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by Shenwei Liu
Creating PDF reports for grouped or non-grouped data lists in C# with many custom options and configurations (providing source code with .NET Framework 4.6.1 and .NET Core 3.1)
by Erion Pici
Generating automatized PDF reports based on Docx templates and Business-Logic XML-serialized data
by JFMDev
Presenting TuringFonts, a way to make uncrawable and uncopiable texts
by Martin-Hallonqvist
This article describes how I wrote a small Windows service for handling the task of sorting and renaming scanned (and run throgh OCR) documents depending on contents.

Latest Articles

by Shenwei Liu
Creating PDF reports for grouped or non-grouped data lists in C# with many custom options and configurations (providing source code with .NET Framework 4.6.1 and .NET Core 3.1)
by Erion Pici
Generating automatized PDF reports based on Docx templates and Business-Logic XML-serialized data
by JFMDev
Presenting TuringFonts, a way to make uncrawable and uncopiable texts
by Martin-Hallonqvist
This article describes how I wrote a small Windows service for handling the task of sorting and renaming scanned (and run throgh OCR) documents depending on contents.

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by Shenwei Liu
Creating PDF reports for grouped or non-grouped data lists in C# with many custom options and configurations (providing source code with .NET Framework 4.6.1 and .NET Core 3.1)
by Martin-Hallonqvist
This article describes how I wrote a small Windows service for handling the task of sorting and renaming scanned (and run throgh OCR) documents depending on contents.
by Igor Krupitsky
This Windows application lets you scan image in a given folder and generate CSV file to show barcodes for each image file.
by Frank Rem
This article explains the basics of PDF graphics and how graphics can be edited if you really have to.
by Modesty Zhang
Rendering PDF binary stream for interactive forms by extending PDF.JS in HTML5
by Sergiy Stoyan
A .NET toolset for building PDF parsers
by wmjordan
MuPDF is an open-sourced, high performance PDF rendering and editing engine written in C. This article describes how to compile its source code to a DLL for use in other programming languages.
by Accusoft, Joseph Argento
This whitepaper describes a proven method for conveniently compressing PDF documents to reduce their storage footprint and accelerate their transmission and display speed.
by Frank Rem
This article explains how to create PDF documents from any XML format.
by Debopam Pal
Create/Read/Write Advance PDF Report using iTextSharp.DLL in Desktop, Mobile, Web Application
by Martin-Hallonqvist
A small project for creating a service which downloads web articles saved to Pocket for later reading as PDFs.
by Marco Merola
Creating PDF documents from XML
by Datalogics Inc.
In this article, you will learn how APDFL works with .NET Core, along with instructions for how to deploy your applications using APDFL on .NET Core.
by Jeremy Likness
The days of installing and managing extensions and plugins are fading quickly as HTML5 continues to evolve to support important business scenarios. Fortunately, tools like DocuVieware exist to provide a zero footprint, plugin-free experience across all devices and browsers.
by Yoisel Melis Santana
PDF forms or AcroForms allow users to interactively edit specific portions of a PDF document. A PDF form is composed by AcroForm fields that provide a name-value association. This paper will focus on how to provide client and server AcroForm editing capabilities to your Silverlight application.
by DonWim
This example shows you how to create a PDF report from a (set of) WPF page(s).
by satyaki mishra
In this article we will know how to export data to a WORD doc or PDF using Microsoft Report(RDLC) without using Report Viewer.
by LEADTOOLS Support
With the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer SDK, developers can leverage the print feature of any application to extend and enhance that application.
by Uzi Granot
Application to extract user data from fillable PDF document. It is based on PdfFileAnalyzer project (version 2.1)
by Richard Hewitson
An introduction to the capabilities of Scryber for creating dynamic PDF documents with data sources and style
by Syed Adnan Ahmed
Steps to install and configure PDF iFilter on SharePoint Server 2010 or Search Server Express 2010
by Karl_Hughes
In this tutorial, we build a Node web application that allows users to preview password-protected PDFs in their browser securely.
by Michael Simonov
The article discusses dynamic xHtml to xHtml XSL transformations for PDF output purposes.
by Accusoft
Read this whitepaper to learn how to add a self-running slideshow to any website or blog. Includes tips for customizing the user experience, and for installing plugins for WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal and other platforms to make self-running slideshows a snap.
by Accusoft
This whitepaper shows how to add a document viewer to a website, blog entry, email, or any other HTML design so you can show almost any kind of document to your visitors. Code samples show how to configure the viewer as a new tab/window, a frame in a layout, or even as a floating “lightbox.
by LEADTOOLS Support
In this article, we will walk through several of the core features included with the new LEADTOOLS Advanced PDF Plug-in
by Datalogics Inc.
Masked Images and Specifying Soft Masks
by LEADTOOLS Support
This white paper will explore how to take full advantage of PDF/A as your universal document storage format by using the state of the art technology with LEADTOOLS Document Imaging SDKs.
by Vahid_N
PdfReport is a code-first reporting engine which is built on top of the iTextSharp and EPPlus libraries.
by psined
Introduction to Boomerang Framework
by LEADTOOLS Support
iOS OCR and Barcode with LEADTOOLS 18.
by Vitaliy Shibaev
This article describes how to use Javascript code to create interactive PDF documents.
by Dirk_Strauss
LEADTOOLS Recognition Imaging SDK - I had the pleasure of taking the SDK for a spin, and let me tell you it was well worth it.
by Kevin Hulse
In this CodeProject lab we are going to build an UI control to display multiple pages in a single container.
by Vel Genov
In this article, we will discuss merging PDF documents at the enterprise level. We will cover the top advantages and the common pitfalls of merging PDF documents, and key tips on how to improve your merge process.
by Daniel Kailer
This article describes how the MoonPdfPanel works and how you can integrate it in your application
by LEADTOOLS Support
Multi-Platform OCR with LEADTOOLS 18.
by Michael Moroz
This articles describes how to open SVG files in C++ application, work with Bezier curves and export to PDF.
by Jeremy Likness
In this article I review the DocGenius™ Toolkit by ActivePDF, a powerful .NET library for manipulating PDF documents.
by Shenwei Liu
A sample web application and discussions on creating, displaying, and downloading PDF documents with Web API data sources (including ASP.NET Core), client Angular CLI or AngularJS Components, and resolutions for web browser compatibility to handle PDF documents.
by Uzi Granot
PDF File Analyzer is designed to read, parse, and display the internal structure of PDF files. Version 2.1 supports encrypted files.
by Uzi Granot
PDF File Writer is a C# .NET class library allowing applications to create PDF files. The code was developed for VS 2022 and .NET6. The latest update is a major upgrade.
by Petrov Vladimir
Simple solution for PDF performance from Image files of any kind
by Shahed Nasser
This tutorial will explain PDF manipulation, its importance, and its use cases.
by Igor Krupitsky
This Windows application lets you merge image and PDF files in a given folder into one PDF file.
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
PDF MERGER and PROTECTOR is the best pdf merger software which is fast and powerful way to join(Merge) PDF files with password protection as well as you can apply stamper with either any type of image or text. Using this utility you don’t required installation of Adobe Acrobat. Looks Exciting ???
by Yvan Rodrigues
Quickly count the number of pages in a collection of PDF documents
by Modesty Zhang
Porting PDF.js to Node.js with interactive forms elements
by FormerBIOSGuy
This article describes a set of batch, AWK, and PostScript files that together allow you to create personalized, 12-page PDF calendars for some year.
by Frank Rem
This article explains how to render PDF pages with Xamarin.Android.
by wmjordan
Converting PDF into bitmaps without installing extra components.
by Modesty Zhang
Running pdf2json module in RESTful Web Service, built with resitify and nodejs
by Piyush Patell
Scan the PDF file and recognize if it contains the Barcode or not
by Frank Rem
This article explains the basics of PDF forms. In particular it provides sample code for processing PDF form data in an ASP.NET MVC application.
by Alvin Ashcraft
Last June, I reviewed the Aspose.Email for .NET component and demonstrated how to work with email messages in PST files or via IMAP. Well, I am back again for a look at another Aspose package. This one is Aspose.Cells for .NET.
by Datalogics Inc.
Digital forms are everywhere, and they’re being used more than ever before. But they’re not always easy to build or work with, and sometimes they don’t function the way you want them to. We will demonstrate how Datalogics provides solutions to better digital forms.
by dtSearch Corp.
The article brings together the Microsoft Azure Cloud with dtSearch to enable secure hosting of terabytes of a broad spectrum of data types combined with instant dtSearch search access from nearly any computer or device.
by LEADTOOLS Support
Using LEADTOOLS OCR to Enhance Google Drive Search
by LEADTOOLS Support
In the white paper that follows, we will show how to read and write the PDF keywords metadata, update the file on Google Drive, interface with your local Google Drive database, and do all of this within a single right-click context menu in Windows Explorer.
by LEADTOOLS Support
This white paper will show how LEADTOOLS Print to PACS can be used as a final cog in your digital migration and aid in the completion of Meaningful Use requirements.