games along the lines of a space shooter like Defender or Asteroids, then you may want to consider a quadtree for hit detection. If it's something with walls or a maze like...
4 Jan 2011 by Espen Harlinn
#3) I think demonstrating that you know how to use the right structures and algorithms for the various tasks your project has to perform will be fairly important. It's often equally important to show that you have thought your way through this, possibly showing more than one approach and...
13 Mar 2011 by The_Real_Chubaka
Hi,I have tried o look in Google but, it seems like it is going to take me 2 days to find good notes or a good tutorial. I am also looking for easy to follow notes or tutorials on HTML parsersThe tutorials have to be for C++ programmers.Thanks in advance
24 Apr 2011 by mbue
For every thing i do with trees i use walk functions.Example for a walk function:class INode{public: INode* _child; INode* _next;};class IWalk{public: // IWalk virtual HRESULT Enter(INode* pNode) = 0; virtual HRESULT Leave(INode* pNode) = 0;};void...
10 May 2011 by sarath254
How to Create Family tree like Heritage in flashthe data in sql server and i need to display in flash and how to edit & add the data
10 May 2011 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The Family Tree is, mathematically speaking, not a tree. A tree is a "graph without loops", which cannot represent a genealogy due to the nature of the child-parent relationship based on two sexes.The term "genealogical tree" or a "family tree" appeared due to two main reasons:Massive...
8 Jun 2011 by Member 7975239
Hi everyoneFor the check boxes for the in the windows form application, I wonder if there is a 3rd state I could use. For example, if the parent is checked then all of it's childs are checked. if the parent is unchecked then all of it's child are unchecked. But if some of the childs are...
28 Jun 2011 by Thinking Stone1
I know there is not tree structure in .Net Framework, it's interesting, I think the tree is one of most useful data strucutres. Syntax tree, object inheritance tree, and xml tree, even .net use tree that frequently, why don't supply a common tree structure?I have found a open source...
26 Jul 2011 by fgoldenstein
I'm working on a Product BOM (bill of material) and I'm stucked. This is my class diagram: •A Component has ComponentItems. A ComponentItem has a Component and a quantity. Example: Component ABC has 3 Component C1 and 2 Component C2. •A Product has ComponentItems and ProductItems (similar to...
5 Aug 2011 by beratxt
Hi GuysI have a trouble with this website . After I navigate this link in webBrowser Control , Website is directed to automatically . So , I have trouble to show in webBrowser this link .How can i solve this...
31 Aug 2011 by optimus_prime1
I am trying to write a program that can detect and print two nodes in BST that have been swapped.In a three level tree, I reached near to the solution using this approach.If (!AllSubTreeAreValid()){//Nodes swapped on same side of main root node}else{ int max =...
31 Aug 2011 by mbue
30 Nov 2011 by Rupanjana
I want to bind data and show data in a horizontal hierarchy order like family tree.Please suggest me the way to achieve this..
1 Mar 2012 by mushas
hey friends,could anyone please suggest me how to code in constructing a tree with weighted edges in binary form and the nodes can have any no of children not binary in particular.and the node value particularly indicating the index so there is mere use of the node value but what is important...
18 Apr 2012 by hamid-shrk
hi,try below links :Generating Tree View from database1Generating Tree View from database2
30 May 2012 by Beula Joyce
Hi,I am constructing a tree view nodes dynamically from server side. I want to trigger a client side event for only two types of nodes - Child node - Parent node that has no child I need to disable clicking the parent node that has child.Expecting your suggestions/help...
30 May 2012 by Sandeep Mewara
I want to trigger a client side event for only two types of nodes- Child node- Parent node that has no child This simply means that you want to trigger an event for all the nodes that has no child. Loop through all the nodes, see if they have a child. If not, attach the event. Did you...
30 May 2012 by Beula Joyce
I found the solution to invoke client side event using jquery$(document).ready(function() { $(".rootNode").live("click", function() { //do something }); $(".childNode").live("click", function() { //do something ...
7 Sep 2012 by c0derM
Hi, im trying to draw a family tree. i will try to tell the conceptheres the main data table|ID | Name | ....| Spouse ID| Mother | Father |________________________________________________|p01 | Jhon | ....| p02 | | ...
6 Sep 2012 by fjdiewornncalwe
I actually did this years ago as a project for my father, but I don't have the source anymore. Basically what you have to do is this:The key is to break down the solution into smaller bits that are manageable.1) Decide how to draw a single node on the tree and build that object.2) Decide...
6 Sep 2012 by Andrei Straut
I would recommend you take a different look at how your database is structured. I would recommend you go with Nested Set Model[^] structure. In combination with a PostreSQL DB (which supports recursive queries) it can be a very powerful solution.I've implemented this once (actually it was BS...
30 Sep 2012 by cs101000
Hey! How can I store a treeview nodes text properties in a file and retrieve them back later in the same treeview format as it was created? Is it possible to save it in linear format in a text file and then retrive it somehow?
30 Sep 2012 by OriginalGriff
Try looking here: Loading and Saving a TreeView control to an XML file using XmlTextWriter and XmlTextReader[^]
30 Sep 2012 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The best approach is based on the isolation of the UI from the other parts of the application. You don't want to state and restore the state directly. You need to have a separate data model agnostic to your UI, but the data model should be exposed to UI. This way, you will create a...
3 Oct 2012 by Member 1441836
Hello to all,so this may sound a little weird question but i looked for it and could not found any helpful information.I would like to draw a Tree or Hierarchical diagram in Visual Studio (C#). I have an XML file where i have parent and child nodes. I would read the xml and for each node...
3 Oct 2012 by austinbox
Hello,Your question seems a bit vague but interesting, I would recommend using a treeview becuase it supports nodes and images like you said. //First lets read the xml.. List parents = new List(); List nodes = new...
8 Nov 2012 by Am Gayathri
What is The order of adding 1 to each element in a one dimensional array of integers. please share your thoughts.
9 Nov 2012 by Rahul Rajat Singh
If you are talking about the big O notations then IMHO, since we need to traverse all the array to get the handle of all the elements and update them. so the order should be equal to number of elements i.e. O(n).P.S. if you are not expecting the Big O notation order then please ignore...
4 Dec 2012 by sadomovalex
Shows how using reverse engineering feature developers may add new conditions into string CAML queries using lambda expressions.
15 Mar 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Thank you for clarification of the question. In this case, you really need to implement one or another kind of a search tree:[^],[^].For space efficiency and simplicity, a ternary search...
16 Mar 2013 by AfnanMof
This WebPart is developed to display all site collections and subsites based on logged in authentication