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AnswerRe: Automate database backup ? Pin
leoinfo14-Jul-08 3:10
leoinfo14-Jul-08 3:10 
Anubhava Dimri13-Jul-08 21:54
Anubhava Dimri13-Jul-08 21:54 
AnswerRe: SQL SERVER DATABASE [modified] Pin
Syed Mehroz Alam14-Jul-08 0:42
Syed Mehroz Alam14-Jul-08 0:42 
Questiongeneralized statements for update delete insert Pin
santosh04213-Jul-08 21:37
santosh04213-Jul-08 21:37 
AnswerRe: generalized statements for update delete insert Pin
Ashfield14-Jul-08 1:14
Ashfield14-Jul-08 1:14 
GeneralRe: generalized statements for update delete insert Pin
santosh04214-Jul-08 4:11
santosh04214-Jul-08 4:11 
AnswerRe: generalized statements for update delete insert Pin
leoinfo14-Jul-08 4:27
leoinfo14-Jul-08 4:27 
Questionconnection string Pin
nelsonpaixao13-Jul-08 15:06
nelsonpaixao13-Jul-08 15:06 

I am asking it again sorry if someone said it right and a got it wrong Sigh | :sigh:

I wrote a application in C# that connects to a sqlserver database.
The login to the application is wrote not in C# but SQL store procedures. I press a buttom that triggers a SP that manages the login.

Ok, but if someone copy and attach my database to other computer he can see everything in there! Because i enter my sqlserver by windows validation and i have no password in sqlserver.

my connection strings have both no password and user.
I want attach to be enabled only if you have user and password.

DO i have to create another login in my sqlserver and create with that new user a database? how i do that? i don ´t know how to create new user in sqlserver rather then the "master"

i spinning here Dead | X| Dead | X| Dead | X|
AnswerRe: connection string Pin
Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd13-Jul-08 15:48
professionalVimalsoft(Pty) Ltd13-Jul-08 15:48 
AnswerRe: connection string Pin
Ashfield13-Jul-08 21:01
Ashfield13-Jul-08 21:01 
GeneralRe: connection string Pin
nelsonpaixao14-Jul-08 13:11
nelsonpaixao14-Jul-08 13:11 
Questionhelp me to write procedure Pin
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 7:40
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 7:40 
AnswerRe: help me to write procedure Pin
nelsonpaixao13-Jul-08 13:35
nelsonpaixao13-Jul-08 13:35 
AnswerRe: help me to write procedure Pin
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 13:41
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 13:41 
AnswerRe: help me to write procedure Pin
nelsonpaixao13-Jul-08 14:37
nelsonpaixao13-Jul-08 14:37 
GeneralRe: help me to write procedure Pin
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 14:47
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 14:47 
AnswerRe: help me to write procedure Pin
leoinfo13-Jul-08 17:21
leoinfo13-Jul-08 17:21 
GeneralRe: help me to write procedure Pin
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 17:57
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 17:57 
GeneralRe: help me to write procedure Pin
Paul Conrad13-Jul-08 18:06
professionalPaul Conrad13-Jul-08 18:06 
GeneralRe: help me to write procedure Pin
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 18:12
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 18:12 
GeneralRe: help me to write procedure Pin
Paul Conrad13-Jul-08 18:16
professionalPaul Conrad13-Jul-08 18:16 
GeneralRe: help me to write procedure Pin
nelsonpaixao13-Jul-08 15:12
nelsonpaixao13-Jul-08 15:12 
GeneralRe: help me to write procedure Pin
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 17:58
amistry_petlad13-Jul-08 17:58 
Questiondecimal not show zero [modified] Pin
tai-fun12-Jul-08 3:38
tai-fun12-Jul-08 3:38 
AnswerRe: decimal not show zero Pin
leoinfo12-Jul-08 7:07
leoinfo12-Jul-08 7:07 

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