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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
Maximilien12-Aug-11 8:01
Maximilien12-Aug-11 8:01 
GeneralRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
frankgt4012-Aug-11 16:56
frankgt4012-Aug-11 16:56 
AnswerRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
MicroVirus12-Aug-11 8:25
MicroVirus12-Aug-11 8:25 
GeneralRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
frankgt4013-Aug-11 5:17
frankgt4013-Aug-11 5:17 
AnswerRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
Emilio Garavaglia13-Aug-11 5:07
Emilio Garavaglia13-Aug-11 5:07 
GeneralRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? Pin
frankgt4013-Aug-11 5:26
frankgt4013-Aug-11 5:26 
GeneralRe: About wWinMainCRTStartup. Can anybody tell me what it exactly is? How does it work? [modified] Pin
Emilio Garavaglia13-Aug-11 9:46
Emilio Garavaglia13-Aug-11 9:46 
QuestionInsert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
spalanivel11-Aug-11 23:58
spalanivel11-Aug-11 23:58 
I am using a VC++ MFC app to drive Excel through OLE Automation.

I need to insert new row in the Excel.

How to acheive this?
// Code Sample

// excel application object
Application objExcel;

// local var
COleVariant vRet;

// range object
Range objRange;

// set the workbooks object
Workbooks objWorkbooks( V_DISPATCH( (LPVARIANT)vRet ) );

// adding the new workbook
vRet = objWorkbooks.Add( COleVariant( (long)xlWorksheet ) );

// set the workbook object
Workbook objWorkbook( V_DISPATCH( (LPVARIANT)vRet ) );

// adding the worksheet
vRet = objWorkbook.Worksheets( COleVariant( (long)1 ) );

Worksheet objWorksheet( V_DISPATCH( (LPVARIANT)vRet ) );

// get the range

vRet = objWorksheet.Range1( COleVariant( csRange ) );
objRange.AttachDispatch( V_DISPATCH( (LPVARIANT)vRet ) );

From the above code in objRange having the Row position as C8.

Here need to insert a new row.

QuestionRe: Insert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
David Crow12-Aug-11 4:14
David Crow12-Aug-11 4:14 
AnswerRe: Insert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
spalanivel15-Aug-11 2:09
spalanivel15-Aug-11 2:09 
GeneralRe: Insert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
David Crow15-Aug-11 3:31
David Crow15-Aug-11 3:31 
GeneralRe: Insert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
spalanivel15-Aug-11 19:47
spalanivel15-Aug-11 19:47 
QuestionRe: Insert new row in Excel using MFC VC++ Pin
David Crow16-Aug-11 3:40
David Crow16-Aug-11 3:40 
QuestionHiding DialogBar of Mainframe [Solved] Pin
Anu_Bala11-Aug-11 20:43
Anu_Bala11-Aug-11 20:43 
AnswerRe: Hiding DialogBar of Mainframe Pin
వేంకటనారాయణ(venkatmakam)11-Aug-11 21:23
వేంకటనారాయణ(venkatmakam)11-Aug-11 21:23 
GeneralRe: Hiding DialogBar of Mainframe Pin
Anu_Bala11-Aug-11 23:29
Anu_Bala11-Aug-11 23:29 
QuestionThread safe in VC++ Pin
pix_programmer11-Aug-11 18:12
pix_programmer11-Aug-11 18:12 
AnswerRe: Thread safe in VC++ Pin
Peter_in_278011-Aug-11 19:03
professionalPeter_in_278011-Aug-11 19:03 
AnswerRe: Thread safe in VC++ Pin
Bernhard Hiller11-Aug-11 22:50
Bernhard Hiller11-Aug-11 22:50 
GeneralRe: Thread safe in VC++ Pin
pix_programmer11-Aug-11 23:52
pix_programmer11-Aug-11 23:52 
GeneralRe: Thread safe in VC++ Pin
Chris Losinger12-Aug-11 10:20
professionalChris Losinger12-Aug-11 10:20 
QuestionHow to Clear this Error Pin
Member 808896211-Aug-11 18:08
Member 808896211-Aug-11 18:08 
AnswerRe: How to Clear this Error Pin
T.RATHA KRISHNAN11-Aug-11 18:35
T.RATHA KRISHNAN11-Aug-11 18:35 
QuestionHow to open a document file ? Pin
_Flaviu11-Aug-11 7:08
_Flaviu11-Aug-11 7:08 
QuestionRe: How to open a document file ? Pin
David Crow11-Aug-11 7:16
David Crow11-Aug-11 7:16 

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