Hi I am using ASP.Net 1.1,I am not finding this namespace.Please suggest.
Thanks You It is working.
in my application i want to open a database cursor.can you plz help me out.
thanx in advance
A database cursor is in the database, not asp.net. I suspect you are actually looking for the DATAREADER.
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
SQLServer database cursor? AFAIK, you can't do that. If your database is oracle, you can do this. BTW, you are in wrong forum.
hi i have to make a vate rating system
there are 1,2 3,4 5 point out of 5 point that a user can vote
in my DB a table that have field TotalVote, Rating
so any one will help me how i calculate rate
the answer should like this ( 3.6 / 5) total 14 votes
Sum up the total vote and divide by the number of votes, i.e. take the average. I assume the 5 is the maximum you can allocate.
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
This is nothing but simply average calculation.
As the others have said, you just add up the vote scores and divide by the number of votes. You do know how to compute an average, don't you?
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"Real programmers just throw a bunch of 1s and 0s at the computer to see what sticks" - Pete O'Hanlon
"Not only do you continue to babble nonsense, you can't even correctly remember the nonsense you babbled just minutes ago." - Rob Graham
This is plain astounding.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
I m done a web page in that 6 para and 4 picture is there. that one done asp.net. Know Load the picture first then after completed picture then text will wt I do plzzz help on this.
I read your post many times. Honestly, I couldn't get what you are saying. Could you rephrase your question so that we understand.
I created one web page.
that web page contains 4 picture <asp:Image> and 6 para <p>.
when page loading or at time of refreshing. The Images are come first and para like that can i make it.
Like sequence manner.
Well, AFAIK, that is not possible. Browser sends multiple requests in parallel to make the page download faster. You can't predict in which order it does this.
I agree that the browser sends multiple requests in parallel but there is a procedure to it.
It first sends the request to get the web pages. Then once it receives the response for those web pages, it then sends the request to receive the resources for the web page.
Lets say, you have a default.aspx page that consists of image1.jpg and a main.aspx page that consists of image2.jpg. The browser will first send the request to get default.aspx and main.aspx. Once it receives the response for default.aspx, depending on what the response is, it will send the request for image1.jpg. Same goes for main.aspx i.e. once it receives the response for default.aspx, depending on what the response is, it will send the request for image2.jpg.
Pr@teek B@h! wrote: I agree that the browser sends multiple requests in parallel but there is a procedure to it.
It first sends the request to get the web pages. Then once it receives the response for those web pages, it then sends the request to receive the resources for the web page.
Do you have any documents to prove your points? Well, I don't think you are right.
Sorry, I don't have any documents...but, if you view HTTP Headers while going to websites, you will notice the pattern. I noticed this when I was building a proxy.
I could be wrong, but it would be worth it to check it out.
p.s. do you have any documents supporting your theory? I would love to read up on this topic.
Let me get this straight. You want to display the para first and then the pictures to upload?
Sorry for not replying sooner. After doing some research, I found out that when you send a request, the browser first loads up all of the main web pages e.g. main.aspx, default.aspx, etc. and then gets the other resources e.g. javascript files, images, etc.
So the answer to your question is that the browser handles how the files are loaded and you really can't change the way the files are displayed.
I apologize if this wasn't helpful,
p.s. oh yeah, if you like to see how the web request work, i would download Live HTTP Headers for Firefox.
actually...can you show your code. Something occurred to me and it might have something to do with how you have arranged your code. If you are loading the pictures before getting the file with the para, that might be why your pictures are loading before the para.
function TextBoxSelect()
var a = document.form1.CheckBox1.checked;
var aa = document.form1.<%=CheckBox1.ClientID%>;
var txt = document.form1.TextBox1.value;
if(a == "False")
document.form1.CheckBox1.disabled = false;
if (txt != "")
aa.disabled = true;
//document.form1.CheckBox1.disabled = true;
document.form1.CheckBox1.disabled = false;
javascript - checkbox should be enable when input given in the textbox but while page load checkbox is disable
k.sampath kumar
java script checkbox
k.sampath kumar