Average article rating: 3.60
Programming Languages
VBScript |
31 Dec 2001
Updated: 31 Dec 2001
Rating: 3.60/5
Votes: 7
Popularity: 3.04
Licence: CPOL
Views: 64,312
Bookmarked: 19
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A simple registry modification to make Visual Studio apply syntax colouring to VBScript files.
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Web Developer
United Kingdom
Gavin Greig has been a developer with Insights Learning & Development Ltd. in Dundee, Scotland since 1996, using Visual C++ and the MFC.
He is a graduate of St. Andrews University, where he studied Physics and Electronics, and has a Computer Science M.Sc. and a Ph.D. from Dundee University.
He has also worked as a MUMPS developer in the British National Health Service, and recommends that you have a look at MUMPS yourself to see a perfect example of how programming languages should not be done.