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by Android on Intel
This document walks through the steps to produce a fat APK that includes both x86 and ARM libraries from within the latest Unity 4 or Unity 5 versions.
by Simon Jackson
Unity 5 is fast approaching it being with it a whole heap of new features, some obvious, some not so obvious. If you haven’t seen what’s coming publicly in Unity 5, check out the feature preview shown at Unite 2014. There are however a few behind the scenes changes …
by Vangos
Azure + HoloLens = Mixed Reality to the Cloud!
by Simon Jackson
Be careful of those SPECIAL names in Unity

Latest Articles

by Android on Intel
This document walks through the steps to produce a fat APK that includes both x86 and ARM libraries from within the latest Unity 4 or Unity 5 versions.
by Simon Jackson
Unity 5 is fast approaching it being with it a whole heap of new features, some obvious, some not so obvious. If you haven’t seen what’s coming publicly in Unity 5, check out the feature preview shown at Unite 2014. There are however a few behind the scenes changes …
by Vangos
Azure + HoloLens = Mixed Reality to the Cloud!
by Simon Jackson
Be careful of those SPECIAL names in Unity

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by Simon Jackson
Unity 5 is fast approaching it being with it a whole heap of new features, some obvious, some not so obvious. If you haven’t seen what’s coming publicly in Unity 5, check out the feature preview shown at Unite 2014. There are however a few behind the scenes changes …
by Simon Jackson
Be careful of those SPECIAL names in Unity
by Simon Jackson
For my sins, I was asked back to FutureDecoded again this year to give a talk on the Microsoft UWP platform, specifically about bringing games to the XboxOne using UWP.  By all accounts the session went well (especially as there was standing room only by the time the …
by Simon Jackson
Creating E-Learning Games with Unity – A Review
by IAmJoshChang
How to create an enemy
by IAmJoshChang
Attacking enemies, health system and death animation in Unity
by IAmJoshChang
Finish attacking the enemy and walking sounds in Unity
by IAmJoshChang
Adding shooting, hit, and more walking sound effects!
by IAmJoshChang
Creating Player Health System and Health UI in Unity
by IAmJoshChang
Fixing Game Object Collider in Unity
by IAmJoshChang
How to create game over UI in Unity
by IAmJoshChang
How to create game over UI in Unity
by IAmJoshChang
How to create the Game End state and Game Over animation
by IAmJoshChang
How to create a spawning system for enemies in Unity
by IAmJoshChang
How to create waves for spawning system in Unity
by IAmJoshChang
How to add missing audio, UI, and create enemy victory state
by IAmJoshChang
Going through the Unity Space Shooter - tutorial II
by IAmJoshChang
Going through the Unity Space Shooter
by IAmJoshChang
Survival shooter - tutorial II
by IAmJoshChang
How to create a VERY simple first person shooter
by IAmJoshChang
How to create a character in a first person shooter
by IAmJoshChang
How to set up a weapon
by Simon Jackson
Debugging Unity 3D with VSCode
by Simon Jackson
Developing games for Cystic Fibrosis treatment – Getting started with Fizzyo
by Vangos Pterneas
Getting started with Hololens and Unity3D
by Simon Jackson
Getting started with Unity
by Mark Vinod Sinnathamby
This post is a tutorial that is complimentary to the session I did, demonstrating the steps of how a simple holographic application can be built and deployed in the HoloLens emulator.
by Michael Adaixo
How to create a recursive call with Unity's coroutines
by Simon Jackson
True speech interaction is something we do not see very often in gaming. Sure, you have recorded audio for NPCs and a few non-silent protagonists, but it is very rare for the player to interact with speech themselves. Check out this awesome opportunity for games
by Simon Jackson
By the end of this book you should be able to make scrolling backgrounds, clever AI for bad guys, and be able to save / load and change levels in the way Unity3D always wanted you to but forgot to mention.
by Simon Jackson
I’ve compiled an extensive list of resources at your disposable on your Unity3D journey, split up in to sections to allow you to target what you need.
by Simon Jackson
The Unity3D Samples (beta) – An Overview
by Dev Leader
How to get all the painted tiles on a TileMap when building a 2D game in Unity3D
by Simon Jackson
Unity 2D Game Development - A Review
by Simon Jackson
A review of Unity AI programming essentials
by Simon Jackson
This title from the onset aims to give you the tools and means to create your own games with unity with a few well-built examples, where this title differs from others is that it has limited this to just a couple and goes through them in great detail.
by Simon Jackson
Unity Multiplayer Games - a review
by Simon Jackson
This sturdy reference is a nice comparison to the previous HLSL cookbook I reviewed earlier.
by Eduardo Fonseca
Unity3D - Easily Handling Player's Objectives
by Simon Jackson
A break down on the different modes of Xbox One development and clear direction of what is possible with the new UWP Retail unlock mode. Enable all devs to sideload and develop on the Xbox One UWP Platform