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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Cannot Interact with service using SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL Pin
vishalgpt13-Aug-11 16:09
vishalgpt13-Aug-11 16:09 
GeneralRe: Cannot Interact with service using SERVICE_USER_DEFINED_CONTROL[SOLVED] Pin
vishalgpt13-Aug-11 16:04
vishalgpt13-Aug-11 16:04 
QuestionBitmap on Picture Control Pin
manju 312-Aug-11 21:18
manju 312-Aug-11 21:18 
AnswerRe: Bitmap on Picture Control Pin
Richard MacCutchan13-Aug-11 0:43
mveRichard MacCutchan13-Aug-11 0:43 
QuestionRe-intilize stack pointer Pin
ForNow12-Aug-11 9:41
ForNow12-Aug-11 9:41 
AnswerRe: Re-intilize stack pointer Pin
MicroVirus12-Aug-11 10:42
MicroVirus12-Aug-11 10:42 
AnswerRe: Re-intilize stack pointer Pin
Richard MacCutchan12-Aug-11 23:00
mveRichard MacCutchan12-Aug-11 23:00 
QuestionAbout wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
frankgt4012-Aug-11 7:31
frankgt4012-Aug-11 7:31 
When I ask what it exactly is, there are always someone told me that the wWinMainCRTStartup is the real entrance of the windows programs. And when you code with UNICODE you should set it with VC++.

I found that this wWinMainCRTStartup function was called before the global object of 'CxxxApp' being constructed. It's called before the programs running.

Can anybody tell what it exactly is? Is it involved with OS or compiler? Where does the Windows programs actually start and how? Or, are there any good books or references to be read for that?

Thanks a lot!
AnswerRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
Maximilien12-Aug-11 8:01
Maximilien12-Aug-11 8:01 
GeneralRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
frankgt4012-Aug-11 16:56
frankgt4012-Aug-11 16:56 
AnswerRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
MicroVirus12-Aug-11 8:25
MicroVirus12-Aug-11 8:25 
GeneralRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
frankgt4013-Aug-11 5:17
frankgt4013-Aug-11 5:17 
AnswerRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
Emilio Garavaglia13-Aug-11 5:07
Emilio Garavaglia13-Aug-11 5:07 
GeneralRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
frankgt4013-Aug-11 5:26
frankgt4013-Aug-11 5:26 
GeneralRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? [modified] Pin
Emilio Garavaglia13-Aug-11 9:46
Emilio Garavaglia13-Aug-11 9:46 
QuestionInsert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
spalanivel11-Aug-11 23:58
spalanivel11-Aug-11 23:58 
QuestionRe: Insert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
David Crow12-Aug-11 4:14
David Crow12-Aug-11 4:14 
AnswerRe: Insert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
spalanivel15-Aug-11 2:09
spalanivel15-Aug-11 2:09 
GeneralRe: Insert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
David Crow15-Aug-11 3:31
David Crow15-Aug-11 3:31 
GeneralRe: Insert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
spalanivel15-Aug-11 19:47
spalanivel15-Aug-11 19:47 
QuestionRe: Insert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
David Crow16-Aug-11 3:40
David Crow16-Aug-11 3:40 
QuestionHiding DialogBar of Mainframe [Solved] Pin
Anu_Bala11-Aug-11 20:43
Anu_Bala11-Aug-11 20:43 
AnswerRe: Hiding DialogBar of Mainframe Pin
వేంకటనారాయణ(venkatmakam)11-Aug-11 21:23
వేంకటనారాయణ(venkatmakam)11-Aug-11 21:23 
GeneralRe: Hiding DialogBar of Mainframe Pin
Anu_Bala11-Aug-11 23:29
Anu_Bala11-Aug-11 23:29 
QuestionThread safe in VC++ Pin
pix_programmer11-Aug-11 18:12
pix_programmer11-Aug-11 18:12 

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