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AnswerRe: Generic Collection vs ArrayList Pin
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:41
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:41 
AnswerRe: Generic Collection vs ArrayList Pin
PIEBALDconsult28-Oct-09 11:37
mvePIEBALDconsult28-Oct-09 11:37 
JokeRe: Generic Collection vs ArrayList Pin
Mycroft Holmes28-Oct-09 15:07
professionalMycroft Holmes28-Oct-09 15:07 
Questionthreading Pin
sajjy28-Oct-09 8:18
sajjy28-Oct-09 8:18 
AnswerRe: threading Pin
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:45
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:45 
QuestionThe specified network name is no longer available. Pin
DanielWehrle28-Oct-09 8:15
DanielWehrle28-Oct-09 8:15 
AnswerRe: The specified network name is no longer available. Pin
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:49
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:49 
QuestionNamed Pipe reading very slowly Pin
akhanal28-Oct-09 6:08
akhanal28-Oct-09 6:08 

I have a inbound named pipe in overlapped mode. The client connects and writes in the pipe created by the server.

The client is writing real-time data very fast in the named pipe, but the server is not reading the data fast enough.

This is creating a delay between what is happening in the real-time application and the data that is given by the read in the server.

If I decrease the rate at which the client writes to the named pipe, I get better results (the real-time application and the data read in the server tend to match) but by decreasing the rate I am not getting smooth data, meaning I am getting samples of data from the real-time application periodically.

On the other hand if I decrease the buffersize in the Named pipe, and the rate of writing to the named pipe is fast, the real-time application drags itself and gets very slow. I am guessing this is because the named pipe gets filled very fast and since it is Overlapped the data cannot be overwritten unless the slow reader finishes reading it.

So my problem is:

Case 1 - (fast write rate, large buffer): server read data and the real-time app are way off
Case 2 - (fast write rate, small buffer): application hangs
Case 3 - (slow write rate, *): server read data is not smooth (not acceptable)

Did anyone face similar problems? All suggestions are much appreciated.
AnswerRe: Named Pipe reading very slowly [modified] Pin
akhanal28-Oct-09 7:20
akhanal28-Oct-09 7:20 
GeneralRe: Named Pipe reading very slowly Pin
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:54
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:54 
GeneralRe: Named Pipe reading very slowly Pin
akhanal28-Oct-09 11:21
akhanal28-Oct-09 11:21 
GeneralRe: Named Pipe reading very slowly Pin
Paulo Zemek29-Oct-09 1:11
Paulo Zemek29-Oct-09 1:11 
Question"View Only" mode for WebBrowser class? Pin
Matthew Klein28-Oct-09 6:03
Matthew Klein28-Oct-09 6:03 
AnswerRe: "View Only" mode for WebBrowser class? Pin
EliottA28-Oct-09 6:45
EliottA28-Oct-09 6:45 
GeneralRe: "View Only" mode for WebBrowser class? Pin
Matthew Klein28-Oct-09 7:50
Matthew Klein28-Oct-09 7:50 
GeneralRe: "View Only" mode for WebBrowser class? Pin
EliottA28-Oct-09 8:43
EliottA28-Oct-09 8:43 
QuestionDeveloping LogonUI With C# ? Pin
Sehlor28-Oct-09 4:27
Sehlor28-Oct-09 4:27 
AnswerRe: Developing LogonUI With C# ? Pin
Abhishek Sur28-Oct-09 5:19
professionalAbhishek Sur28-Oct-09 5:19 
Questionrelated to crystal report Pin
NarendraSinghJTV28-Oct-09 3:31
NarendraSinghJTV28-Oct-09 3:31 
AnswerRe: related to crystal report Pin
karthiknss29-Oct-09 22:42
karthiknss29-Oct-09 22:42 
GeneralRe: related to crystal report Pin
NarendraSinghJTV1-Nov-09 23:06
NarendraSinghJTV1-Nov-09 23:06 
QuestionNULLABLE type Pin
RINSON VARGHESE28-Oct-09 2:48 
AnswerRe: NULLABLE type Pin
Keith Barrow28-Oct-09 2:55
professionalKeith Barrow28-Oct-09 2:55 
AnswerRe: NULLABLE type Pin
Abhishek Sur28-Oct-09 3:31
professionalAbhishek Sur28-Oct-09 3:31 
AnswerRe: NULLABLE type Pin
Keith Barrow28-Oct-09 4:17
professionalKeith Barrow28-Oct-09 4:17 

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