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Articles by Shane Story (Article: 1)

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Visual Basic
18 Mar 2004   Updated: 18 Mar 2004   Rating: 4.88/5    Votes: 15   Popularity: 5.59
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A base data form that uses a data reader and can be visually inherited

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Web Developer
United States United States
I have a BS in Computer Science and 29+ years of experience. I have written many apps in VB,C/C++,Access, SQL Server,ASP/ I have consulted for hospitals, DOD,law enforcement, merchandising companies, etc.

I am currently a net. admin. I program, design DBs and graphics,websites,etc. I read a lot to figure out challenging problems and to stay current.

My story would be incomplete if I didn't tell you about my Jesus. I am a Christian and believe that God created the world in 7 literal days, placed man and woman in a place of paradise and gave them the choice to depend solely upon him, obeying him and enjoying his wonderful presence and pleasure forever. And the ability to choose independence from him, and thus death instead of life. As a result mankind died to God and fell into the sinful, corrupt world in which we now live, but that is NOT the end of the story.

The Bible says that Jesus Christ, God's only Son, came to earth some 2000 years ago, lived perfectly for 33 years, worked many miracles, died at the hands of evil men by the will and design of Holy God in order that he might pay the penalty for our disobedience and insult to God(SIN). He didn't stay dead. He showed he was God by rising from the dead 3 days later and he appeared to 100s of witnesses. He changed history which is "His Story." His name is everywhere. Even time came to be referred to as BC/AD (before Christ, and (AD) "in the year of our Lord")

The Bible teaches us that Jesus offers free forgiveness and salvation to all who:
1. Know they are sinners and helpless and in need of God's salvation(read Romans 3:23)
2. Know that the result of staying in sin is death and
hell, but God's gift is eternal life in Jesus Christ, his son(read Romans 6:23)
3. See that God loves them and gave his only son for them.(read John 3:16)
4. Repent of their sins, confess Jesus as Lord, and believe that God raised him from the dead and be saved (read Romans 10:9,13)
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