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Articles by Kabwla.Phone (Tip/Tricks: 14)

Tip/Tricks: 14

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Database Development
SQL Server
18 Oct 2011   Updated: 18 Oct 2011   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.51
Licence: CPOL    Views: 5,680     Bookmarked: 1   Downloaded: 0
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You also might want to look into the "LOCAL" keyword.This limits the scope of the cursor to the context in which it is created.DECLARE IdCursor CURSOR LOCAL FOR SELECT Id FROM MyTableThis is beneficial for many reasons.
8 Nov 2011   Updated: 8 Nov 2011   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
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Implemented with a queue and some newfangled yields.Since a queue does not have an 'EnqueueRange', we will still have to do a loop. Of course, enqueue range would be a nice extension method.Excusing the overhead created by the yield, this might use less memory if there are many controls. (Or...
1 Nov 2011   Updated: 25 Nov 2011   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 3   Popularity: 2.39
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Ha! I get it....I am actually using an adaptation of this technique in production code.But the adapted code required a dept-first search and this original pattern is width-first.Which brings us these new and improved versions:public static List FindControlsWidthFirst( Control...
Programming Languages
1 Dec 2011   Updated: 1 Dec 2011   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 5,690     Bookmarked: 2   Downloaded: 0
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So here is a tip on how to improve upon this code. Do not silently catch exceptions! Instead, create a very simple logging mechanism that allows you to inspect the exception, either from code or during debugging.public static class InputBox{ public static Exception LastError {get; private...
1 Dec 2011   Updated: 1 Dec 2011   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 11,550     Bookmarked: 1   Downloaded: 0
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Consider the scenario where the input value must be valid.public static double? GetDouble(string caption, string defaultValue, bool mustBeValid = false){ ClearLastError(); using (InputForm inForm = new InputForm(caption, defaultValue)) { while (true) { ...
1 Dec 2011   Updated: 25 Dec 2011   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 6,610     Bookmarked: 0   Downloaded: 0
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You have introduced a Globalization / Regional problem by requiring the default value to be a string.double? value = InputBox.GetDouble("xyz", "1.0"); //Note the dotdouble? value2 = InputBox.GetDouble("xyz", "1,0"); //Note the commaOne of these two will fail, but not on every machine or...
8 Nov 2011   Updated: 13 Nov 2011   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 7,600     Bookmarked: 0   Downloaded: 0
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I have made some improvements without making a change to the methodology.Note: Yes, the performance difference between string.format and concat is negligable when you are working with File-IO. Still we are here to educate.public static class FolderManager{ public static Exception...
1 Dec 2011   Updated: 25 Dec 2011   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 21,870     Bookmarked: 4   Downloaded: 0
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Set visibility in complex (or composite) form.
1 Nov 2011   Updated: 1 Nov 2011   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
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Create a custom eventargs to make the eventhandling simpler.Any code interested in the change in the tractbar is very likely interested in its value..../// /// Custom event arguments class so we can push the value of the trackbar/// to any interested subscribers./// public class...
1 Nov 2011   Updated: 6 Nov 2011   Rating: 1.91/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 1.33
Licence: CPOL    Views: 11,323     Bookmarked: 0   Downloaded: 0
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Make it a generic class and fix your problem forever. This works because the compiler turns the generic into a new class (something like SigletonManagerOfTypeParamterTypeName). So the static variables are not shared amongst instances...public static class Singleton where...
26 Nov 2011   Updated: 25 Dec 2011   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 24,243     Bookmarked: 0   Downloaded: 0
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Determine visibility in complex (or composite) form
C# 3.5
18 Oct 2011   Updated: 18 Oct 2011   Rating: 1.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 22,621     Bookmarked: 2   Downloaded: 0
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Which will crash if the datatype of the column is not a string.You might also want to note that this only works for typed datasets.This version works for all datasets, can handle any datatype, and handles null values: table.Rows.AsQueryable() // make...
Web Development
1 Nov 2011   Updated: 6 Nov 2011   Rating: 0.00/5    Votes: 0   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 7,241     Bookmarked: 0   Downloaded: 0
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Tip: Change your loop to the following to also support derived classes:foreach (var item in controlList ){ GridView asGridView = item as GridView; if (asGridView != null) { Utilities.RenderControlInExcel(asGridView, workBook); } DetailsView asDetailsView =...
1 Nov 2011   Updated: 6 Nov 2011   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 4,611     Bookmarked: 0   Downloaded: 0
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Tip - Never use type equality because that does not support derived classes:if (item.GetType() == typeof(Image)) //this is bad, mkay.Instead use the following which does support derived classes:if (item is Image)The Microsoft prefered pattern (when you actually need the cast object)...

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Software Developer (Senior)
Netherlands Netherlands
Doing that 'computer thing' ever since the C64.

Sometimes I feel that being a programmer is much like being a doctor: You just have to know everything and if you don't, something dies.

Either being an application or a patient.

Oddly enough, more people care about the death of their application, than the massacre of people...