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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: _variant_t vItem = pRange->Item[ iRow ][ iCol ]; Pin
Franck Paquier30-Sep-09 21:43
Franck Paquier30-Sep-09 21:43 
GeneralRe: _variant_t vItem = pRange->Item[ iRow ][ iCol ]; Pin
Franck Paquier30-Sep-09 21:45
Franck Paquier30-Sep-09 21:45 
GeneralRe: _variant_t vItem = pRange->Item[ iRow ][ iCol ]; Pin
MsmVc30-Sep-09 23:03
MsmVc30-Sep-09 23:03 
Questionhtml help and ms front-page Pin
includeh1029-Sep-09 19:24
includeh1029-Sep-09 19:24 
AnswerRe: html help and ms front-page Pin
Hans Dietrich29-Sep-09 20:19
mentorHans Dietrich29-Sep-09 20:19 
QuestionWhere is regedit.exe located in Pocket PC? Pin
Le@rner29-Sep-09 19:03
Le@rner29-Sep-09 19:03 
AnswerRe: Where is regedit.exe located in Pocket PC? Pin
Game-point29-Sep-09 19:14
Game-point29-Sep-09 19:14 
QuestionDirectX - Direct Show programming? Pin
$uresh $hanmugam29-Sep-09 18:35
$uresh $hanmugam29-Sep-09 18:35 
I'm Developing a live video streaming application in vc++ using DirectX VideoMixingRenderer filter. I can able to draw rubber band rectangle on live video using DirectX SetAlphaBitmap() through my mouse move. if my video frame size(4CIF) is greater than my picture box control size, it's working fine. Suppose, my video frame size(CIF) is less than my picture box control size,
1) only 3 sides of the rectangle can be visible.
2) sometimes 2 sides only can be visible.
3) Above two context has been happen randomly.
Please, somebody help me out from this issue.

Thanx in advance,
QuestionHow to disable non-visible dialog items Pin
FloatingMarc29-Sep-09 16:19
FloatingMarc29-Sep-09 16:19 
AnswerRe: How to disable non-visible dialog items Pin
includeh1029-Sep-09 19:30
includeh1029-Sep-09 19:30 
GeneralRe: How to disable non-visible dialog items Pin
FloatingMarc29-Sep-09 21:56
FloatingMarc29-Sep-09 21:56 
QuestionRun Time error Pin
monkeywrench1029-Sep-09 16:14
monkeywrench1029-Sep-09 16:14 
AnswerRe: Run Time error Pin
Cedric Moonen29-Sep-09 20:25
Cedric Moonen29-Sep-09 20:25 
GeneralRe: Run Time error Pin
monkeywrench1030-Sep-09 3:31
monkeywrench1030-Sep-09 3:31 
QuestionUsing an API Pin
Donguy197629-Sep-09 15:34
Donguy197629-Sep-09 15:34 
AnswerRe: Using an API Pin
Saurabh.Garg29-Sep-09 16:13
Saurabh.Garg29-Sep-09 16:13 
GeneralRe: Using an API Pin
dipuks30-Sep-09 3:39
dipuks30-Sep-09 3:39 
GeneralRe: Using an API Pin
Saurabh.Garg30-Sep-09 4:00
Saurabh.Garg30-Sep-09 4:00 
QuestionWrite and read the same file in the same C program? Pin
Razanust29-Sep-09 14:02
Razanust29-Sep-09 14:02 
AnswerRe: Write and read the same file in the same C program? Pin
David Crow29-Sep-09 15:55
David Crow29-Sep-09 15:55 
Questionwhat other files can IE display if without software support? Pin
includeh1029-Sep-09 11:47
includeh1029-Sep-09 11:47 
AnswerRe: what other files can IE display if without software support? Pin
enhzflep29-Sep-09 12:03
enhzflep29-Sep-09 12:03 
AnswerRe: what other files can IE display if without software support? Pin
Saurabh.Garg29-Sep-09 14:19
Saurabh.Garg29-Sep-09 14:19 
GeneralRe: what other files can IE display if without software support? Pin
David Crow29-Sep-09 15:32
David Crow29-Sep-09 15:32 
GeneralRe: what other files can IE display if without software support? Pin
Saurabh.Garg29-Sep-09 15:37
Saurabh.Garg29-Sep-09 15:37 

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