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GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text found. Pin
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 10:34
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 10:34 
GeneralRe: recursively search the registry and delete text found. Pin
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 10:41
Derek Smigelski13-Nov-02 10:41 
Generaltcpclient through proxy Pin
Kannan Kalyanaraman13-Nov-02 2:55
Kannan Kalyanaraman13-Nov-02 2:55 
GeneralOCX memory leak in C# Pin
gharrison12-Nov-02 21:29
gharrison12-Nov-02 21:29 
QuestionC# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
Aisha Ikram12-Nov-02 21:16
Aisha Ikram12-Nov-02 21:16 
AnswerRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
Sijin13-Nov-02 0:30
Sijin13-Nov-02 0:30 
GeneralRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
Aisha Ikram14-Nov-02 18:08
Aisha Ikram14-Nov-02 18:08 
AnswerRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
James T. Johnson13-Nov-02 4:01
James T. Johnson13-Nov-02 4:01 
As Sijin said there isn't any difference in the language.

C# is the language, Visual C# is a product produced by Microsoft which includes an IDE to help make the writing of C# programs faster. VC# includes a forms designer, as well as some wizards that will generate code.


- out of order -
GeneralRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.13-Nov-02 5:41
Stephane Rodriguez.13-Nov-02 5:41 
GeneralRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
James T. Johnson13-Nov-02 6:48
James T. Johnson13-Nov-02 6:48 
GeneralRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
David Stone13-Nov-02 9:01
sitebuilderDavid Stone13-Nov-02 9:01 
GeneralRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
leppie13-Nov-02 9:47
leppie13-Nov-02 9:47 
GeneralRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
David Stone13-Nov-02 9:53
sitebuilderDavid Stone13-Nov-02 9:53 
GeneralRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
leppie13-Nov-02 10:02
leppie13-Nov-02 10:02 
GeneralRe: C# and Visual C#, Difference? Pin
Aisha Ikram17-Nov-02 20:35
Aisha Ikram17-Nov-02 20:35 
GeneralUsers control validating Pin
shab212-Nov-02 18:57
shab212-Nov-02 18:57 
QuestionListView Header Color? Pin
Anonymous12-Nov-02 11:59
Anonymous12-Nov-02 11:59 
QuestionRecieve ÅÄÖ with HttpWebRequest? Pin
Andreas Philipson12-Nov-02 11:37
Andreas Philipson12-Nov-02 11:37 
AnswerRe: Recieve ÅÄÖ with HttpWebRequest? Pin
Daniel Turini12-Nov-02 12:56
Daniel Turini12-Nov-02 12:56 
GeneralRe: Recieve ÅÄÖ with HttpWebRequest? Pin
Andreas Philipson12-Nov-02 20:49
Andreas Philipson12-Nov-02 20:49 
AnswerRe: Recieve ÅÄÖ with HttpWebRequest? Pin
Anonymous13-Nov-02 3:13
Anonymous13-Nov-02 3:13 
GeneralListview checkboxes double-click problem Pin
Ingram Leedy12-Nov-02 7:55
Ingram Leedy12-Nov-02 7:55 
GeneralRe: Listview checkboxes double-click problem Pin
Ingram Leedy12-Nov-02 18:59
Ingram Leedy12-Nov-02 18:59 
GeneralQuestion about DocumentNavigator Pin
chq1212-Nov-02 5:04
chq1212-Nov-02 5:04 
GeneralRe: Question about DocumentNavigator Pin
John Fisher12-Nov-02 12:36
John Fisher12-Nov-02 12:36 

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