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Articles by -+- Beth Mackenzie -+- (Article: 1)

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Desktop Programming
10 Oct 2004   Updated: 29 Jan 2009   Rating: 4.83/5    Votes: 36   Popularity: 7.14
Licence: CPOL    Views: 284,853     Bookmarked: 52   Downloaded: 1,726
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Utility to run PC-Lint on Visual C++ solutions and projects, generating XML and HTML reports of the results.

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Software Developer Riverblade Ltd
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I'm a software developer and/or tester with Riverblade Ltd ( developing our core product range including our Visual Lint integration product and Lint Project Professional.

I incorporate a number of technologies into a daily basis including Windows API, C++ (VS2008), Managed C++, CLI, Databases, Java, JNI, Eclipse Framework, CDT and of course Visual Studio Extensibility (VSIP VSX).

In my spare time I enjoy cooking (prepping ingredients from scratch!), running, cycling, swimming, reading, interested in experimental electronic music (such as ClockDVA), movies, volunteering my IT skills where I can.