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Articles by BernardIE5317 (Tip/Tricks: 4)

Tip/Tricks: 4

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Average tips rating: 4.19

Programming Languages
4 May 2020   Updated: 4 May 2020   Rating: 3.00/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 0.90
Licence: CPOL    Views: 7,227     Bookmarked: 1   Downloaded: 30
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This tip demonstrates the use of the STL template std::invoke_result
4 May 2020   Updated: 4 May 2020   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 8   Popularity: 4.52
Licence: CPOL    Views: 4,842     Bookmarked: 4   Downloaded: 0
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Method utilizing variadic arguments and macros
25 May 2021   Updated: 25 May 2021   Rating: 3.76/5    Votes: 8   Popularity: 3.39
Licence: CPOL    Views: 5,652     Bookmarked: 6   Downloaded: 0
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A simple struct is presented which permits the automatic display to the console of function entry and all exits
12 Jul 2021   Updated: 3 Aug 2021   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 4   Popularity: 3.01
Licence: CPOL    Views: 10,401     Bookmarked: 5   Downloaded: 0
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On certain occasions, Visual Studio does not indent as intended so here is an awk program which does the trick.

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United States United States
MS Physics Drake University
BA Mathematics Dominican University
Wrote world's first user configurable binary file editor utilizing templates to specify file structure id est to wit in particular to be specific "FileRay" unfortunately not a commercial success. Some years later Sweetscape did a better job w/ "010 Editor" and seems to be a success.
Enjoy physical simulation. Did some work in this regard in astro-physics and options market making.

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Below is my "Signature" apologies for no apologies if offends
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"I once put instant coffee into the microwave and went back in time." - Steven Wright
"Shut up and calculate" - apparently N. David Mermin possibly Richard Feynman
“I want to sing, I want to cry, I want to laugh. Everything together. And jump and dance. The day has arrived — yippee!” - Desmond Tutu
“When the green flag drops the bullshit stops!”
"It is cheaper to save the world than it is to ruin it."
"I must have had lessons" - Reverend Jim Ignatowski / Christopher Lloyd
"Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force, but through persistence." - Ovid, Roman poet
"... as likely as lightning striking a leprechaun whilst riding a unicorn."
"Don't worry, the planet will do just fine without us."
"We can't solve today's problems with the mentality that created them." Albert Einstein
“Much becomes obvious in ­hindsight, ... Yet it is striking how in both physics and mathematics there is a lack of ­proportion between the effort needed to understand something for the first time and the simplicity and naturalness of the solution once all the required stages have been completed.” - Giorgio Parisi, recipient of the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics
"The only place where Success comes before Work is in the dictionary." Vidal Sassoon, 1928 - 2012
"Insanity in individuals is rare, but in groups, parties, nations, it is the rule." - Nietzsche