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Windows Mobile 2003


Great Reads

by Eric J. Smith, Shannon Davidson
Easily detach entities when using LINQ to SQL
by EFEaglehouse
Windows CE/Mobile printing client for LPR, LPRng, and Socket API.
by emranallan
Add your local inside windows local to be supported for unicode
by emranallan
Lock Device Screen ,to prevent an one working on the device

Latest Articles

by NightWizzard
Handling for hex expressions and the trailing '}'
by Misha1964
Learn how to validate complex web forms using business rules engine
by Norbert Eder
The article includes a sample project showing how to save the nodes of a TreeView into an XML file.
by emranallan
Server Application to remote your mobile device through wireless/wire connection not based on RAPI

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Windows Mobile 2003 

12 Jul 2009 by Eric J. Smith, Shannon Davidson
Easily detach entities when using LINQ to SQL
15 Dec 2010 by EFEaglehouse
Windows CE/Mobile printing client for LPR, LPRng, and Socket API.
6 May 2012 by emranallan
Add your local inside windows local to be supported for unicode
18 May 2012 by emranallan
Server Application to remote your mobile device through wireless/wire connection not based on RAPI
21 Sep 2009 by Apriorit Inc, Oleksandr Dodatko
This article describes the process of initial configuration and basic work with Palm Web OS on the lower level than it's described in Palm SDK docs.
14 Oct 2008 by Jaime Olivares
A useful control that mimics most of the PropertyGrid functionality in the .NET Compact Framework.
30 Dec 2007 by Snews
A control that mimics the look-n-feel of iTunes and the iPod manager.
31 Jul 2009 by Dmitry Klionsky
Bluetooth for Microsoft Device Emulator enables Bluetooth communication from and to the emulator.
29 Feb 2004 by Peter Tewkesbury
Allows the reading of CHM files on a Pocket PC2003.
30 May 2009 by Frank Th. van de Ven
Terminate a process, or check if it is running, using the full file path. It also enumerates processes returning the full path to the running EXE file.
10 Sep 2009 by gbd77rc
How to use asynchronous calls to SQL to receive progress information
2 Feb 2009 by Babak Ansari
Work with the PtxRfidNet.dll SDKs to read/write RFID tags and Farsi language in hand-helds.
18 Aug 2004 by Sprotty
An introduction to XML Data Binding, and a review of a number of leading products.
28 Sep 2008 by AndrewSmith
A plunge into creating a fast, full text index, with advanced searching capabilites.
10 Mar 2005 by Jim Wiese (aka Spunk)
Execute an assembly on a remote machine without any special hooks - works on existing assemblies!
18 Jun 2008 by Romain TAILLANDIER
This article shows how to use XmlSerializer to serialize types that usually cannot be XML Serialized
22 May 2007 by leonardosalvatore
A simple GPS tracer developed for Windows Mobile 2005 on Compact Framework 2.0 SDK
16 Dec 2008 by Simon Hart
Ever wanted to create a standard look and feel property header type control as seen in many Microsoft applications on Windows Mobile? Well, here is the code to do it.
18 Aug 2007 by Joel Ivory Johnson
An article on using the Microsoft Live Search API to make a location aware phone book
21 Aug 2005 by Arik Poznanski
This article will develop a Sudoku game based on a web service, while presenting useful development techniques of Smart Client applications.
30 Jul 2007 by dzolee
A Wifi scanner with custom slider, tab control, buttons and checkboxes
13 Jul 2005 by Uri Guy
This article describes the code of a RichTextBox that knows how to highlight parts of the text and provide auto-completion.
14 Jun 2009 by Artem S. Dmitriev
This article will show you how to create a proxy client to the WCF web service from PDA device.
14 Dec 2005 by David Nissimoff
Covers the basics needed to get a Pocket PC and a Garmin GPS talk in their own language and to graphically display the calculated data.
12 Mar 2007 by Vitaly Zayko
Explains how to get the latest currency exchange rates from the Internet.
6 Sep 2006 by RajeshNayak
A way to capture signature or scribble on the Pocket PC.
6 Mar 2005 by Stefan Repas
Learn how to write a useful smart currency converter tool with Visual Studio .NET 2003 for the Pocket PC 2002/2003, which works both in offline and online modes.
30 Aug 2005 by Channa Jayasinghe
How to remove the annoying “Backup Battery Very Low” (bogus) critical notification programmatically.
1 Feb 2004 by MBuehrer
A sample application that pulls files from an OBEX server.
12 Jul 2009 by christ_A
How to make your customized UI using transparent components?
3 Sep 2005 by João Paulo Figueira
An easier way to accept numeric input on the Pocket PC.
24 Sep 2008 by Naynesh Shah
This article explains how we can bypass the Connection Planner and establish a connection using the Connection Manager APIs on Windows Mobile devices.
18 Apr 2007 by Liam Cavanagh
The purpose of this article is to show how to add data replication to a mobile application through the use of .NET (C#).
9 Oct 2009 by DotNetIdeas
This article explains how to create transparent controls in .NET Compact Framework
28 Sep 2006 by Alain Rist
Plug-in CodeProject's CStdString as WTL::CString and get the WTL CString support with a Standard C++ Library implementation.
7 Dec 2008 by Ravenet
Send messages, commands, tasks etc., to all employees from a central administration point.
6 Feb 2005 by João Paulo Figueira
Exploring SQL CE 2.0 schema information with the ATL OLE DB Consumer Templates.
14 Mar 2005 by CT CHANG
Enable full screen mode in .NET compact framework applications.
20 Aug 2007 by João Paulo Figueira
Unzipping files over an ActiveSync connection.
4 Jul 2007 by Liam Cavanagh
The following article explains how to launch an executable from within your application on Windows Mobile using C#.
11 May 2012 by emranallan
WINDOWS CE API HOOKING and Replace Function inside GWES.exe on all models since pocket PC 2003 until Windows mobile 6.5
2 Jun 2004 by umuhk
Presenting the Resort Companion, a data-navigation application for vacation resorts
9 Jun 2009 by saurabhmsoni
A comprehensive guide to development of .NET 2.0 Smart Clients with SQL Server CE Database
6 Jul 2007 by nguyenthanhtungtinbk
This article shows you the advantage of PNG images with alpha-blending feature in creating animation and demonstates how to use PNG images in Framework.NET application by calling API
12 Nov 2005 by JacobEgholm
This article is about making a package containing a Pocket PC application and a SQL Server CE. The package will be of type MSI. When you click it, it will first install SQL Server CE 2.0 and then it will install the Pocket PC application.
17 Jul 2007 by Daniel Cohen Gindi
This article shows how to encode/decode URLs to the UTF8 format (with %20 and so) if you have to have web support in your application.
5 Jun 2008 by João Paulo Figueira
How to animate child view transitions on a Windows Mobile WTL application.
22 Aug 2004 by fftz
The CMDIBase template provides multiple view UI support for WinCE WTL-based projects.
26 Dec 2007 by Zeeshan Haneef
An article on drawing graphics on a hand-held device touch screen.
5 Jul 2008 by Ravenet
A gradient button for Windows Mobile and the .NET Compact Framework.
1 Nov 2007 by Tamir Khason
Open source class to handle WAP Binary XML in C# and CF C#
17 Jun 2004 by Remon Zakaria
Very fast Split function that has the ability to treat a multi-character separator as a single separator or the regular multi separator characters.
17 Nov 2007 by Mehran Ghanizadeh
This lite calculator, written in VB.NET, not only can be useful for installing on your smartphone as a real powerful scientific calculator, but also, can be used for learning some good ideas which I've learnt while developing it.
5 Oct 2008 by The DevMan
A series for simplifying the learning of software architecture
18 Feb 2007 by AhmedEssamNaiem
Using Vector and double linked list to create trees
12 Feb 2006 by Mick Doherty
Controlling hardware buttons, the easy way...