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by Christoph Buenger
Describes PHP application development with the free Scavix Web Development Framework (Scavix-WDF).
by Evoluteur
A full jQuery UI widget which supports various configurations and themes
by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Reordering table rows using drag and drop functionality with jQuery DataTables plug-in in ASP.NET MVC applications
by Hovhannes Bantikyan
This is a simple infinite scroll with Ajax post and JSON. Have fun :)

Latest Articles

by Pat Dooley
This article describes my approach to writing a word game that imitates Wordle and further games that use the same techniques.
by Minh Danh Nguyen (ToughDev)
Recently I was tasked with upgrading jQuery in a web portal which was last maintained in 2013 to the latest
by Zijian
How to generate strongly typed client API in TypeScript for ASP.NET Core

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3 Nov 2013 by Hovhannes Bantikyan
This is a simple infinite scroll with Ajax post and JSON. Have fun :)
22 Oct 2014 by Mathew Soji
This tip guides through implementing a basic REST based Web API service with multiple GET methods and its consumption using JQuery client
19 Aug 2013 by luivis7
A simple example of how to use jQuery Autocomplete to make an AJAX call to WebAPI in an MVC4 application.
14 Sep 2014 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
How to use the keyboard events of the user and use them to dynamically change the User Interface or to perform some actions
7 Jun 2017 by Gunaprasad Shetty
The tip provides you the code for implementing Search in your gridview using Jquery.
25 Jul 2011 by AlexCode
Handling different default AJAX caching definitions between browsers.
26 Sep 2015 by Peter Leow
Learn to bind events on jQuery selectors that are created on the fly.
29 Mar 2015 by FrostedSyntax
Extends the jQuery object, adding a function to center the selected element to the window
16 Mar 2012 by UberGeoff
This tip explains how to display a jQuery modal pop-up message using server side events.
10 Apr 2013 by dimaxweb
Smart infinite scroll - easy to use plugin for you web application.
18 Jul 2013 by Mannava Siva Aditya
Uploading multiple files and creating a Zip file in ASP.NET with C#.
21 Nov 2014 by ManojKumar19
Learn how to configure dynamic compression in IIS 7.5 to improve performance
21 Mar 2015 by Amit Singh Baghel
A useful tip to export a Div to PDF (with Unicode support) with the help of NReco-PDF Generator for .NET (C#), JQuery and Handler in ASP.NET
12 Oct 2016 by SrikantSahu
Jquery Datatable already provides individual column filters. However, we can leverage that to create our custom filter that works similar to Excel filter.
27 Feb 2017 by yuvalsol
Use marquee tag to expose table's cell overflowing text
16 May 2012 by Chamila Nishantha
Following article describes how to add a gridview and a horizontal scrollbar without depending on the screen resolution
21 Nov 2012 by dpalash
Here in this tip, we will be able to find the last li tag and put a style with it.
4 Jul 2013 by sumit_kapadia
Create and Bind gridview at client side with Jquery Template and ajax in
13 Jul 2014 by DiponRoy
Knockout Validation Error Message & Bootstrap v3.2 input-group
9 Jan 2015 by Er. Puneet Goel
This tip implements the TreeView like DropDownList with Search Functionality using Telerik Kendo.
4 Feb 2015 by Md. Shariful Islam (Adil)
Alignment and sorting icon in WebGrid header
5 Feb 2015 by Miller Nguyen
This article will show you how to implement a complete solution of electronic signature by using HTML5 canvas in ASP.NET (VB).
22 Nov 2015 by Anil Sharma1983
Postback event not working colorbox in ASP.NET
5 Apr 2011 by Matthew Dennis
jQuery has changed its implementation of how it creates JSONP requests in a way that can break some applications.
20 Nov 2011 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Example showing how to persist positions of the sortable elements after drag&drop reordering using the JQuery UI sortable
18 Nov 2011 by Gregory Nozik
How to resize a grid when browser window resizes.
6 Mar 2013 by Daniel Killyevo
Some notes on how to quickly create a vertical menu with the help of jQueryUI
17 Jul 2013 by Mehul M Thakkar
Compare Validator is not working with latest jQuery lib while using with ViewModel in MVC
18 Sep 2012 by Evren Yortuçboylu
A checkbox list jQuery UI widget with real time filtering functionality explained
18 Feb 2014 by netfed
This article explains how to display images and videos in the very same Fancybox gallery using Json-data and existing html-tags as data
2 Jun 2014 by Sameera Millavithanachchi
This is a jQuery plugin which can be used to evaluate lambda expressions
9 May 2014 by Purbasha Ghosh
Portfolio filtering/grouping
26 Nov 2014 by Evgeny A. Koryakin
Use Bem.JS library to create CSS classes according to the BEM methodology and add, remove, modify CSS classes of DOM elements or select DOM elements by BEM-like CSS classes
16 Jul 2015 by Arkadeep De
In this post, we will learn about to create a HTML jQuery CSS slider where images are binding from a specific folder.
20 Sep 2015 by B. Clay Shannon
A super-terse reference to tools needed to create Isomorphic JavaScript web apps
24 Jan 2016 by lakhdarr
Control and directives for address form auto completion using Google map V3 and JQuery/AngularJS
9 Aug 2016 by Joshi, Rushikesh
Get Angular Watcher Count in any Browser, just run this script.
18 Apr 2011 by nit_singh
This is an example to make a "Select All" check box using JQuey
20 Apr 2011 by thatraja
8 Feb 2012 by thatraja
HTML Marquee & its alternatives
28 Feb 2013 by Dav Zen
Simple and easy to use jQuery matrix 2D.
26 Aug 2013 by linush
How to serialize a kendo treeview current view into JSON data
20 Sep 2013 by Rajesh Udupi
JavaScript performance tips - Part 2
4 Oct 2013 by vandel212
How to add tool tips to your website that are lightweight, and painless
14 Apr 2014 by Arjun Singh Faguda
How to call cross domain Webserver(asmx) service from jquery and bind the Json result with Jqgrid
3 Jul 2014 by Narotam Gediya
How to create an internet shortcut
3 Jul 2014 by DiponRoy
How to use Ajax validation in Knockout
11 Jul 2014 by DiponRoy
How to use trimming during object to JSON string serialization in JavaScript
10 Jul 2014 by B. Clay Shannon
Use jsfiddle and the jQuery Data Tables plugin to create sortable HMTL tables
25 Jul 2014 by Theo Kand
Quickly add an overlay tutorial to your web page
26 Aug 2014 by saadixl
jQuery Typewriter effect on HTML text
10 Sep 2015 by Rohit Nanda
The easiest way to send form data to Google Docs/Spreadsheet from your web page, using your own form and AJAX. Nowadays, Google Docs/Drive is a widely used service for data storage and documents sharing.
25 Nov 2015 by Firnas
An easy way to implement jQuery Datatables server-side pagination in ASP.NET MVC with Entity Framework
1 Jul 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
A quick example on how to implement GridView row highlighting and retain selected row on postbacks.
29 Jul 2016 by Akshay Meghraj
Validate ASP.NET Fileupload control file type and size by using jQuery validation
13 Feb 2017 by Mike Hankey
Highlighting the current menu item in MVC using the MvcSiteMapProvider turned out to be somewhat of a challenge but with a little head scratching and several cups of coffee, this is what emerged.
6 Jun 2021 by aditya pewekar
Custom JQuery datepicker component using Blazor
24 Mar 2011 by Sujoy Roy Chowdhury
Often while working with the web services that return JSON objects to the client side I find a need to select some particular JSON objects in the client side based upon certain criteria.
12 Jun 2011 by Seishin#
Optimal and unobtrusive JavaScript arrangement in MVC project
19 Apr 2011 by nit_singh
Above aproach will work fine if there are less check box on the form. But if you have 1000 or 2000 check box on your page then it will consume some time.There is an alternate, unique and very fast way of doing the same thing.below code will create more than 2000 checkboxes on your...
12 May 2011 by DrABELL
Hi,As FYI: You could refer to my article published on CodeProject, which describes the similar solution and has been tested to work with all major browsers: How to Detect Browser Capabilities in ASP.NET[^]Kind regards,Alex B.
30 Aug 2011 by Alexander Kouznetsov
A way to view, store and process logical expressions
15 Sep 2011 by Bryian Tan
Social sharing buttons script created by using jQuery and XML for your website
12 Oct 2011 by Rupesh Kumar Tiwari
I have below suggestions:1) Why are you making call to webmethod are you fetching data from server and showing it in tool tip ? But in your example it seems that you are just returning the same data that you get from UI. If you are making some DB call and returning data to UI then its ok to...
8 Feb 2012 by Rajesh Anuhya
Achieve the same using AJAX AnimationExtender control. Use the below code: ...
23 Mar 2012 by UberGeoff
A Jquery popup control with callback functionality
19 Nov 2012 by Raghav Nayak
14 Jan 2013 by Mihail Mateev
In this article you will learn about how to use PhoneGap with the new cutting edge Microsoft platform – Windows 8
31 Mar 2013 by vinodkumarnie
Show or hide controls through code behind or through JQuery
23 May 2013 by RelicV
Alternative for AutoComplete control without Ajax and Webservices
8 Apr 2013 by SaeedSalehi
A Persian calendar with the jQuery UI DatePicker control
31 Jan 2014 by B. Clay Shannon
A simple introduction to jsfiddle
5 Mar 2015 by LiQuick
Using JQuery AJAX calls to load ASPX page(s) into another HTML/ASPX page
26 Apr 2014 by altaf008bd
This tip will describe a simple way to resolve "too much recursion" error when working with multiple modal dialogs
10 Jul 2014 by DiponRoy
How to change the functionality or behavior of a function in JavaScript
27 Aug 2014 by Dhanabati
Using Bootstrap Carousel Slider in Servoy 7.4
20 Dec 2014 by code.manoz
Inline grid CRUD in ASP.NET MVC
17 Mar 2015 by Antony Gino
Binding jQuery resizable with KnockoutJS
4 Apr 2015 by Muhammad Hassan Tariq
Integration of datepicker as directive in custom prompt in AngularJS
3 Mar 2016 by FrostedSyntax
This slideshow plugin extends jQuery and allows all sorts of customization, such as the ability to choose any element type as slides just by specifying a selector string.
17 Oct 2015 by José Cintra
Tips for creating mathematical cross-platform applications in JavaScript and display formulas and other content with MathJax and JQuery Mobile.
18 Feb 2016 by P Raman
This is an alternative for "Searchable Gridview using Jquery - Easiest Way"
7 May 2016 by yuvalsol
Pretty print function for JavaScript Object & Array
25 Sep 2018 by Mike Hankey
The Flip jQuery plugin is a light weight extension that allows the user to type raw HTML and CSS in a textarea and have the ability to preview the formatted content without reloading page.
19 Apr 2010 by TheyCallMeMrJames
If you create smaller projects, plug-ins, libraries or, perhaps, you are a web developer that likes to keep the latest JavaScript libraries in the mix, consider updating your project templates in Visual Studio 2010.Here's how you might update the jQuery libraries to the latest for an ASP.NET...
26 Nov 2011 by amitthk
For ASP.NET MVC, HERE! is a much cooler approach:Basically, we use Ajax.ActionLink like this:The controller takes care of both the possibilities (Normal Post...
21 Dec 2011 by thatraja
17 Jun 2012 by scott_liu
This plug-in enhances user experience of input boxes on a web page.
3 Aug 2012 by Sympletech
Using a little jQuery to add the ability to handle the on row clicked of the KendoUI Grid Control.
4 Oct 2012 by Thiyagarajan NXG
Save and retrieve image from model using jQuery.
11 Sep 2012 by Mehul M Thakkar
Bind a JavaScript function to multiple events using jQuery
25 Oct 2012 by niklabh
jQuery customised version to be used with Windows 8.
27 Nov 2012 by Gianmaria Gregori
How to add a random sliding effect to the Bakery home page
10 Mar 2013 by xibao
Generate class definition for Web API Service Models.
6 Apr 2013 by MortezaKeshavarz
A slide show for web form projects.
4 Apr 2013 by User 7562273
This article demonstrates how to manage multiple views in a single HTML page using jQuery.
24 Apr 2013 by drewman5150
Simple jQuery ASP.NET Slideshow
2 May 2013 by Rupesh Kumar Tiwari
Javascript native methods are more faster than jQuery utility methods in IE9/10
6 Jun 2013 by rmerca
This is an alternative for "Checkbox List With Filtering jQuery Widget"