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Great Reads

by Omar Al Zabir
Use ElasticSearch and Grafana to build powerful and beautiful dashboards. Monitor and analyze IIS/Apache logs in near real time
by Daniele Fontani
Learn how to read and write documents with custom full-text queries in C# using NEST
by Paulo Henrique S.S.
Processing data with Painless Scripting
by Bohdan Stupak
Example of custom similarity script to improve search results relevance

Latest Articles

by Bohdan Stupak
Example of custom similarity script to improve search results relevance
by Gerard Castelló Viader
A news tracking or news aggregator website that allows users to share content they find on the Internet and give it certain visibility
by Gen1us2k
Run GeoDjango on Elasticbeanstalk container using Python
by Mr. Gaurav Singh Rathore
How to create multiple pipeline in logstash with multiple source (filebeats only)

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29 May 2016 by Omar Al Zabir
Use ElasticSearch and Grafana to build powerful and beautiful dashboards. Monitor and analyze IIS/Apache logs in near real time
6 May 2020 by Daniele Fontani
Learn how to read and write documents with custom full-text queries in C# using NEST
3 Apr 2017 by Paulo Henrique S.S.
Processing data with Painless Scripting
10 Dec 2022 by Bohdan Stupak
Example of custom similarity script to improve search results relevance
9 May 2016 by Richard MacCutchan
> but it is not workingThat tells us nothing about what you have tried, or what the problem is.I suggest you try some of the tutorials and documentation on the Apache Solr[^] website.
4 Nov 2019 by Karuna Kant Mishra
This is a simple document explaining details of how you can install and use ELK with Winlogbeat and Jenkins Logging Plugin.
19 Feb 2020 by Rion Williams
Transformation on numerous fronts with just a few months of exposure to Kafka technology
19 Jun 2020 by Mr. Gaurav Singh Rathore
How to create multiple pipeline in logstash with multiple source (filebeats only)
5 Oct 2021 by OriginalGriff
You have to open the XML file, read the content, find the node(s) you are interested in, and assign them fo java variables. We really can't be any more specific, because XML is a hierarchical structured file format (i.e. the data inside resembles...
30 Sep 2014 by S Nand
I am new to ELK stack and planning to use ELK to one my of my log analytic project.I am wondering if Kibana support pivot chart with secondary axis. As per requirement I have to plot charts with both primary and secondary axis.Thanks.Nand.
15 Apr 2015 by Mohan Gopi
Hi Friend's, I have created web service using web api. In this application i want to use fulltext search concept. so for this will go for elasticsearch concept, for this concept implementation first i need to copy sql database specific table data into elasticsearch using river, index...
23 Jun 2015 by Andy Lanng
it's only a param Array. You can add an array or you can csv actions, or you can have a single action.It's just like String.Format(string format, param object[] args). params can be written as the following:String.Format(myFormatStr,args0,arg1, arg2) //csv...
17 Sep 2015 by Member 11991596
I have a Elasticsearch query.I can see the data this URL http://localhost:9200/foobar/logs/_searchBut I want to get data doing a self join. I know how to do it in mysql.But I am not sure how to do it in elasticsearch query.Please advise. USE foobar; SELECT...
27 Apr 2016 by Member 11297085
I am working on Elastic Search and trying to fetch data by using aggregation queries from angularjs UI pages, we are using Elasticseach.js, Elastic.js etc plugins for posting the request and getting the response, everything is working here for me except Date Range filters means Range filters...
27 May 2016 by Afrikiko
I have this mapping and settings:PUT loalhost:9200/persondb{ "settings": { "analysis": { "filter": { "autocomplete_filter": { "type": "edge_ngram", "min_gram": 2, "max_gram": 15 ...
31 May 2016 by Vinit Raj
I am not able to find the steps how to use Elasticsearch and kibana and how to write logs into elastic search and visualize it using kibana without using logstash.What I have tried:I am trying to Log into elastisearch and visualize logs in kibana without using logstash.But unable to find...
6 Jul 2016 by mahesh.surya87
Configure on Windows zookeeper, kafka, elasticsearch, logstash, kibana
7 Feb 2017 by qsmy123
how to search multi types data in elasticsearch just like db's compound query. I am a green hand about elasticsearch ,I want to kown how to query data which in diffrent types.GET books/fiction,adventure/_search{ "query": { "match_all": {} }}please give some search...
12 May 2017 by Member 13197418
I want to make a post request in java.Maven with http post to an Elasticsearch server. This is my code: package; import; import; import; import; import; import...
17 May 2018 by SumitBhavsar
I have tried Index Aliases | Elasticsearch Reference [2.0] | Elastic[^], but what if i need to create alias at time when documents are added into index based on values passed to insert. here in my case that value is customer type, so i want to create an alias which will be added into...
12 Jun 2018 by Member 12900991
My search term is "A & H" and I want to find any item that has that term somewhere in either Number or VendorName - and it has to be exact. I don't want it if it has an A and a space, an H somewhere, or a & without the full search string. (There are a few other restrictions like Customer,...
18 Jul 2018 by OriginalGriff
We are not a "code to order" service - we are here to help, not do your job for you. If you want someone to write your code, you have to pay - I suggest you go to and ask there. But be aware: you get what you pay for. Pay peanuts, get monkeys
29 Aug 2018 by Yash Sharma
I have a logstash config file below. Elastic is reading my data as a b where as i want it to read it as ab i found i need to use not_analyzed for my sscat filed and max_shingle_size , min_shingle_size for products field to get the best result. Should I use not_analyzed for products field as...
27 Apr 2019 by Kevin Mack
How to build a Solr cluster with Terraform
29 May 2019 by 855
I snapshot all my indexes on 2019-01-01 snapshot name: S1 Then, I snapshot all my indexes on 2019-01-02 snapshot name: S2, since there is nothing changed on 2019-01-02, so i assume S2 contains no record. If i remove S1 via elasticsearch api, so i think i cannot restore my data from S2. is my...
25 Jun 2020 by Krishnananthan Vijayaretnam
I am using Elastic search for an ASP.NET MVC project. The Elasticsearch.Net client stopped working after a version update from 5.5.0 to 7.7.0. The type component has been removed from the query and there is a change in object serialization. I was...
25 Jul 2020 by Gen1us2k
Run GeoDjango on Elasticbeanstalk container using Python
22 Dec 2020 by akash5995
I'm using the RabbitMq module under metricbeat to index my topics and queues to Elasticsearch. The rabbitmq queue metricset defines a few indexes such as:, and so on, Is there a way to...
30 Dec 2020 by Member 15033791
We have used elastic search apis for image recognition purpose. There are a set of images data from AWS Image Recognition and saved in ElasticSearch. The image with frame was in ElasticSearch. Here is original image link: ...
6 Oct 2021 by Devin Clark 2021
I was tasked with a project that I'll have to create a JSON Record that will be stored in Elasticsearch that will collect UUID numbers. But I'll also have to keep in mind that there will be an expansion in the number of mapped values over time so...
31 Jul 2022 by OriginalGriff
Keep a record of each employee, and the date and time they last entered data. Then when they try again, you check the "last post" time and either accept or reject the entry - if you accept it you update the time, and if you don't you leave it...
21 Oct 2022 by AsifUllah
Here is the code of Indexing a single Document User(uid, firstName, lastName, email, address, phoneNumber) into index(firstindex), but actually the problem is that the index created successfully but document not inserted: val user =...
21 Nov 2022 by Gaurav Dixit
I have one ELK index available using that I am showing visual dashboard. My requirement is that I need to empty or remove the data only , not the index it self. How i can achieve this. I googled a lot . I am getting solution to remove the index,...
21 Nov 2022 by Dave Kreskowiak
It it doesn't venture to far from the Lucene engine it's based on, you have to remove the index document for the row you're changing and create a new document for the record where you're just not supplying the data for the fields where you are...
14 Jan 2023 by Member 15418280
I am installing 8.5.3 elastic. after yml file change I am double clicking elasticsearch.bat file and service is not starting looks like. [2023-01-12T14:38:25,268][INFO ][o.e.n.Node ] [node-1] node name [node-1], node ID [PBa_3qgMQqOG5ApHLMitrg],...
3 Aug 2023 by couzhei
I want a way to actually upload datasets in elasticsearch, and there are things I cannot find a way to solve and the documents made me so much confused that I'm brain frozen! What I have tried: I used elasticsearch python package installed via...
1 Jul 2022 by Gerard Castelló Viader
A news tracking or news aggregator website that allows users to share content they find on the Internet and give it certain visibility
5 Mar 2016 by Luigi Grilli
How to install ELK (elasticsearch, kibana and logstash) on Windows
26 Nov 2018 by
[TinyERP: SPA for Enterprise Application]Cross Modules/ Domains Communication
25 Feb 2019 by shayshabshay
In this tutorial, we will see an example of JSON format logging with Microsoft Enterprise logging, sending the logs to elasticsearch with Filebeat and use Kibana to view our logs.
19 Jul 2017 by Jaiswar Vipin Kumar R.
In the digital world, we are in Machine Leaning Phase. Where are need to everything on lighting speed. Data storing as we need, in our custom formant, and their availability, stability should be done on finger tips with low infrastructural cost.
4 Oct 2014 by Yonathan1111
Hello Everybody,I have been dealing with Elasticsearch for a while, I found it nice. My intention is to integrate Elasticsearch with my existing .net application. I know it is possible, however, the trouble I've encountered is that the system I've in hand is somehow complicated, the system...
10 May 2016 by Member 11242809
I want to insert data int solr through my application, I am using elasticsearch to store data to insert data in to elastic search I am usong following request :"POST HTTP/1.1Host: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT...
18 Jul 2018 by Ramesh Balasubramani
PUT _settings { "max_result_window" : 999999999 } above the query need to write in c# Advance Thank You !!! What I have tried: PUT _settings { "max_result_window" : 999999999 }
5 Oct 2021 by Devin Clark 2021
So let's say you have a UUID in an .xml file in your program and you're writing a java program in a, well, java file. They're both in the same folder so they are in the "same house just different rooms" if you understand what I mean. What steps...
28 Jun 2022 by Mohammadreza Sahelgozin
You can delete older snapshots to free up your space as well as decreasing number of snapshots that may cause performance issues and increasing amount of RAM usage for master node to handle large number of snapshots. You can delete snapshots...
16 Oct 2014 by cherrycoder007
Hi,I am new to elastic search ,Can anyone help me to add new fields on an existing document in Elastic search index by concatenating 2 other fields in same document.I need to make a new field ,then update the new field in whole document with the concatenation of 2 other exsisting fields.
23 Jun 2015 by
hi to all.i write a program with NEST Library of ElasicSearch in C#.there is a method that it's argument is like this.HighlighDescriptor> HighlighDescriptor.onFields(param Action>>>[] fieldhighlighters)how can i write...
28 May 2019 by phil.o
On Snapshot and Restore | Elasticsearch Reference[^] is clearly stated: The index snapshot process is incremental. It means that, yes, you need previous snapshots to be able to restore indices, since what is saved in the snapshot is only what have changed since last snapshot.
31 Jul 2022 by Manojkumar-dll
I want to restrict the employees to enter a data per day according to their Employee ID is there anyway to apply this in elastic What I have tried: Simply want to know the concept behind this
19 Sep 2022 by Manojkumar-dll
i have already have a ajax jquery code to fetch the cust id in my code and that works fine but while i choose action i doesn't instead it fetch all action for the selected cust id What I have tried: This works fine $.ajax({ ...