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AnswerRe: How to insert a tab into the label text? Pin
Heath Stewart21-Jan-04 4:45
protectorHeath Stewart21-Jan-04 4:45 
GeneralWeird Prob with input keys and toolbar Pin
cgcrute20-Jan-04 12:26
cgcrute20-Jan-04 12:26 
GeneralRe: Weird Prob with input keys and toolbar Pin
Heath Stewart21-Jan-04 4:37
protectorHeath Stewart21-Jan-04 4:37 
GeneralRe: Weird Prob with input keys and toolbar Pin
cgcrute21-Jan-04 4:50
cgcrute21-Jan-04 4:50 
Generalprinter Handshake Pin
Ankwa20-Jan-04 11:46
Ankwa20-Jan-04 11:46 
GeneralRe: printer Handshake Pin
Tom Larsen21-Jan-04 4:56
Tom Larsen21-Jan-04 4:56 
GeneralRe: printer Handshake Pin
Ankwa21-Jan-04 21:16
Ankwa21-Jan-04 21:16 
GeneralSecurity exception running from network Pin
cje20-Jan-04 11:19
cje20-Jan-04 11:19 
I have written my first .NET app (yes, I'm a .NET newbie) very simple app just testing out some of the form functionality. Everything works well on my machine but when I copy it to our network and execute it from there I get
a System.Security.SecurityException thrown (Additional Information: "Request Failed") when creating the main form, Form1.

I know this is probably something simple but would really appreciate the help. I haven't done anything related to security yet (at least not that I know of!) so I would have thought that security wasn't an issue

Help! I'm going nuts

thanks in advance

GeneralRe: Security exception running from network Pin
scadaguy20-Jan-04 11:34
scadaguy20-Jan-04 11:34 
GeneralRe: Security exception running from network Pin
cje20-Jan-04 11:42
cje20-Jan-04 11:42 
GeneralRe: Security exception running from network Pin
Heath Stewart20-Jan-04 14:58
protectorHeath Stewart20-Jan-04 14:58 
GeneralImage Rotation with GDI Pin
MrEyes20-Jan-04 9:29
MrEyes20-Jan-04 9:29 
GeneralRe: Image Rotation with GDI Pin
Mazdak20-Jan-04 9:45
Mazdak20-Jan-04 9:45 
GeneralRe: Image Rotation with GDI Pin
MrEyes21-Jan-04 6:07
MrEyes21-Jan-04 6:07 
GeneralXML Pin
Gary Kirkham20-Jan-04 8:16
Gary Kirkham20-Jan-04 8:16 
GeneralRe: XML Pin
Heath Stewart20-Jan-04 8:34
protectorHeath Stewart20-Jan-04 8:34 
GeneralRe: XML Pin
Gary Kirkham20-Jan-04 8:56
Gary Kirkham20-Jan-04 8:56 
GeneralPopUp Menu Pin
Inam20-Jan-04 7:33
Inam20-Jan-04 7:33 
GeneralRe: PopUp Menu Pin
Mazdak20-Jan-04 7:46
Mazdak20-Jan-04 7:46 
GeneralImportant !! Download and cookies Pin
bsargos20-Jan-04 7:20
bsargos20-Jan-04 7:20 
GeneralRe: Important !! Download and cookies Pin
Heath Stewart20-Jan-04 8:29
protectorHeath Stewart20-Jan-04 8:29 
GeneralRe: Important !! Download and cookies Pin
bsargos20-Jan-04 12:28
bsargos20-Jan-04 12:28 
GeneralOpenFileDialog initial directory Pin
Radoslav Bielik20-Jan-04 7:11
Radoslav Bielik20-Jan-04 7:11 
GeneralRe: OpenFileDialog initial directory Pin
Mazdak20-Jan-04 7:42
Mazdak20-Jan-04 7:42 
GeneralRe: OpenFileDialog initial directory Pin
Radoslav Bielik20-Jan-04 7:51
Radoslav Bielik20-Jan-04 7:51 

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