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Articles by Rune Rafn (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
18 Mar 2020   Updated: 18 Mar 2020   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.51
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Denmark Denmark
I’m a passionate coder.
I like to challenge myself to use technology that I’m unfamiliar with, and teach my self how to use it, by following peoples experience, and tutorials, or just by poking around, doing a lot of trial and error.
I think there is two ways to learn something to an extent where you can honestly say that you know something about a subject.
One is to use it in a real live project. I done a lot of those in my time.
Another is to teach others. You cannot teach a subject unless you feel confident in the subject.
The last reason is why I started writing articles. If a subject is studied for teaching, you cannot skip the parts you don’t understand in the first runover.
Each article I write is to educate myself. If others benefit from this, that is be great as well.
I have 20 years of coding experience in a number of different languages, and I’m learning something new everyday.