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Articles by PJ Arends (Articles: 25, Tip/Tricks: 5)

Articles: 25, Tip/Tricks: 5

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Average article rating: 4.66

Desktop Programming
12 Apr 2017   Updated: 12 Apr 2017   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 3   Popularity: 2.39
Licence: CPOL    Views: 11,937     Bookmarked: 3   Downloaded: 496
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This is an alternative for "An AutoRepeat Button Class"
28 Dec 2003   Updated: 4 Jul 2004   Rating: 4.75/5    Votes: 11   Popularity: 4.29
Licence: CPOL    Views: 125,644     Bookmarked: 45   Downloaded: 5,803
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A ComboBox that has a checkbox by each of its items.
23 Nov 2002   Updated: 23 Nov 2002   Rating: 4.94/5    Votes: 49   Popularity: 8.21
Licence: CPOL    Views: 284,112     Bookmarked: 61   Downloaded: 5,095
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Shows how to do multiple file selection in a file dialog without having to worry about the size of the buffers
12 Apr 2001   Updated: 16 Sep 2001   Rating: 4.58/5    Votes: 18   Popularity: 5.51
Licence: CPOL    Views: 203,601     Bookmarked: 50   Downloaded: 0
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A simple way to let your CEdit derived class have a modifiable context menu
5 Feb 2001   Updated: 13 Dec 2002   Rating: 4.90/5    Votes: 22   Popularity: 6.47
Licence: CPOL    Views: 422,676     Bookmarked: 112   Downloaded: 5,013
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A control that combines an edit control for entering a file or directory name, and a browse button that brings up a dialog for choosing a file or folder.
17 Mar 2001   Updated: 25 Feb 2004   Rating: 4.00/5    Votes: 8   Popularity: 3.61
Licence: CPOL    Views: 118,550     Bookmarked: 35   Downloaded: 890
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a simple class that implements a rotary (circular) text file
10 Jan 2003   Updated: 7 May 2016   Rating: 4.83/5    Votes: 39   Popularity: 7.57
Licence: CPOL    Views: 181,450     Bookmarked: 78   Downloaded: 4,531
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An MFC control for adding middle mouse button scrolling to any CWnd derived window
15 Sep 2004   Updated: 22 Sep 2004   Rating: 4.81/5    Votes: 10   Popularity: 4.59
Licence: CPOL    Views: 108,069     Bookmarked: 26   Downloaded: 3,690
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A locale aware, editable, self validating numeric cell class for the MFC Grid. Configurable for integers, floating point, or currencies.
7 Dec 2009   Updated: 7 Dec 2009   Rating: 4.85/5    Votes: 14   Popularity: 5.40
Licence: CPOL    Views: 82,969     Bookmarked: 47   Downloaded: 4,404
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A C++/MFC class that allows you to use the free CutePDF Writer without user intervention
17 Jul 2004   Updated: 17 Jul 2004   Rating: 4.57/5    Votes: 10   Popularity: 4.36
Licence: CPOL    Views: 63,076     Bookmarked: 19   Downloaded: 551
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Explains how to use the PSM_QUERYSIBLINGS message to share data between pages on a property sheet.
28 Nov 2014   Updated: 2 Dec 2014   Rating: 4.88/5    Votes: 16   Popularity: 5.87
Licence: CPOL    Views: 39,107     Bookmarked: 29   Downloaded: 1,651
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A CTreeCtrl derived control that has four checkbox states
15 Jul 2002   Updated: 15 Jul 2002   Rating: 3.67/5    Votes: 6   Popularity: 2.85
Licence: CPOL    Views: 114,256     Bookmarked: 37   Downloaded: 1,879
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A simple applet that lets you preview how various font and background colours interact. Has the added ability of being able to pick any colour from the screen.
8 Dec 2002   Updated: 20 Apr 2003   Rating: 4.80/5    Votes: 29   Popularity: 6.79
Licence: CPOL    Views: 171,395     Bookmarked: 49   Downloaded: 990
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A simple macro that adds all the code necessary to initialize the GDI+ libraries in an MFC 6.0 application
19 Dec 2006   Updated: 19 Dec 2006   Rating: 3.60/5    Votes: 13   Popularity: 4.01
Licence: CPOL    Views: 101,972     Bookmarked: 37   Downloaded: 2
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Code snippet that compares two HBITMAP handles to see if the bitmaps they contain are the same
14 Dec 2001   Updated: 26 Aug 2003   Rating: 4.98/5    Votes: 24   Popularity: 6.68
Licence: CPOL    Views: 236,188     Bookmarked: 80   Downloaded: 5,562
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A class that draws an image with various options - transparently, disabled or grayscale, centered on or stretched to fit a given rectangle.
24 Feb 2014   Updated: 24 Feb 2014   Rating: 4.82/5    Votes: 13   Popularity: 5.37
Licence: CPOL    Views: 31,312     Bookmarked: 37   Downloaded: 1,400
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A C++ class that makes it easy to print text in clearly defined rows and columns
Programming Languages
8 May 2002   Updated: 8 May 2002   Rating: 4.84/5    Votes: 141   Popularity: 10.26
Licence: CPOL    Views: 1,376,764     Bookmarked: 387   Downloaded: 0
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This article gives a brief overview of C style bitwise operators
22 Jan 2014   Updated: 22 Jan 2014   Rating: 4.67/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.40
Licence: CPOL    Views: 12,251     Bookmarked: 15   Downloaded: 340
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A generic template class that wraps the GlobalAlloc API
9 Dec 2001   Updated: 10 Mar 2007   Rating: 4.94/5    Votes: 50   Popularity: 8.17
Licence: CPOL    Views: 412,118     Bookmarked: 200   Downloaded: 19,275
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A little utility program that allows you to view the contents of memory bitmaps and device contexts while you are stepping through your drawing code.
15 Jun 2005   Updated: 15 Jun 2005   Rating: 4.84/5    Votes: 42   Popularity: 7.75
Licence: CPOL    Views: 88,562     Bookmarked: 55   Downloaded: 2,404
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An easy to use class for adding basic mouse gesture recognition to your application.
9 Oct 2001   Updated: 9 Oct 2001   Rating: 4.50/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 4.29
Licence: CPOL    Views: 149,730     Bookmarked: 55   Downloaded: 5,479
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A class that implements the CRC-32 Cyclic Redundancy Check Algorithm (MultiThreaded with Progress Bar support)
11 Feb 2006   Updated: 11 Feb 2006   Rating: 4.90/5    Votes: 18   Popularity: 5.62
Licence: CPOL    Views: 106,712     Bookmarked: 35   Downloaded: 503
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Presents a header file that allows a single source file that uses STL to be built in either ANSI or Unicode, without any changes or lots of #ifdefs.
24 Feb 2006   Updated: 4 Mar 2006   Rating: 4.83/5    Votes: 17   Popularity: 5.54
Licence: CPOL    Views: 49,001     Bookmarked: 24   Downloaded: 371
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A function that uses STL strings and streams in an effort to mimic and improve on the FormatMessage API.
25 Sep 2012   Updated: 27 Sep 2012   Rating: 4.17/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 2.91
Licence: CPOL    Views: 18,082     Bookmarked: 5   Downloaded: 259
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This is an alternative for "MakeMessage - An STL 'replacement' for the FormatMessage API"
Web Development
10 May 2016   Updated: 5 Mar 2024   Rating: 4.84/5    Votes: 23   Popularity: 6.59
Licence: CPOL    Views: 35,417     Bookmarked: 37   Downloaded: 2,922
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An MFC CWnd derived grid of user definable tiles

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Average tips rating: 4.96

Desktop Programming
6 Nov 2012   Updated: 6 Nov 2012   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.51
Licence: CPOL    Views: 19,411     Bookmarked: 2   Downloaded: 0
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I needed to disable the Sleep button on my keyboard, here's how.
General Programming
5 Mar 2024   Updated: 9 Apr 2024   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 20   Popularity: 6.39
Licence: CPOL    Views: 21,543     Bookmarked: 29   Downloaded: 707
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Trace your function calls to the Output window.
Programming Languages
22 Mar 2010   Updated: 22 Mar 2010   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 6   Popularity: 3.89
Licence: CPOL    Views: 28,332     Bookmarked: 21   Downloaded: 0
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I have seen many different ways to check if the computer has an active internet connection. The best one, IMO, is to check for the presence of the default route in the IP forwarding table that is maintained by windows. This can be checked by using GetIPForwardTable function found in the...
22 Nov 2014   Updated: 5 Dec 2014   Rating: 4.78/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 4.56
Licence: CPOL    Views: 61,906     Bookmarked: 18   Downloaded: 2,116
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A small command line utility to convert a binary file to hex encoded text file
Visual Studio
17 Apr 2024   Updated: 17 Apr 2024   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 3.49
Licence: CPOL    Views: 7,884     Bookmarked: 13   Downloaded: 0
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How to use a .props file for your custom user settings across all your projects

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Canada Canada
Father of two, brother of two, child of two.
Spouse to one, uncle to many, friend to lots.
Farmer, carpenter, mechanic, electrician, but definitely not a plumber.
Likes walks with the wife, board games, card games, travel, and camping in the summer.
High school graduate, college drop-out.
Hobby programmer who knows C++ with MFC and the STL.
Has dabbled with BASIC, Pascal, Fortran, COBOL, C#, SQL, ASM, and HTML.
Realized long ago that programming is fun when there is nobody pressuring you with schedules and timelines.