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QuestionHow to create a control that docks and slides like the toolbox? Pin
thedex5-Feb-03 11:06
thedex5-Feb-03 11:06 
AnswerRe: How to create a control that docks and slides like the toolbox? Pin
Chris Austin5-Feb-03 13:13
Chris Austin5-Feb-03 13:13 
QuestionDateTimePicker Color Change? Pin
Sovman5-Feb-03 10:42
Sovman5-Feb-03 10:42 
AnswerRe: DateTimePicker Color Change? Pin
TigerNinja_6-Feb-03 3:55
TigerNinja_6-Feb-03 3:55 
GeneralBuilding a .NET User Control base Class Pin
Anonymous5-Feb-03 7:46
Anonymous5-Feb-03 7:46 
GeneralRe: Building a .NET User Control base Class Pin
TigerNinja_5-Feb-03 8:28
TigerNinja_5-Feb-03 8:28 
GeneralRe: Building a .NET User Control base Class Pin
leppie5-Feb-03 9:07
leppie5-Feb-03 9:07 
GeneralRe: Building a .NET User Control base Class Pin
FruitBatInShades5-Feb-03 10:43
FruitBatInShades5-Feb-03 10:43 
2) A user control can't be an abstract class.
As I understand it, the controls can be abstract but not in the IDE. When you edit the control, the editor creates an instance of a control, which it cannot do if it's abstract.

Depending how complicated your design is, you can set it to not abstract whilst working on it in the editor, and change it to abstract when you have finished editing it.
GeneralDeserialization problem Pin
Roman Shchugarev5-Feb-03 1:43
Roman Shchugarev5-Feb-03 1:43 
GeneralRe: Deserialization problem Pin
marcossl5-Feb-03 7:02
marcossl5-Feb-03 7:02 
GeneralRe: Deserialization problem Pin
Roman Shchugarev5-Feb-03 19:41
Roman Shchugarev5-Feb-03 19:41 
GeneralSplitters and WinForms Pin
Braulio Dez4-Feb-03 21:08
Braulio Dez4-Feb-03 21:08 
GeneralRe: Splitters and WinForms Pin
Furty4-Feb-03 23:04
Furty4-Feb-03 23:04 
GeneralRe: Splitters and WinForms Pin
Braulio Dez4-Feb-03 23:26
Braulio Dez4-Feb-03 23:26 
QuestionHow to load .resx file Pin
chito4-Feb-03 20:54
chito4-Feb-03 20:54 
GeneralWeb Browser Pin
chrisrowe4-Feb-03 18:44
chrisrowe4-Feb-03 18:44 
GeneralDynamic calls to Dll Pin
Ranjani Rajanikanth4-Feb-03 17:58
Ranjani Rajanikanth4-Feb-03 17:58 
GeneralAutogenerating collections Pin
Domenic Denicola4-Feb-03 16:36
Domenic Denicola4-Feb-03 16:36 
GeneralRe: Autogenerating collections Pin
Chris Austin4-Feb-03 17:04
Chris Austin4-Feb-03 17:04 
QuestionHow to convert a graphics object into Image object Pin
clarkwuzhe4-Feb-03 11:08
clarkwuzhe4-Feb-03 11:08 
AnswerRe: How to convert a graphics object into Image object Pin
Tomas Petricek4-Feb-03 12:05
Tomas Petricek4-Feb-03 12:05 
Generalopening a .msg file in c# Pin
ajma4-Feb-03 8:31
ajma4-Feb-03 8:31 
GeneralRe: opening a .msg file in c# Pin
shakilmailbox27-Feb-09 22:39
shakilmailbox27-Feb-09 22:39 
GeneralConnecting To Network Share Pin
Aisha4-Feb-03 7:13
Aisha4-Feb-03 7:13 
GeneralDelayed QueryInterface error Exception!!! Pin
EdgarBM4-Feb-03 1:42
EdgarBM4-Feb-03 1:42 

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