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SQL Server


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by Wonde Tadesse
This tip/trick helps to set a default value for blob data type such as Image, VarBinary.
by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Mapping properties in EF model to database columns that contain JSON
by Steve Krile
Fully AJAX-enabled user control used to select names from a database in a drop-down format.
by Mubin M. Shaikh
Create time dimension with 24 hour plus values and time buckets in your data warehouse

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by Vivek Johari
In SQL Server, Change Data Capture (CDC) is a powerful feature that tracks changes (inserts, updates, and deletes) made to. The post Understanding CDC in SQL Server appeared first on Technology with Vivek Johari..
by Homero Ibarra Ramírez
Tool on T-SQL to code basic generator for SQL Server
by Bert O Neill
In this article, I provide a detailed overview of using IDistributed Cache to improve the performance of your EF Core queries, against On-Premise caching systems like Redis, NCache, SqlCache, MySqlCache, MongoDBCache and API Output caching.
by Federico Di Marco
Query Excel or CSV files with T-SQL without importing them in a table first

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SQL Server 

18 Jan 2017 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Mapping properties in EF model to database columns that contain JSON
24 Aug 2009 by Steve Krile
Fully AJAX-enabled user control used to select names from a database in a drop-down format.
22 Oct 2017 by thangchung
Learn to organize clean architecture to modular patterns
27 Nov 2009 by Max Paulousky
This article presents the techniques and caveats of building Silverlight applications that can be notified about database state changes via polling duplex. WSHttp binding and CLR triggers are used to implement the solution as well.
19 Nov 2022 by KristianEkman
An online Angular, .NET 7 Web API, SQL Server on Azure backgammon game
3 Sep 2008 by Ahmed Negm
This article introduces how to create and manage .NET enterprise applications using your favorite technology (Data Access Application Block, LINQ, NHibernate, ASMX, and WCF) with the Model Driven Development approach by Sculpture.
16 May 2013 by dale.newman
5 Nov 2002 by Alexey
The alxBase classes for work with dbf files.
14 Aug 2013 by Harmen Brouwer
How to create and deploy a SSRS rendering extension, explained by a functional Zip Rendering extension for SSRS 2005, 2008 (R2) and 2012.
6 Sep 2007 by aleksisa
Build a process to import Leads records from Excel into MS CRM via email.
9 Oct 2018 by Akhil Mittal
Entity framework core, code first migrations and data annotations in EF Core
10 Jan 2019 by Andi Kleinbichler
Illustrates the implementation of a .NET Core app, running in a Linux container, connecting to a SQL Server database with integrated security.
1 May 2018 by Shashangka Shekhar
In this post, we will get an overview and generate a basic level code using our database table column that will help in development.
25 Oct 2008 by Abhijit Jana
Overview of Log Shipping in SQL Server 2005
11 Oct 2011 by Enrique Albert
Baseline WCF Distribution Layer - Decoupling of WCF Services and ViewModels.
13 Mar 2021 by Sergii Syrovatchenko
How to omit many restrictions on SQL Server Express Edition
17 Aug 2009 by vic_ch2000
A nullable datetime column in .NET DataGrid with DateTimePicker.
5 Nov 2018 by Jovan Popovic(MSFT)
Create powerful REST API with just few lines of C# code using MsSql.RestApi package
23 Apr 2012 by Kuthuparakkal
17 Apr 2012 by Nadege Rouelle
Shows how to configure Entity Framework Code First with Data Annotations and Code Fluent.
27 Jun 2012 by freedeveloper
A small control to control paging in Windows Presentation Foundation.
7 Sep 2012 by Shivprasad koirala
This article will discuss about SQL Server governer.
22 Feb 2013 by Scott Burkow
An exercise in algorithm analysis and design.
17 Jul 2017 by Vadim Loboda
Combine Id-ParentId and HierarchyId approaches to keep and fetch the data in hierarchical and alphabetical order
15 Sep 2008 by Oleg Vorkunov
Set of SQL CLR Stored Procedures to execute T-SQL asynchronously without using a Service Broker.
31 Mar 2006 by Dan Radu
The DACBuilder application provides auto-generation features from multiple database systems in multiple programming languages.
21 Dec 2007 by Bruno Sonnino
This article will show how to use data binding and styles to show data coming from a Microsoft SQL database using the new object-relational model introduced in Visual Studio 2008, LINQ to SQL, allowing grouping, sorting and filtering of data with almost no code.
7 Sep 2009 by Tamer Oz
PocketPcAgent is an application that can be installed on Windows Mobile devices that are running Windows Mobile 5.0 or higher. The application listens to events such as SMS Received, Call Missed, E-Mail Received, Battery Strength Changed, and much more on the Pocket PC.
25 Nov 2016 by kannankeril
This article is an attempt at splitting out the controller layer to reduce its complexity and improve quality and maintainability of the resulting code.
11 Jul 2023 by Igor Krupitsky
This application lets you copy tables from folder with CSV files to SQL Server
17 Jun 2009 by Sacha Barber
SQL Server CLR functions
3 Feb 2013 by S. M. Ahasan Habib
Database script execution with testing
12 May 2017 by DaveDavidson
In this article, I show LINQ to Entities syntax that will produce queries with CROSS APPLY and LEFT OUTER JOIN clauses.
27 Feb 2018 by #realJSOP
Create and run jobs kinda like SQL Server Enterprise - Users Guide
4 Nov 2016 by Wendelius
Few CLR procedure concepts to write into a file from SQL Server database
14 Mar 2000 by Tom Archer
A class to dynamically read data from any ODBC data source
9 Oct 2009 by Ferreri Gabriele (Megasoft78)
Automatic script SQL Server 2005 objects and commit under Subversion
25 Oct 2012 by Enrique Albert
WPF Validation using the IDataErrorInfo interface combined with Validation attributes
26 Jul 2017 by Ed Wiebe
Can't we obtain the benefit of using bitwise operators for SQL many-to-many relationships AND maintain referential integrity?
13 Sep 2012 by Wendelius
This is an alternative for "SQL Server: Query to find upcoming birthdays for the current week"
12 Mar 2003 by Alexander Wiseman
A class to wrap the use of CDatabase and CRecordset into one object to communicate with databases
9 Mar 2005 by Sven Cipido
How to add a "select all" option to your parameter lists in SQL Reporting.
27 Jul 2009 by Paul Rony
Programmer's Guide to Starting a Software Company and Building an Enterprise Application
2 Aug 2009 by Abhishek Sur
Gives an introduction of how to create SQL CLR managed objects in SQL server.
27 Apr 2011 by Niladri_Biswas
This article will discuss about Copy Column, Derived Column, Character Map and Conditional Split Transformation in SSIS with a palindrome example.
21 Feb 2012 by Daniel Miller
This article describes the steps to re-configure SQL Server so that queries return accent-insensitive results. It includes source code (using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Shared Management Objects) to automate some of the steps in this procedure.
4 Nov 2015 by Fred Song (Melbourne)
Using replication, you can distribute data to different locations and to remote or mobile users over local and wide area networks, dial-up connections, wireless connections, and the Internet.
4 May 2004 by Daniel Aioanei, Adi Malinaru, Andrei Postolache
An article on how to persist permutations of items in relational databases.
19 Dec 2007 by Bryan Sachdeva
This article describes how to create a wrapper class for the native Phone API, and then uses it to retrieve and store the call history.
6 Dec 2016 by _Asif_
This article helps in identifying database design issues like certain fields missing, nullable fields, Primary key not found issues in production environment using SQL Server schema views.
23 Mar 2019 by Minh Tuan Do
A considerable method to speed up query running time
4 Nov 2021 by #realJSOP
A tool to generate model and viewmodel classes directly from your selected database
25 Jul 2021 by Sergii Syrovatchenko
Here's everything you need to know about high-performance JSON parsing for SQL Server
28 Jul 2000 by Len Holgate
The ATL OLE DB Provider templates appear to rely on the fact that your data is kept in a simple array, but that's not really the case at all!
9 Jan 2010 by Niladri_Biswas
How to generate an Armstrong number between 0 and 999.
8 Nov 2016 by mblataric
Instructions on how to migrate existing XAF security system to new permission policy.
7 May 2017 by Michael Lockwood
How to call a web service using SSIS, store XML results and then query XML using XQuery
8 Apr 2013 by Shining Dragon
How to effectivley version your SQL Server databases using SQL Server Data Tools
20 Jun 2013 by Levente Kupás
If you have big reports which run slowly, you may use this T-SQL based engine to speed-up them.
29 Aug 2018 by Micah Nikkel
SQL script that dynamically generates the DR scripts for failing over/back all Log Shipped databases. While it makes even a single database failover/failback a more streamlined process, it's most helpful for servers with multiple databases, such as SharePoint, consolidated SQL Servers, etc.
31 May 2015 by Milan Matějka
Compare likenesses and differences between Temporary Tables and Temporary Variables
8 Jun 2015 by Dirk_Strauss
LEADTOOLS Recognition Imaging SDK - I had the pleasure of taking the SDK for a spin, and let me tell you it was well worth it.
27 May 2016 by Aless Alessio
Reat time Spreadsheet, updating and retrieving data through a Web Service. Using SQL Server DB.If two or more users are working on the same spreadsheet, they can see what the other users are doing. Mouse pointing is highlighted by filling the cell with diagonal stripes, while data saved is highlight
13 Mar 2017 by defwebserver
You can create database driven .Net Core applications using JavaScriptServices, and PrimeNG.
19 Sep 2017 by Igor Krupitsky
Application lets you copy tables from Paradox to SQL Server
20 Nov 2019 by Igor Krupitsky
Application lets you copy tables from folder with DBF files to SQL Server
26 Oct 2000 by Massimo Colurcio
Explore the structure of tables (and views)
30 Jul 2009 by Giovanni Bejarasco
21 Dec 2012 by mparvez
If you wanted to check the status of all your database backup then this script will do the task.
19 Sep 2013 by G3Coder
Details using an ORM model to provide a common facade to multiple disparate databases.
10 Feb 2016 by Jesus Carroll
SQL Server 2016 introduces support for system-versioned temporal tables as a database feature that brings built-in support for providing information about data stored in the table at any point in time rather than only the data that is correct at the current moment in time.
18 Apr 2016 by Ankita Biswas Bhattacharya
Here, I will explain how you can work with SQL views in lightswitch and how you can save data on screens which are created on Views.
10 Feb 2018 by Changming Wang
A complete event calendar, using trucking/shipping as an example, built with Visual Studio Community 2015, C# MVC and jQuery.Fullcalendar
30 Dec 2019 by Dathuraj Pasarge
Database mirroring setup without any DBA effort - on every new database creation
14 Mar 2000 by Tom Archer
A class for Printing and Viewing MS Access Reports
3 Jul 2002 by roboo
An OLE-DB DLL that you can use in ANSI-C
16 Oct 2007 by Adam Page
Setting up an SMS gateway to conduct an SMS survey and storing the survey results in an MS Access database, from which you can generate/print out reports.
28 Aug 2012 by akhil khare
Find multiple strings (delimenated by space) in all selected columns.
17 Dec 2012 by AshishChaudha
There are many scenarios in which the data can be bound in a Gridview, in which various operation other than provided by default by gridview needs to be implemented. In this article we will try to bind such operations with some more features.
5 Feb 2013 by Gokulnath007
To get instant control over Outlook and various operations of outlook.
24 Jun 2013 by Scott Burkow
We build the physical design from the logical design.
31 Jul 2013 by apmyhr
Job Match helps job seekers find employment with the right company
6 Nov 2013 by Sichen D
How to build system availability timeline in SSRS
24 Jun 2015 by Khaled Abdelhamid
Drawing on a web page on the fly using GDI+ and Flood-Fill Technique
21 Feb 2016 by Abdullah Al-Muzahid
This is a RAD tool which can be used to generate codes for CRUD operation in ASP.NET and C# automatically based on Database Model Diagram.
4 Oct 2016 by Martin Lachman
How to create a system on MS SQL Server for detection of actual changed records in a database table.
18 Oct 2016 by Wendelius
Discussion and a few approaches to restrict logging into SQL Server using a logon trigger or into a database by using a specific procedure
30 Sep 2017 by #realJSOP
Create and run jobs kinda like SQL Server Enterprise - Interesting Coding
17 Nov 2018 by Terence Wallace
A brief article on how to utilize NBA Stats API in a WinForm application
19 Nov 2018 by Vivek Johari
Migrating SQL Database to Azure SQL Database using SSMS Export/Import Contents
26 Dec 2018 by Wendelius
This article shows a custom SQL Server function to split a string delimited by a character or a set of characters. The function also contains a few handy enhancements.
9 Mar 2021 by #realJSOP
This library is intended for use in a multi-environment system, but it certainly be used under less stringent environmental confines, even down to a single desktop machine taht needs to connect to a single database server.
21 Nov 2023 by Federico Di Marco
spSearchTables: a helper T-SQL stored procedure for digging into (large) databases