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Questionhow Chnage default backgroung color of Title bar Pin
ingoogle10-Apr-08 23:49
ingoogle10-Apr-08 23:49 
AnswerRe: how Chnage default backgroung color of Title bar Pin
followait11-Apr-08 0:37
followait11-Apr-08 0:37 
GeneralRe: how Chnage default backgroung color of Title bar Pin
ingoogle13-Apr-08 19:58
ingoogle13-Apr-08 19:58 
GeneralRe: how Chnage default backgroung color of Title bar Pin
followait13-Apr-08 22:55
followait13-Apr-08 22:55 
AnswerRe: how Chnage default backgroung color of Title bar Pin
Maximilien11-Apr-08 2:17
Maximilien11-Apr-08 2:17 
GeneralRe: how Chnage default backgroung color of Title bar Pin
ingoogle13-Apr-08 20:07
ingoogle13-Apr-08 20:07 
AnswerRe: how Chnage default backgroung color of Title bar Pin
Hamid_RT12-Apr-08 5:46
Hamid_RT12-Apr-08 5:46 
GeneralRe: how Chnage default backgroung color of Title bar Pin
ingoogle13-Apr-08 20:02
ingoogle13-Apr-08 20:02 
yes i searched through and got one MDI application who does exactly what i wanted but he paints customised title bar on exhisting default bar by using subclass technique by Paul DiLascia(MS journal).

my client doesnt allow me to add custom class for this kind of need.
GeneralCreate a button whose id is ID_FILE_NEW, not be processed by CWinApp::OnFileNew Pin
followait10-Apr-08 23:39
followait10-Apr-08 23:39 
GeneralRe: Create a button whose id is ID_FILE_NEW, not be processed by CWinApp::OnFileNew Pin
Nitheesh George11-Apr-08 2:03
Nitheesh George11-Apr-08 2:03 
GeneralRe: Create a button whose id is ID_FILE_NEW, not be processed by CWinApp::OnFileNew Pin
followait11-Apr-08 3:41
followait11-Apr-08 3:41 
GeneralRe: Create a button whose id is ID_FILE_NEW, not be processed by CWinApp::OnFileNew Pin
Nitheesh George11-Apr-08 4:29
Nitheesh George11-Apr-08 4:29 
GeneralRe: Create a button whose id is ID_FILE_NEW, not be processed by CWinApp::OnFileNew Pin
followait11-Apr-08 5:22
followait11-Apr-08 5:22 
GeneralRe: Create a button whose id is ID_FILE_NEW, not be processed by CWinApp::OnFileNew Pin
Nitheesh George11-Apr-08 6:45
Nitheesh George11-Apr-08 6:45 
GeneralRe: Create a button whose id is ID_FILE_NEW, not be processed by CWinApp::OnFileNew Pin
followait11-Apr-08 7:09
followait11-Apr-08 7:09 
GeneralRe: Create a button whose id is ID_FILE_NEW, not be processed by CWinApp::OnFileNew Pin
followait11-Apr-08 7:18
followait11-Apr-08 7:18 
QuestionWhat is wrong with this iterator? Pin
vikramlinux10-Apr-08 22:41
vikramlinux10-Apr-08 22:41 
AnswerRe: What is wrong with this iterator? Pin
vikramlinux10-Apr-08 22:46
vikramlinux10-Apr-08 22:46 
GeneralRe: What is wrong with this iterator? Pin
Cedric Moonen10-Apr-08 22:58
Cedric Moonen10-Apr-08 22:58 
GeneralRe: What is wrong with this iterator? Pin
Stephen Hewitt13-Apr-08 14:21
Stephen Hewitt13-Apr-08 14:21 
GeneralRe: What is wrong with this iterator? Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian10-Apr-08 23:04
professionalRajesh R Subramanian10-Apr-08 23:04 
AnswerRe: What is wrong with this iterator? Pin
Cedric Moonen10-Apr-08 22:50
Cedric Moonen10-Apr-08 22:50 
AnswerRe: What is wrong with this iterator? Pin
Jonathan [Darka]10-Apr-08 23:00
professionalJonathan [Darka]10-Apr-08 23:00 
GeneralRe: What is wrong with this iterator? Pin
vikramlinux11-Apr-08 1:31
vikramlinux11-Apr-08 1:31 
Generalafter pressing button dialog box should be pop up like Windos Explorer Start Button in SDK [modified] Pin
Pankaj Kothawade10-Apr-08 19:48
Pankaj Kothawade10-Apr-08 19:48 

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