i dont have problem
but i wanna take the professional solution
using datagrid classes
thx for reply
what's the problem ?
DataGridViewRow firstRow = grid1.Rows[0];
that's all...
can i do that by doubleclik on row???
Ya you can!!
just write this code in the datagridviewcelldoubleclick event.
your job is done dude!!
I created a site collection in a Web Application using the following code snippet in a Console Application:
SPWebApplication webApp = SPWebApplication.Lookup(new Uri("http://devportal.domain.local"));
"/", // site URL
"testsite", // site title
"Test Site Description", // site description
1033, // site LCID that represents the language, e.g. 1033 = en-US
"STS#0", // site template, e.g. STS#0 = Team Site
@"localdomain\my_alias", // site owner login
"Test Owner", // site owner name
"abc@def.com"); // email
Console.WriteLine("Site Created");
However, I am not able to view the same? How should I view it?
modified on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 8:33 AM
mgr_2k7 wrote: How should I view it?
As a total mess! What is this supposed to be about and what is its relevance to the C# forum?
mgr_2k7 wrote: How should I view it?
This code is a mess and made less readable by the fact you haven't enclosed it in pre tags.
When I did decipher the code, SPWebApplication is a Sharepoint class, so you've posted to the wrong forum.
CCC solved so far: 2 (including a Hard One!)
Hello Friends,
I am facing problem to merger 2 or multipule Multidimensional Array into Single Multidimensional Array in C#.
Please help me how can I do this.
Hi Friend!
The more clarity you give to your question will get the answer fast.
Please try to give the code and errors so that some one can help you with
clear idea
basantakumar wrote: I am facing problem
Well you need to describe it in better detail than this. Show us what code you are using, what you expect to happen, and what is (or is not) happening, that causes you a problem.
Thanks a lot. I have done that.
I have a similar requirement, could you please help me how you did this?
i'm looking for which how to visual studio generate code when u are working on design mode. for example, suppose u have a web project with visual studio, when u add gridView to yout web page, it generate aspx code in .aspx file on the specific line of page, when u change some default properties of gridView, it add code to .aspx, and when u delete gridView, it delete gridView code that wrote to aspx file. i'm looking for a best way to accomplish this (user design form and my application generate aspx code for it).
can anybody help me ?
hdv212 wrote: i'm looking for a best way to accomplish this (user design form and my application generate aspx code for it).
Hi What do you mean,
what do you really expect from others....
i don't get you...!
Hi jasome
i want when user works in design time and drag & drop a controls on the web page and change it's properties, my application create appropriate aspx code for that.
hdv212 wrote: i want when user works in design time and drag & drop a controls on the web page and change it's properties, my application create appropriate aspx code for that.
As I suggest below, you have a lot of code to write; none of this happens by magic.
hdv212 wrote: i'm looking for a best way to accomplish this (user design form and my application generate aspx code for it).
If I understand your question correctly, you want to design an applcation that does the same as Visual Studio. It would allow a user to drag and drop controls onto a form, and your application would generate the actual aspx code, to make it run. This is not a trivial task, IMHO, as you will need to create libaries of classes for all the tools you are to offer, with each class having the properties necessary to generate the images and the code.
I am trying to read emails using c# code..by establishing connection with gmail pop3 server..I receive mails which are in quoted-printable encoded format..how can I decode that..pls help me..
Suddenly not sure which of the following constructs I should go with...
I really like the compactness of B, but a bit unsure how my fellow coders would react to seeing the construct.
I can't see how there should be any performance differences (if you know differently - Do tell)
int i;
switch (ID) {
case "a":
i = 1;
case "b":
i= 2;
case "c":
i = 3;
i = 0;
int i;
i = ID == "a" ? 1 :
ID == "b" ? 2 :
ID == "c" ? 3 :
What would you use (and why)?
modified on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 6:46 AM
Under normal circumstances I would go for the switch - but as it wouldn't work
case "b":
i= 2;
case "b":
i = 3;
break; I would have to fix it first!
The second is horrible - clarity and readability are much more important than saving space on screen.
No trees were harmed in the sending of this message; however, a significant number of electrons were slightly inconvenienced.
This message is made of fully recyclable Zeros and Ones
The switch, because it's readable and maintainable.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
I agree with OriginalGriff.
I'd use switch every time. The conditional operator is fine for small in line statements, but nesting it like that just makes it unreadable too quickly.
The switch is much more readable.
if it is just one matching you can go with approach 'B'
otherwise i will prefer the First Approach 'A'
because the Second Type has to be parsed as first and process.
and Even if it is more than 2 matching it is not good practice to use 'B'
because it is not much readable and understandable.and for each case we can
make a comment(purpose) in 'A', But it is not suitable for 'B'
but anyway it depends on the place where use, and the situation where you use,and even the appearance where you use