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GeneralRe: Toolbar button images disappear at runtime Pin
Anders Molin20-Jan-04 15:20
professionalAnders Molin20-Jan-04 15:20 
GeneralRe: Toolbar button images disappear at runtime Pin
Jason Liu20-Jan-04 15:51
Jason Liu20-Jan-04 15:51 
GeneralRe: Toolbar button images disappear at runtime Pin
Anders Molin20-Jan-04 15:54
professionalAnders Molin20-Jan-04 15:54 
GeneralRe: Toolbar button images disappear at runtime Pin
Jason Liu20-Jan-04 21:55
Jason Liu20-Jan-04 21:55 
QuestionHow to insert a tab into the label text? Pin
Jason Liu20-Jan-04 13:30
Jason Liu20-Jan-04 13:30 
AnswerRe: How to insert a tab into the label text? Pin
Heath Stewart21-Jan-04 4:45
protectorHeath Stewart21-Jan-04 4:45 
GeneralWeird Prob with input keys and toolbar Pin
cgcrute20-Jan-04 12:26
cgcrute20-Jan-04 12:26 
GeneralRe: Weird Prob with input keys and toolbar Pin
Heath Stewart21-Jan-04 4:37
protectorHeath Stewart21-Jan-04 4:37 
Is this code in a Form to handle the various inputs? If so, set Form.KeyPreview to true. Since child controls will have the focus, the parent Form will not receive key notification messages unless KeyPreview is true.

I'm not sure why the toolbar would change things, but I'm guess that internally (the native Toolbar common control) is that it routes messages to the parent, perhaps causing other child controls to do it, too. Not sure, though.


Version: 3.21
GCS/G/MU d- s: a- C++++ UL@ P++(+++) L+(--) E--- W+++ N++ o+ K? w++++ O- M(+) V? PS-- PE Y++ PGP++ t++@ 5 X+++ R+@ tv+ b(-)>b++ DI++++ D+ G e++>+++ h---* r+++ y+++
GeneralRe: Weird Prob with input keys and toolbar Pin
cgcrute21-Jan-04 4:50
cgcrute21-Jan-04 4:50 
Generalprinter Handshake Pin
Ankwa20-Jan-04 11:46
Ankwa20-Jan-04 11:46 
GeneralRe: printer Handshake Pin
Tom Larsen21-Jan-04 4:56
Tom Larsen21-Jan-04 4:56 
GeneralRe: printer Handshake Pin
Ankwa21-Jan-04 21:16
Ankwa21-Jan-04 21:16 
GeneralSecurity exception running from network Pin
cje20-Jan-04 11:19
cje20-Jan-04 11:19 
GeneralRe: Security exception running from network Pin
scadaguy20-Jan-04 11:34
scadaguy20-Jan-04 11:34 
GeneralRe: Security exception running from network Pin
cje20-Jan-04 11:42
cje20-Jan-04 11:42 
GeneralRe: Security exception running from network Pin
Heath Stewart20-Jan-04 14:58
protectorHeath Stewart20-Jan-04 14:58 
GeneralImage Rotation with GDI Pin
MrEyes20-Jan-04 9:29
MrEyes20-Jan-04 9:29 
GeneralRe: Image Rotation with GDI Pin
Mazdak20-Jan-04 9:45
Mazdak20-Jan-04 9:45 
GeneralRe: Image Rotation with GDI Pin
MrEyes21-Jan-04 6:07
MrEyes21-Jan-04 6:07 
GeneralXML Pin
Gary Kirkham20-Jan-04 8:16
Gary Kirkham20-Jan-04 8:16 
GeneralRe: XML Pin
Heath Stewart20-Jan-04 8:34
protectorHeath Stewart20-Jan-04 8:34 
GeneralRe: XML Pin
Gary Kirkham20-Jan-04 8:56
Gary Kirkham20-Jan-04 8:56 
GeneralPopUp Menu Pin
Inam20-Jan-04 7:33
Inam20-Jan-04 7:33 
GeneralRe: PopUp Menu Pin
Mazdak20-Jan-04 7:46
Mazdak20-Jan-04 7:46 
GeneralImportant !! Download and cookies Pin
bsargos20-Jan-04 7:20
bsargos20-Jan-04 7:20 

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