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AnswerRe: How do I pass DB name as parameter to stored procedure? Pin
Marek Grzenkowicz14-Oct-07 23:43
Marek Grzenkowicz14-Oct-07 23:43 
GeneralRe: How do I pass DB name as parameter to stored procedure? Pin
Steven J Jowett14-Oct-07 23:54
Steven J Jowett14-Oct-07 23:54 
QuestionUnable to complete login process due to delay in opening server connection Pin
Anilkumar K V14-Oct-07 20:39
Anilkumar K V14-Oct-07 20:39 
QuestionDatabase is suspect Pin
Phan Van Thao14-Oct-07 16:19
Phan Van Thao14-Oct-07 16:19 
AnswerRe: Database is suspect Pin
Pete O'Hanlon15-Oct-07 2:01
mvePete O'Hanlon15-Oct-07 2:01 
GeneralRe: Database is suspect Pin
Phan Van Thao15-Oct-07 15:03
Phan Van Thao15-Oct-07 15:03 
QuestionWindows authentication - not prompted? [modified] Pin
dandy7214-Oct-07 11:36
dandy7214-Oct-07 11:36 
AnswerRe: Windows authentication - not prompted? Pin
Mike Dimmick15-Oct-07 3:52
Mike Dimmick15-Oct-07 3:52 
Windows authentication is really only intended for use within a domain. The fact that it also works in a workgroup where the username and password are the same on client and server is a bit of an accident, coming from NTLM's workgroup file sharing support. You cannot specify a password for Windows authentication.

You will have to allow SQL Server authentication on the server. The reason it is generally not recommended is that the passwords are sent in the clear, so can be seen with a network analyzer. It is possible to secure the channel so everything, commands, passwords and retrieved data, are all encrypted - for this you need an SSL certificate on the server. See 'Encrypting Connections to SQL Server' in Books Online (e.g. look up 'SSL' in the Index). You then need to set Encrypt='true' in the connection string.

To enable SQL Server authentication appears to need a registry change, if you don't have Management Studio available. It may be easier to rerun setup, or to download SQL Server Management Studio Express from Microsoft.

Also, you should be aware that remote connections are disabled by default in SQL Server 2005 Express and Developer Editions. To enable them, go to the Configuration Manager tool and enable TCP/IP. You can also use SQL Server Surface Area Configuration but from memory that's not available for Express Edition. This may explain why the timeout occurs rather than getting a 'login failed' error.

DoEvents: Generating unexpected recursion since 1991

GeneralRe: Windows authentication - not prompted? Pin
dandy7215-Oct-07 10:15
dandy7215-Oct-07 10:15 
QuestionSet Null in Ms Access DB again! Pin
Whoami Whoami14-Oct-07 8:35
Whoami Whoami14-Oct-07 8:35 
AnswerRe: Set Null in Ms Access DB again! [modified] Pin
pmarfleet14-Oct-07 10:02
pmarfleet14-Oct-07 10:02 
QuestionSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbException Pin
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 8:31
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 8:31 
AnswerRe: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException Pin
Mike Dimmick14-Oct-07 11:06
Mike Dimmick14-Oct-07 11:06 
QuestionSQL Server Batch jobs Pin
naren37814-Oct-07 7:32
naren37814-Oct-07 7:32 
AnswerRe: SQL Server Batch jobs Pin
Marek Grzenkowicz14-Oct-07 23:49
Marek Grzenkowicz14-Oct-07 23:49 
QuestionDeploy .Net Application With Sql Server 2005 Pin
DotNetWWW14-Oct-07 6:46
DotNetWWW14-Oct-07 6:46 
AnswerRe: Deploy .Net Application With Sql Server 2005 Pin
Mike Dimmick14-Oct-07 11:26
Mike Dimmick14-Oct-07 11:26 
GeneralRe: Deploy .Net Application With Sql Server 2005 Pin
DotNetWWW14-Oct-07 19:09
DotNetWWW14-Oct-07 19:09 
QuestionOleDB using MS-Access Pin
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 5:28
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 5:28 
AnswerRe: OleDB using MS-Access Pin
pmarfleet14-Oct-07 7:45
pmarfleet14-Oct-07 7:45 
AnswerRe: OleDB using MS-Access Pin
Hesham Amin14-Oct-07 7:52
Hesham Amin14-Oct-07 7:52 
QuestionOleDB using MS-Access Pin
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 5:27
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 5:27 
AnswerRe: OleDB using MS-Access Pin
Muhammad Shahid Farooq28-Oct-07 13:17
professionalMuhammad Shahid Farooq28-Oct-07 13:17 
QuestionProblem with updating dataset with database Pin
vbar14-Oct-07 4:03
vbar14-Oct-07 4:03 
QuestionSQL Server Management Studio Express Problem Pin
Vipin.d13-Oct-07 21:26
Vipin.d13-Oct-07 21:26 

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