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Articles by Masteramuk (Tip/Tricks: 2)

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Database Development
11 Nov 2015   Updated: 11 Nov 2015   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 7,065     Bookmarked: 0   Downloaded: 0
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Basic rules for using MySQL Cluster (NDB) from MyISAM or InnoDB
SQL Server
7 Jan 2015   Updated: 7 Jan 2015   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 48,389     Bookmarked: 2   Downloaded: 1
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JAVA - Connecting to SQL Server database using Windows Authentication or Active Directory

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Malaysia Malaysia
I’m a UiTM graduated with major in multimedia (B.Sc (hons) IT) in 1999. Prior to that, I received my Diploma in Computer Sciences (major in software engineering) from the same university in 1994. Currently, I’m pursuing Master degree in Software Security and waiting for my viva session.

In terms of experience, I’ve more than 14 years of challenging experience. I started as lecturer in IT and software engineering at Stamford College. 6 months later, to improve my skill and knowledge, I joined PKDP as MIS executives responsible on support and maintenance of logistics application running on Informix 4GL. Since then, I've joined few others company such as IB Technologies Sdn Bhd, Mesiniaga Berhad, MIMOS Berhad and Matrix Power Network Sdn Bhd.

I gain lots of experience developing various types of applications using various tools and programming language. Beside application development, I had the opportunity to become project manager and also lead a team for a few months due to departure of my department head to another cluster. In addition, I’ve serve as member of IP mining and panel in IP Disclosure part of the task is to improve an IP or evaluate the feasibility of an IP. On top of that, I’ve been presented in few security and software development conferences and published papers locally and international.