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Articles by Manas Kumar Swain (Article: 1)

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Web Development
10 Apr 2014   Updated: 10 Apr 2014   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 3   Popularity: 2.39
Licence: CPOL    Views: 25,754     Bookmarked: 18   Downloaded: 0
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The IndexedDB, a new HTML5 web database which allows HTML5 web application to store data inside a user’s browser. The IndexedDB is more powerful and useful for applications which require to store a large amount of data on client side or web browser like Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.

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Technical Lead
United States United States
A technocrat with rich experience in the areas of application development and implementation in the domain of Banking, E-Commerce, Media, Education and Real Estate.

He has years of successful records serving mid and large scale .NET applications. Have a wide range of experience working in domestic and international client environment. Lives in US and works as a Senior Software Engineer in applications architecture team.