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QuestionHow do I pass DB name as parameter to stored procedure? Pin
Steven J Jowett14-Oct-07 22:22
Steven J Jowett14-Oct-07 22:22 
AnswerRe: How do I pass DB name as parameter to stored procedure? Pin
Marek Grzenkowicz14-Oct-07 23:43
Marek Grzenkowicz14-Oct-07 23:43 
GeneralRe: How do I pass DB name as parameter to stored procedure? Pin
Steven J Jowett14-Oct-07 23:54
Steven J Jowett14-Oct-07 23:54 
QuestionUnable to complete login process due to delay in opening server connection Pin
Anilkumar K V14-Oct-07 20:39
Anilkumar K V14-Oct-07 20:39 
QuestionDatabase is suspect Pin
Phan Van Thao14-Oct-07 16:19
Phan Van Thao14-Oct-07 16:19 
AnswerRe: Database is suspect Pin
Pete O'Hanlon15-Oct-07 2:01
mvePete O'Hanlon15-Oct-07 2:01 
GeneralRe: Database is suspect Pin
Phan Van Thao15-Oct-07 15:03
Phan Van Thao15-Oct-07 15:03 
QuestionWindows authentication - not prompted? [modified] Pin
dandy7214-Oct-07 11:36
dandy7214-Oct-07 11:36 
I have SQL Server Express 2005 running on Windows Server 2003. I installed SQL Express using pretty much all the default options (including Windows Authentication). The machine name is SQLBOX.

I have Visual Studio 2005 on my primary development machine; its name is DEVBOX.

I'm not in a domain environment. The account I use to log onto DEVBOX doesn't exist on SQLBOX, and vice-versa. That is, if I try to access a share, for example, on SQLBOX when I'm on DEVBOX, I'm prompted for a username/password (which I then provide as "SQLBOX/username" and that account's password). That's never been a problem.

I want to access a database on SQLBOX from within VS2005 running on DEVBOX. If I go to Server Explorer, select Data Connection, then Add Connections, I can see that SQLBOX is shown in the Server Name dropdown (meaning, DEVBOX managed to correctly enumerate all instances of SQL Server on my network).

The problem, at this point, is that if I leave the radio button on "Use Windows Authentication", I have no option to enter proper Windows credentials ("SQLBOX/username"). The "Select a database name" dropdown remains blank (since, I'm assuming, VS can't enumerate the databases on SQLBOX if it can't log on), and if I click either the OK or Test Connection buttons, VS simply returns with a timeout. I'm never prompted for a username/password, which fails because, I assume, DEVBOX/username is supplied by the system.

Does a Windows account with a matching name/password have to exist on both machines in such a scenario? Or do I have to change SQL Express so it uses SQL Server Authentication?

I've connected to other remote SQL machines with VS many times in the past, but I've always had matching accounts that existed on all machines. This is not the case here, so I'm assuming that's why this is now failing...

Incidentally, there might be something else at work here, because frankly I would've expected a more appropriate authentication error message instead of a timeout, but I've already gone through all the settings I could think of to allow remote access to the database, including using the Config Manager tool to allow both Named Pipes and TCP/IP...

-- modified at 17:45 Sunday 14th October, 2007
AnswerRe: Windows authentication - not prompted? Pin
Mike Dimmick15-Oct-07 3:52
Mike Dimmick15-Oct-07 3:52 
GeneralRe: Windows authentication - not prompted? Pin
dandy7215-Oct-07 10:15
dandy7215-Oct-07 10:15 
QuestionSet Null in Ms Access DB again! Pin
Whoami Whoami14-Oct-07 8:35
Whoami Whoami14-Oct-07 8:35 
AnswerRe: Set Null in Ms Access DB again! [modified] Pin
pmarfleet14-Oct-07 10:02
pmarfleet14-Oct-07 10:02 
QuestionSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbException Pin
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 8:31
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 8:31 
AnswerRe: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException Pin
Mike Dimmick14-Oct-07 11:06
Mike Dimmick14-Oct-07 11:06 
QuestionSQL Server Batch jobs Pin
naren37814-Oct-07 7:32
naren37814-Oct-07 7:32 
AnswerRe: SQL Server Batch jobs Pin
Marek Grzenkowicz14-Oct-07 23:49
Marek Grzenkowicz14-Oct-07 23:49 
QuestionDeploy .Net Application With Sql Server 2005 Pin
DotNetWWW14-Oct-07 6:46
DotNetWWW14-Oct-07 6:46 
AnswerRe: Deploy .Net Application With Sql Server 2005 Pin
Mike Dimmick14-Oct-07 11:26
Mike Dimmick14-Oct-07 11:26 
GeneralRe: Deploy .Net Application With Sql Server 2005 Pin
DotNetWWW14-Oct-07 19:09
DotNetWWW14-Oct-07 19:09 
QuestionOleDB using MS-Access Pin
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 5:28
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 5:28 
AnswerRe: OleDB using MS-Access Pin
pmarfleet14-Oct-07 7:45
pmarfleet14-Oct-07 7:45 
AnswerRe: OleDB using MS-Access Pin
Hesham Amin14-Oct-07 7:52
Hesham Amin14-Oct-07 7:52 
QuestionOleDB using MS-Access Pin
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 5:27
s4_sabahatf14-Oct-07 5:27 
AnswerRe: OleDB using MS-Access Pin
Muhammad Shahid Farooq28-Oct-07 13:17
professionalMuhammad Shahid Farooq28-Oct-07 13:17 
QuestionProblem with updating dataset with database Pin
vbar14-Oct-07 4:03
vbar14-Oct-07 4:03 

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