by André Marcos (Advisor), GracianoSouza
React Native, Node.js and PostreSQL, a PERN stack to develop an app to support the lost pets searching process
by Cindy Potvin
Add a close button to a React Native and close the modal by clicking beside it.
by D_Gregorian
How to create a React-Native (iOS & Android) FileManager with Firebase Storage
by André Marcos (Advisor), Renan Cardoso
Developing a solution to help user and personal trainer, to control and to track personal activities in a gym supported by a simple and integrated app with PHP ecosystem and React Native and Postgre database.
by Akram El Assas
Car Rental Platform with a mobile app
by Akram El Assas
Rental Property Management Platform with a Mobile App
by Bohdan Stupak
Samples from the application that displays photos location on a map
by Alen Toma
Generate and execute external full js code in react-native and nodejs