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Desktop Programming
20 Jul 2010   Updated: 21 Jul 2010   Rating: 2.50/5    Votes: 3   Popularity: 1.19
Licence: CPOL    Views: 41,971     Bookmarked: 37   Downloaded: 1,159
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Presents methods to handle some of the trickier aspects of MVVM, including error message localization, multi-control validation, validation with multiple instances of a View, and whole-View validation.

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President Perceptions Unlimited, Inc.
United States United States
Martin Joel is the President and primary developer of Perceptions Unlimited, Inc., an OEM software engineering company that licenses software to and develops custom software and software components for other companies to include in their products.

Martin Joel has been a software engineer since C was just a letter and assembly language was the only solution for decent performance.