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AnswerRe: Login Project Problems Pin
StarTrekCafe15-Mar-09 13:41
StarTrekCafe15-Mar-09 13:41 
Questionproblem in cast value from money to decimal Pin
Sneha Bisht14-Mar-09 23:34
Sneha Bisht14-Mar-09 23:34 
AnswerRe: problem in cast value from money to decimal Pin
Colin Angus Mackay15-Mar-09 3:10
Colin Angus Mackay15-Mar-09 3:10 grid view [modified] Pin
PleaseHelpCP14-Mar-09 22:12
PleaseHelpCP14-Mar-09 22:12 
AnswerRe: grid view Pin
Christian Graus14-Mar-09 22:36
protectorChristian Graus14-Mar-09 22:36 
GeneralRe: grid view Pin
Alok Sharma ji15-Mar-09 17:55
Alok Sharma ji15-Mar-09 17:55 
Questionproblem in updating database via datagrid Pin
rosae61914-Mar-09 21:28
rosae61914-Mar-09 21:28 
AnswerRe: problem in updating database via datagrid Pin
Christian Graus14-Mar-09 21:44
protectorChristian Graus14-Mar-09 21:44 
Buy a basic programming book and read it. Don't post so much code that no-one will bother reading it.

rosae619 wrote:
:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

It means what it says. Look at the code where the debugger breaks. Is index < 0, or greater than the collection ? Never access a collection without first making sure the index you're about to use is valid. Read error messages, and then think about what they say. They mean what they say.

Christian Graus

Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.

Questioncan onblur method of javascript is also possible in scripting i am trying it but it not works have any similar method there ? Pin
Alok Sharma ji14-Mar-09 11:49
Alok Sharma ji14-Mar-09 11:49 
AnswerRe: can onblur method of javascript is also possible in scripting i am trying it but it not works have any similar method there ? Pin
Christian Graus14-Mar-09 12:16
protectorChristian Graus14-Mar-09 12:16 
GeneralRe: can onblur method of javascript is also possible in scripting i am trying it but it not works have any similar method there ? Pin
Alok Sharma ji14-Mar-09 15:28
Alok Sharma ji14-Mar-09 15:28 
GeneralRe: can onblur method of javascript is also possible in scripting i am trying it but it not works have any similar method there ? Pin
N a v a n e e t h14-Mar-09 16:32
N a v a n e e t h14-Mar-09 16:32 
GeneralRe: can onblur method of javascript is also possible in scripting i am trying it but it not works have any similar method there ? Pin
Christian Graus14-Mar-09 21:43
protectorChristian Graus14-Mar-09 21:43 
GeneralRe: can onblur method of javascript is also possible in scripting i am trying it but it not works have any similar method there ? Pin
N a v a n e e t h15-Mar-09 3:29
N a v a n e e t h15-Mar-09 3:29 
GeneralRe: can onblur method of javascript is also possible in scripting i am trying it but it not works have any similar method there ? Pin
Abhishek Sur14-Mar-09 21:58
professionalAbhishek Sur14-Mar-09 21:58 
AnswerRe: can onblur method of javascript is also possible in scripting i am trying it but it not works have any similar method there ? Pin
Alok Sharma ji15-Mar-09 17:36
Alok Sharma ji15-Mar-09 17:36 
QuestionLinkButton cann't work [modified] Pin
sohighthesky14-Mar-09 6:14
sohighthesky14-Mar-09 6:14 
AnswerRe: LinkButton cann't work Pin
N a v a n e e t h14-Mar-09 6:22
N a v a n e e t h14-Mar-09 6:22 
AnswerRe: LinkButton cann't work Pin
Christian Graus14-Mar-09 8:11
protectorChristian Graus14-Mar-09 8:11 
QuestionResize gridview column width dynamically like component art grid Pin
ashishparihar131014-Mar-09 3:00
ashishparihar131014-Mar-09 3:00 
AnswerRe: Resize gridview column width dynamically like component art grid Pin
N a v a n e e t h14-Mar-09 6:21
N a v a n e e t h14-Mar-09 6:21 
QuestionAccessing listitem object collection... Pin
Radiv Jeshya14-Mar-09 2:48
Radiv Jeshya14-Mar-09 2:48 
AnswerRe: Accessing listitem object collection... Pin
N a v a n e e t h14-Mar-09 6:17
N a v a n e e t h14-Mar-09 6:17 
QuestionDisplay data according to cultural settings in SQL Report Pin
Shivan Nandan14-Mar-09 0:59
Shivan Nandan14-Mar-09 0:59 
AnswerRe: Display data according to cultural settings in SQL Report Pin
N a v a n e e t h14-Mar-09 6:13
N a v a n e e t h14-Mar-09 6:13 

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