Table of Contents
What is XML Data Binding?
XML Data Binding allows you to manipulate an XML document via a set of simple objects. The rules defining the 'shape' of the XML document are described in an XML schema. Typically, it is possible to read an XML document into an XML binding library and manipulate it programmatically via simple get and set methods. Conversely, a document can be created from an XML data binding library, and serialized as an XML document.
Still not clear? Well, let's look at the benefits.
A Simple Example
Let's try to create an XML document that conforms to the schema in Figure 1a.
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
<xsd:element name="bookstore" type="bookstoreType" />
<xsd:complexType name="bookstoreType">
<xsd:sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:element name="book" type="bookType" />
<xsd:complexType name="bookType">
<xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="author" type="authorName" />
<xsd:element name="price" type="xsd:decimal" />
<xsd:attribute name="genre" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="publicationdate" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:attribute name="ISBN" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:complexType name="authorName">
<xsd:element name="first-name" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element name="last-name" type="xsd:string" />
(Figure 1a)

(or depicted graphically, Figure 1b)
The obvious way to do this is using a DOM. I'll use MSXML and VB6 as an example, see figure 2.
Dim oXmlDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument40
Dim oElmBookStore As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim oElmBook As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim oAttrGenre As MSXML2.IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim oAttrPublicationDate As MSXML2.IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim oAttrISBN As MSXML2.IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim oElmBookTitle As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim oElmBookAuthor As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim oElmBookAuthorFirstName As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim oElmBookAuthorLastName As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Dim oElmBookPrice As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement
Set oXmlDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument40
Set oElmBookStore = oXmlDoc.createElement("bookstore")
oXmlDoc.appendChild oElmBookStore
Set oElmBook = oXmlDoc.createElement("book")
oElmBookStore.appendChild oElmBook
Set oAttrGenre = oXmlDoc.createAttribute("genre")
oElmBook.Attributes.setNamedItem oAttrGenre
oAttrGenre.Value = "autobiography"
Set oAttrPublicationDate = oXmlDoc.createAttribute("publicationdate")
oElmBook.Attributes.setNamedItem oAttrPublicationDate
oAttrPublicationDate.Value = "1981"
Set oAttrISBN = oXmlDoc.createAttribute("ISBN")
oElmBook.Attributes.setNamedItem oAttrISBN
oAttrISBN.Value = "1-861003-11-0"
Set oElmBookTitle = oXmlDoc.createElement("title")
oElmBook.appendChild oElmBookTitle
oElmBookTitle.nodeTypedValue = "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin"
Set oElmBookAuthor = oXmlDoc.createElement("author")
oElmBook.appendChild oElmBookAuthor
Set oElmBookAuthorFirstName = oXmlDoc.createElement("first-name")
oElmBookAuthor.appendChild oElmBookAuthorFirstName
oElmBookAuthorFirstName.nodeTypedValue = "Benjamin"
Set oElmBookAuthorLastName = oXmlDoc.createElement("last-name")
oElmBookAuthor.appendChild oElmBookAuthorLastName
oElmBookAuthorLastName.nodeTypedValue = "Franklin"
Set oElmBookPrice = oXmlDoc.createElement("price")
oElmBook.appendChild oElmBookPrice
oElmBookPrice.nodeTypedValue = "8.99"
Debug.Print oXmlDoc.xml
(Figure 2)
The code in figure 2 creates the XML document in Figure 3. Lots of code to do so little!
<book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981" ISBN="1-861003-11-0">
<title>The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin</title>
(Figure 3)
Now, let's see the same code written using an XML Data Binding library, see Figure 4. (We'll cover the details of where the XML Binding library comes from, later).
Dim oElmBookStore As New BookStoreSampleLib.Bookstore
Dim oElmBook As BookStoreSampleLib.Book
Set oElmBook = oElmBookStore.Books.Add
oElmBook.Genre = "autobiography"
oElmBook.PublicationDate = "1981"
oElmBook.ISBN = "1-861003-11-0"
oElmBook.Title = "The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin"
oElmBook.Author.Firstname = "Benjamin"
oElmBook.Author.Lastname = "Franklin"
oElmBook.Price = 8.99
Debug.Print oElmBook.xml
(Figure 4)
Just a bit less code, and it's much simpler to maintain. And the advantages can be even more obvious when looking at reading in and interpreting XML documents.
So, where does the XML data binding library BookStoreSampleLib come from? Well, it's generated for you by a tool. There are a number of different tools on the market at the moment, and each goes about the job of turning an XML schema into an object orientated library, a little differently.
There are many products in the market, and if your schema is very simple and you are using Java, then Castor is probably your best bet. There are already a number of good Castor articles out there and I don't intend to rehash them. However, if you are not a Java developer, or your schema contains more advanced features (extensions, restrictions, substitution groups etc.), then you will need to look a little further a field. We have reviewed the main products on the market, and produced a simple summary of their capabilities. For the remainder of this article, we will refer to the generator provided by Liquid Technologies, as it supports the major schemas (DTD, XDR and XSD) and the main languages (C#, VB6, Java and cross platform C++).
There are also a number of important things to take into account when selecting a suitable product (free is not always cost cheap).
User Created Schemas
If you are designing your own schema, then you are in a position to tailor your schema to work around any limitation in the data binding product you select. Because of this, even a fairly limited binding product can be expected to produce working code if the schema contains constructs that it can deal with. However, this approach may result in your compromising the design of your schemas, forcing you to use very simple constructs and types. These compromises may ultimately impact on the development of your project.
3rd Party Schemas
The choice of products is more important when dealing with standard schemas. The problem with standard schemas is you are not in a position to change them; you can sometimes tweak the way in which they are written, but you can't change their meaning. So, imagine you start off using a standard schema, and use a product like JAXB which initially works OK. Later, the next version of the schema is released, and it makes use of more of the XSD standard (say extensions), and now JAXB won't work any more. What do you do? You are more or less back to square one. Your only real option is to go and look for a product that does support your new schema, but this will mean re-factoring all your existing code. So, on balance, it would be better to select a product that provides a large amount of support up front.
This section contains a review of the functionality supported by a number of the main XML Data Binding products.
Product |
Install Size |
Ease of Install |
Getting started |
Ease of Use |
Quality of Output |
Cost |
Overall Rating |
Comments (at a glance, see below for a full review) |
Castor |
6 |
3 |
3 |
62% |
Open Source |
5 |
Getting up and and running with Castor was a real pain. It can generate Java code for simple schemas. The code produced is straight forward and works reasonably well (see full review). |
46MB |
8 |
7 |
7 |
55% |
? |
6 |
JAXB installs as part of Sun's web development toolkit. The install is simple, and if you have JDK 1.4 installed, trouble free. A batch file is provided making it simple to use. Unfortunately, JAXB fails to cope with anything more than the very basic XSD schemas (see full review). |
Liquid Technologies XML Data Binding |
11MB |
9 |
8 |
9 |
87% |
�495 |
8.5 |
The XML Data Binding wizard installation is simple. Generating code is simple, using a basic wizard. The product can output code for Java, C#, VB6 and C++ (Win32, Solaris and Linux), and is capable of coping with the majority of the XSD standard (see full review). |
Microsoft's xsd.exe |
N/A |
N/A |
5 |
7 |
61% |
N/A |
6 |
Installs with Visual Studio .NET. The command line interface makes it a little bit annoying to work with. It copes with a good percentage of the XSD standard, but provides no validation, and still requires the user to have a good understanding of the target XSD (see full review). |
Functionality Summary
- Gen - Generates code for schemas with these features.
- Sup - Supports these features correctly in the code that is created.
Product |
Castor |
Liquid Tech |
Xsd.exe |
Gen |
Sup |
Gen |
Sup |
Gen |
Sup |
Gen |
Sup |
ComplexType groups |
Sequence |
*1*5 |
Choice |
*4 |
All |
*5 |
Multiple Models, same complextype |
*1*5 |
Types |
Hex/Base64 |
Date/Time/gMonthDay etc. |
*2 |
*2 |
Collections of primitives |
*13 |
All primitive data types |
*18*19 |
*18 |
*18 |
*18 |
unions |
*2 |
*2 |
*2 |
any |
anyAttribute |
default values |
Pad chars (&<>" etc.) |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Strongly Typed Output |
N/A |
N/A |
*23 |
N/A |
N/A |
*10 |
Facets |
fractionDigits |
length |
maxExclusive |
*20 |
*18 |
minExclusive |
*20 |
*18 |
maxInclusive |
*20 |
minInclusive |
*20 |
maxLength |
minLength |
pattern |
*9 |
totalDigits |
whiteSpace |
Cardinality |
Optional |
*17 |
*5 |
Mandatory |
*5 |
Multiple |
*5*11 |
Enumerations |
Enumerated Attributes |
*14 |
*22 |
*3 |
Enumerated Elements |
*14 |
*22 |
*3 |
0-n Enumerated Elements |
*14*15 |
*22 |
*3 |
Documentation |
Documentation Generation |
*21 |
*21 |
*21 |
*21 |
Include comments from Schema |
complexContent |
extension |
restriction |
*7 |
? |
Different base model types |
? |
Schema |
Namespace |
Import |
? |
Include |
? |
groups |
Recursively defined elements |
substitutionGroups |
Invalid names for the language |
Elements and attributes with same name |
? |
Mixed elements |
*8 |
*8 |
*8 |
*8 |
87% |
62% |
75% |
55% |
97% |
87% |
86% |
61% |
- No validation is done on the order that the elements are in.
- Treated as strings.
- Only applies on strings.
- A choice with 0 or many elements is falsely accepted.
- No validation is done to ensure mandatory fields are populated.
- Ignores elements that are valid substitution elements.
- Allows child elements that have been restricted.
- Can't handle mixed content (like HTML <H1>text<B>more text</B>Some More Text</H1> 'text' & 'Some More Text' get misrepresented; typically concatenated).
- Supported on some data types.
- Choices, and some uses of extension cause un typed objects to be returned.
- It is possible to produce invalid XML output.
- Elements are missing from the output.
- Strange bug whereby it invented 2 unsigned Byte elements with arbitrary values where only 1 is declared in the XML.
- Enumerations that are not based on strings, are named badly (value0, value1, value2 etc.)
- No validation is done when setting values.
- No validation is done when reading XML.
- No support for optional groups (i.e., an optional sequence or choice).
- All data types are supported but the validation rules are not applied to all of the types.
- Many primitive types are not supported, resulting in code that does not compile (ENTITY, ENTITIES, name, token, UnsignedLong, UnsignedInt, UnsignedShort, UnsignedByte).
- Using facets on some data types (i.e., gDay) causes the output code to be invalid (i.e., not compile).
- Creates JavaDoc comments.
- Enumerated types are supported but treated as primitives (no validation is performed).
- Collections are not strongly typed.
Castor (0.9.5)
Castor is one of the first tools of its type. It provides XML and DB data binding for the Java framework. Before we start, I should point out that I have only investigated the XML Data Binding functionality.
Castor is capable of accepting XSD files, and generates the source code for a Java library that allows serialization to and from XML. The generated code relies on Xerces as its XML parser. The code generated is split; one class is generated to hold information contained in an XML element, a second class is generated that handles the marshaling to and from XML. This split has the advantage of keeping the memory footprint small, but does cause a large number of classes to be generated!
Castor is attractive to developers as it is Open Source, and seems pretty well thought out. It is, however, far from complete, there are a number of classes and areas of functionality missing. Because of this, it copes well with simple schemas, but is unable to cope with the complexities of many of the real world standards.
Limitations include:
- No support for extending elements (extension and restriction)
- No support for substitution groups
- No support for namespaces
- Patchy support for primitive data types (name, token, ENTITY etc. are not supported)
- Patchy support for facets.
In summary; Castor is a good choice when working with simple schemas, it has a strong following and is still being improved. It is, however, still a work in progress sporting an awkward command line interface. Eventually, it may be smart choice, but at the moment it is still maturing. Useful on small schemas that you have direct control over. Try using this with an externally controlled schema, and you are asking for trouble in the long run when they add in features that Castor just can't deal with.
JAXB is provided by Sun as part of their web development toolkit (I believe this makes it free, but I am uncertain of the exact terms of their license - check Sun's end user license). JAXB is something of a half hearted attempt, but is capable of generating Java code for very basic schemas, but give it any real work and it chokes.
Limitations include:
- No support for extending elements (extension and restriction)
- No support for external elements (any, anyType)
- No support for enumerated elements
- Collections are not strongly typed
- Does not work with Web Logic
In summary; If the product you select has to be free, use Castor, otherwise there is little reason to use JAXB.
Liquid Technologies - XML Data Binding Wizard (3.1)
The Liquid Technologies solution is one of the most complete products available, with almost complete support for XSD, XDR and DTD schemas. It also has the advantage of generating code for a number of platforms and languages - C#, Java, VB6, C++ (for Win32, Linux, HP and Solaris). It also produces a full set of documentation (CHM and HTML) for the generated class library, making development simpler.
This product is ideal for dealing with both industry standards and hand made schemas. It is the only system currently available that is reliable enough to use on an evolving industry standard, as it is the only generator on the market that supports so much of the XSD standard.
Limitations include:
- No validation on restrictions
- No validation on unions
In summary; This is the most complete system on the market (at the time of writing), making it ideal for user defined and industry standard schemas. The code generated is clean and easy to use, and the generated documentation is a bonus. This is, however, a commercial product, and as such needs paying for (�495); that said, it should pay for itself within the week!
Xsd.exe (1.0.3705.0.)
Microsoft has taken a very minimal approach to there generator, the classes (C# or VB.NET) that are generated just contain public member variables that map to the XSD's attributes and elements, no accessors, no methods, nothing. The XML serialization is carried out by external libraries that come with the .NET framework. These classes use the attribute data (the stuff in square brackets) that is declared within each of the generated classes.
The generated classes allow many features of the XSD standard to be supported, however, they provide practically no validation. They are quite happy to read in almost any XML, and will try to fit it into the generated objects. This is a significant limitation, but it can be mitigated by first reading the data into a validating XML DOM (validating against the schema), before loading it into the generated object model; this, of course, costs CPU cycles. Furthermore, it is all too easy to populate objects that are themselves not valid against the schema; again, this can be addressed by validating the output XML against the schema using a validating DOM parser.
Other significant short falls in this generator include:
- A lack of support for namespaces
- Substitution groups
- A lack of support for nested groups (sequences containing choices etc.).
- Optional items with default values can't be excluded from the output XML.
- All classes are generated into the same file, larger XSDs can become a little unmanageable.
- Choices are represented as an un typed item, which can be cast to the appropriate type. When the type is ambiguous, a property
is created, the name of this enumeration is ItemsChoiceTypeX
making it difficult to pick the correct one for an element.
In summary, the Microsoft offering is an elegant solution to the problem, the decision to avoid validation should make its code generation robust. However, it is still unable to cope with a large number of XSD features that occur in many real world schemas. This makes it unfit for use on large complex schemas, especially if you don't have the ability to change the schema yourself. It is however, free and simple to use, making ideal for small projects in which you get to describe your own schemas.
In Detail
As you have already seen, using the code generated from a data binding tool can greatly reduce the amount and complexity of the code you have to write when dealing with XML. If you have a complex schema and are not XSD experts, the benefits are clear. In this next section, we will look at the code produced for a number of XSD constructs. We have chosen C# as the language as it is simpler to read; however, the output for Java, C++ and VB6 all take the same form, and the code required to use the generated code is almost identical (once the syntax of the languages is taken into account).
Elements Examined
A sequence describes an element, and defines that all child elements must appear (if mandatory) and they must appear in the correct order.
Sample XSD
="1.0" ="UTF-8"
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
<xs:element name="ParentSeq">
<xs:element name="FirstChild" type="Xs:string" />
<Xs:element name="SecondChild" type="Xs:string" />
<Xs:element name="ThirdChild" type="Xs:string" />

SequenceLib.ParentSeq elm = new SequenceLib.ParentSeq();
elm.ThirdChild = "Some Data 3";
elm.FirstChild = "Some Data 1";
elm.SecondChild = "Some Data 2";
XML Created
<ParentSeq xmlns:Xs="">
<FirstChild>Some Data 1</FirstChild>
<SecondChild>Some Data 2</SecondChild>
<ThirdChild>Some Data 3</ThirdChild>
It does not matter the order in which the child elements are set, they will appear in the output XML correctly. If the child elements are not in the correct order when an XML file is read in, then an exception is raised. The element all works in the same way as sequence, the elements are written out in the order they where defined, but when they are read in, they can be in any order.
A choice describes an element, and defines that only one of the child elements can appear.
Sample XSD
="1.0" ="UTF-8"
<Xs:schema xmlns:Xs=""
<Xs:element name="ParentSeq">
<Xs:element name="FirstChild" type="Xs:string" />
<Xs:element name="SecondChild" type="Xs:string" />
<Xs:element name="ThirdChild" type="Xs:string" />

Code - reading from a file
choiceLib.ParentChoice elm = new choiceLib.ParentChoice();
if (elm.ChoiceSelectedElement == "SecondChild")
Trace.Write("The second child element" +
" was present and has the value " + elm.SecondChild);
Debug.Assert(elm.IsValidFirstChild == false);
Debug.Assert(elm.IsValidSecondChild == true);
Debug.Assert(elm.IsValidThirdChild == false);
If more than one child element is selected in the XML, then the FromXmlFile
will raise an exception..
Primitive and Complex Types
We've now covered how the basic constructs (all/sequence/choice) are represented. However, all the child items used have been of type string. This section will explore other types, and show how other more complex child elements can be manipulated.
Sample XSD
="1.0" ="UTF-8"
<Xs:schema xmlns:Xs=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
<Xs:element name="RootElm">
<Xs:element name="StringType" type="Xs:string" />
<Xs:element name="intType" type="Xs:int" />
<Xs:element name="ComplexType">
<Xs:element name="DateType" type="Xs:dateTime" />
<Xs:element name="Base64Type" type="Xs:base64Binary" />

Classes Created
public class RootElm : LiquidTechnologies.LtXmlLib3.XmlObjectBase
public String StringType { get... set...}
public Int32 IntType { get... set...}
public TypesLib.ComplexType ComplexType { get... set...}
public class ComplexType : LiquidTechnologies.LtXmlLib3.XmlObjectBase
public LiquidTechnologies.LtXmlLib3.XmlDateTime DateType
{ get... set...}
public LiquidTechnologies.LtXmlLib3.BinaryData Base64Type
{ get... set...}
Code creating an XML document
TypesLib.RootElm elm = new TypesLib.RootElm();
elm.StringType = "Test String value";
elm.IntType = 5;
elm.ComplexType.DateType.SetDateTime(2004, 4, 26, 10, 41, 35);
elm.ComplexType.Base64Type.SetData("075BCD15", BinaryData.Encoding.Hex);
XML Produced
<RootElm xmlns:Xs="">
<StringType>Test String value</StringType>
If the ComplexType
held within the RootElm
was optional, then you would have to create and assign an object to elm.ComplexType
before using it (see next item).
In this sample, the sequence contains a number of child elements. The child elements all have different cardinalities (changed by setting the minOccurs
and maxOccurs
attributes, the default for both is 1). The generator deals with these flags in 3 different ways:
- Mandatory - minOccurs=1 and maxOccurs=1
If the child element is a primitive (string, short time etc,), then a get
and set
accessor is provided. The value held must always contain a valid (non null) value. If the child element is another complex element (i.e., represented as new class in the generated code), then a get accessor is provided. This will always return a valid object.
- Optional - minOccurs=0 and maxOccurs=1
If the child element is a primitive (string, short time etc,), then a get and set and IsValid
accessor is provided. While IsValid
is true
, the value held must always contain a valid (non null) value. If IsValid
is set to false
then the get
accessor will fail if called, and no child element is created in the XML. If the child element is another complex element (i.e., represented as new class in the generated code), then get
and set
accessors are provided. This will initially be null
. If the child element is required in the XML, then a new child object must be created (new XXX()
), and assigned to the property, it can be removed by setting the value to null
- Collection - minOccurs=n and maxOccurs= >1
If the child element is a primitive (string, short time etc.) then a get
accessor is provided. The object returned from the get
operator is a collection of primitive types; if the collection is empty, then no items appear in the XML.
If the child element is another complex element (i.e., represented as new class in the generated code), then a get
accessor is provided. This returns an object that represents a collection of the complex elements.
Sample XSD
="1.0" ="UTF-8"
<Xs:schema xmlns:Xs=""
<Xs:element name="Cardinality">
<Xs:element name="MandatoryChild" type="Xs:string" />
<Xs:element name="OptionalChild"
type="Xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
<Xs:element name="CollectionChild" type="Xs:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
</Xs: sequence >

CardinalityLib.Cardinality elm = new CardinalityLib.Cardinality();
elm.MandatoryChild = "Some value";
elm.OptionalChild = "Some other data";
elm.IsValidOptionalChild = false;
elm.CollectionChild.Add("First item in collection");
elm.CollectionChild.Add("Second item in collection");
Trace.Write("Mandatory element contains value - " +
if (elm.IsValidOptionalChild == true)
Trace.Write("Optional element present. Value - " +
Trace.Write("The optional element is not present");
Trace.Write("Child elements in the Collection element");
foreach(string val in elm.CollectionChild)
Trace.Write(" value - " + val);
XML Created
<Cardinality xmlns:Xs="">
<MandatoryChild>Some value</MandatoryChild>
<CollectionChild>First item in collection</CollectionChild>
<CollectionChild>Second item in collection</CollectionChild>
We use the IsValidOptionalChild
property to determine if the OptionalChild
element was present in the XML.
A base complex type can be extended, the concept is similar to that of inheritance in C#, C++, Java, etc. In this sample, we define a base complex type .BaseComplexType.
, and derive from it two other complex types .DerivedComplexType1.
and .DerivedComplexType2.
. Finally, we define an element .UsingElement.
that contains an element of type .BaseComplexType.
. In this element, wherever we see .BaseComplexType.
, we can use either .DerivedComplexType1.
or .DerivedComplexType2.
Sample XSD
<Xs:schema xmlns:Xs=""
<Xs:complexType name="BaseComplexType">
<Xs:element name="ChildOfBaseType" type="Xs:string" />
<Xs:complexType name="DerivedComplexType1">
<Xs:extension base="BaseComplexType">
<Xs:element name="ChildOfDerivedType1" type="Xs:string" />
<Xs:complexType name="DerivedComplexType2">
<Xs:extension base="BaseComplexType">
<Xs:element name="ChildOfDerivedType2" type="Xs:string" />
<Xs:element name="UsingElement">
<Xs complexType >
<Xs:element name="BaseType" type="BaseComplexType"/>
</Xs complexType >

ExtensionLib.UsingElement elm = new ExtensionLib.UsingElement();
ExtensionLib.DerivedComplexType2 elmDerv2 =
new ExtensionLib.DerivedComplexType2();
elmDerv2.ChildOfBaseType = "Data field From Base";
elmDerv2.ChildOfDerivedType2 = "Data field From Derived Class";
elm.BaseType = elmDerv2;
Trace.WriteLine("Data from the Base class - "
+ elm.BaseType.ChildOfBaseType);
if (elm.BaseType.GetType().Name == "DerivedComplexType2")
ExtensionLib.DerivedComplexType2 elmDerv =
Trace.WriteLine("Data in DerivedComplexType2." +
"ChildOfDerivedType2 class - " +
XML Created
<UsingElement xmlns:Xs="">
<BaseType Xs:type="DerivedComplexType2">
<ChildOfBaseType>Data field From Base</ChildOfBaseType>
<ChildOfDerivedType2>Data field From Derived Class</ChildOfDerivedType2>