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Articles by Derwin Dexter Sy (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
10 Feb 2009   Updated: 10 Feb 2009   Rating: 5.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: GPL3    Views: 24,261     Bookmarked: 4   Downloaded: 107
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This is a base class that can be used to create model objects for database connectivity via ODBC in C# .NET.

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Software Developer EPSON Software Engineering (Phils.) Inc.
Philippines Philippines
Dexter Sy is a software engineer from the Philippines. Although his day job focuses primarily on Windows drivers and utilities written in C and C++, he spends his free time learning, experimenting on, and working on projects in new generation languages like Java, PHP, and .NET. He also works as a part-time instructor at a local university, teaching classes on various subjects including Systems Analysis and Design and Linux server development, deployment, and administration.