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AnswerRe: Client/Server and browser/Server Pin
Christian Graus28-Oct-09 17:00
protectorChristian Graus28-Oct-09 17:00 
Questionerror simulation Pin
darthluke28-Oct-09 13:05
darthluke28-Oct-09 13:05 
Questiontranslating on-screen width to printed width Pin
TimWallace28-Oct-09 10:00
TimWallace28-Oct-09 10:00 
AnswerRe: translating on-screen width to printed width Pin
Henry Minute28-Oct-09 10:12
Henry Minute28-Oct-09 10:12 
GeneralRe: translating on-screen width to printed width Pin
TimWallace28-Oct-09 11:07
TimWallace28-Oct-09 11:07 
QuestionGeneric Collection vs ArrayList Pin
Kevin Marois28-Oct-09 9:23
professionalKevin Marois28-Oct-09 9:23 
AnswerRe: Generic Collection vs ArrayList Pin
Henry Minute28-Oct-09 9:45
Henry Minute28-Oct-09 9:45 
AnswerRe: Generic Collection vs ArrayList Pin
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:41
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:41 
ArrayList will be, in many aspects, the same as List<object>.

You can do: customers.Add(1); customers.Add("Test"); and customers.Add(cust);

When you get the value, it will be also a simple "object". So, if the Customer class has a name property, you will only be able to get the customer name doing:
instead of

And, of course, you will get an exception if the first item is the 1 I added. But, the problem, you got the exception when getting the item, not when you were putting it into the list.

Also, there is more. For value types (the 1 is a value type) it will avoid boxing.
When you do arrayList.Add(1) it internally creates a full object (or box if you prefer) which contains the effective value type 1, and adds a reference to such box in the list.

If you do integerList.Add(1) (which is List<int>) you will add the 1 to the list. No reference. No additional object created.
AnswerRe: Generic Collection vs ArrayList Pin
PIEBALDconsult28-Oct-09 11:37
mvePIEBALDconsult28-Oct-09 11:37 
JokeRe: Generic Collection vs ArrayList Pin
Mycroft Holmes28-Oct-09 15:07
professionalMycroft Holmes28-Oct-09 15:07 
Questionthreading Pin
sajjy28-Oct-09 8:18
sajjy28-Oct-09 8:18 
AnswerRe: threading Pin
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:45
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:45 
QuestionThe specified network name is no longer available. Pin
DanielWehrle28-Oct-09 8:15
DanielWehrle28-Oct-09 8:15 
AnswerRe: The specified network name is no longer available. Pin
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:49
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:49 
QuestionNamed Pipe reading very slowly Pin
akhanal28-Oct-09 6:08
akhanal28-Oct-09 6:08 
AnswerRe: Named Pipe reading very slowly [modified] Pin
akhanal28-Oct-09 7:20
akhanal28-Oct-09 7:20 
GeneralRe: Named Pipe reading very slowly Pin
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:54
Paulo Zemek28-Oct-09 10:54 
GeneralRe: Named Pipe reading very slowly Pin
akhanal28-Oct-09 11:21
akhanal28-Oct-09 11:21 
GeneralRe: Named Pipe reading very slowly Pin
Paulo Zemek29-Oct-09 1:11
Paulo Zemek29-Oct-09 1:11 
Question"View Only" mode for WebBrowser class? Pin
Matthew Klein28-Oct-09 6:03
Matthew Klein28-Oct-09 6:03 
AnswerRe: "View Only" mode for WebBrowser class? Pin
EliottA28-Oct-09 6:45
EliottA28-Oct-09 6:45 
GeneralRe: "View Only" mode for WebBrowser class? Pin
Matthew Klein28-Oct-09 7:50
Matthew Klein28-Oct-09 7:50 
GeneralRe: "View Only" mode for WebBrowser class? Pin
EliottA28-Oct-09 8:43
EliottA28-Oct-09 8:43 
QuestionDeveloping LogonUI With C# ? Pin
Sehlor28-Oct-09 4:27
Sehlor28-Oct-09 4:27 
AnswerRe: Developing LogonUI With C# ? Pin
Abhishek Sur28-Oct-09 5:19
professionalAbhishek Sur28-Oct-09 5:19 

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