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GeneralRe: Interview Pin
CWIZO13-Feb-04 0:30
CWIZO13-Feb-04 0:30 
GeneralRe: Interview Pin
Kannan Kalyanaraman13-Feb-04 1:14
Kannan Kalyanaraman13-Feb-04 1:14 
GeneralRe: Interview Pin
CWIZO13-Feb-04 1:45
CWIZO13-Feb-04 1:45 
QuestionnumericUpDown Control - double digits? Pin
KingTermite12-Feb-04 17:07
KingTermite12-Feb-04 17:07 
AnswerRe: numericUpDown Control - double digits? Pin
Anonymous12-Feb-04 18:43
Anonymous12-Feb-04 18:43 
AnswerRe: numericUpDown Control - double digits? Pin
Heath Stewart13-Feb-04 3:36
protectorHeath Stewart13-Feb-04 3:36 
GeneralRe: numericUpDown Control - double digits? Pin
KingTermite13-Feb-04 3:43
KingTermite13-Feb-04 3:43 
GeneralRe: numericUpDown Control - double digits? Pin
Heath Stewart13-Feb-04 3:56
protectorHeath Stewart13-Feb-04 3:56 
I take it that you looked at the class documentation for the NumericUpDown class, right? Deriving from your sig, "there are 10 types of people in this world...those that read the documentation and those that do not." Smile | :) (Unfortunately, most of the posters here fall in the latter category.)

Typically, you can learn everything you need to know from the docs (add that to experience and reading articles on MSDN, CodeProject, et. al.). If some member overrides a base member of defined new and you find the documentation a little lacking on details, use ildasm.exe - the IL disassembler that comes with the .NET Framework SDK - to view the IL for the implementation in that assembly, or use a good decompiler like .NET Reflector[^] (though its decompiler rarely incorrect / incomplete). You can learn a heck of a lot that way - perhaps even pick up a few pointers from the developers at Microsoft who wrote the base class libraries.


Microsoft MVP, Visual C#
My Articles
GeneralRe: numericUpDown Control - double digits? Pin
KingTermite13-Feb-04 4:22
KingTermite13-Feb-04 4:22 
GeneralNeed help with pointers Pin
Anonymous12-Feb-04 16:12
Anonymous12-Feb-04 16:12 
GeneralRe: Need help with pointers Pin
Nick Seng12-Feb-04 21:40
Nick Seng12-Feb-04 21:40 
Generalconverting a string to an int Pin
Talal Sultan12-Feb-04 13:38
Talal Sultan12-Feb-04 13:38 
GeneralRe: converting a string to an int Pin
Nicholas Naddaf12-Feb-04 14:20
Nicholas Naddaf12-Feb-04 14:20 
GeneralRe: converting a string to an int Pin
Uwe Keim12-Feb-04 20:34
sitebuilderUwe Keim12-Feb-04 20:34 
GeneralRe: converting a string to an int Pin
Talal Sultan12-Feb-04 23:28
Talal Sultan12-Feb-04 23:28 
Generalcombining multiple crystal reports in one pdf file Pin
Visionsoft12-Feb-04 11:38
Visionsoft12-Feb-04 11:38 
QuestionLISTVIEW C# : Blinking a row ? Pin
youssef12-Feb-04 11:01
youssef12-Feb-04 11:01 
AnswerRe: LISTVIEW C# : Blinking a row ? Pin
Heath Stewart12-Feb-04 11:37
protectorHeath Stewart12-Feb-04 11:37 
GeneralWrapping Outlook's database... Pin
profoundwhispers12-Feb-04 10:53
profoundwhispers12-Feb-04 10:53 
GeneralRe: Wrapping Outlook's database... Pin
Heath Stewart12-Feb-04 11:31
protectorHeath Stewart12-Feb-04 11:31 
GeneralRe: Wrapping Outlook's database... Pin
profoundwhispers12-Feb-04 11:49
profoundwhispers12-Feb-04 11:49 
GeneralRe: Wrapping Outlook's database... Pin
Heath Stewart12-Feb-04 12:03
protectorHeath Stewart12-Feb-04 12:03 
GeneralListView Pin
Gary Kirkham12-Feb-04 10:20
Gary Kirkham12-Feb-04 10:20 
GeneralRe: ListView Pin
Heath Stewart12-Feb-04 11:15
protectorHeath Stewart12-Feb-04 11:15 
GeneralRe: ListView Pin
Gary Kirkham12-Feb-04 13:46
Gary Kirkham12-Feb-04 13:46 

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