I really couldn't tell you. I've done plugin's before, but not in AppDomains. I've never needed the ability to unload plugin's.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Ok, I'm not sure I understand what happens or what to do about it but as the first article talks about leaking datum into the original AppDomain it seems like loading the Plugin loads an extra assemby into AppDomain.CurrentDomain.
I thougt that I was only calling a sub on the interface object IPlugin. Why is the AppDomainClient.DLL loaded and how do I prevent this? More correctly, how do I assure that my plugin can be removed from memory at any time?
I am having problem when i make procedure and declare parameter as datetime and when i call it in crysat report it asks for the value and as in the database that is saved as date only it does not return anything.Can anyone tell me what to do?
Mohinder Singh
What is the PDU format for Long SMS? I am bit confused in this case.
Mohinder Singh
Google is your friend! Results[^] for "PDU format Long SMS"
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
How to sort the table column by clicking on particular column?
Mohinder Singh
you could use a datagridview instead of a table. on a datagridview, colums are sorted by clicking on their header.
~~~ From Milano to The Hague, easy as it goes ~~~
Hello all,
Pls, someone help me.
I would like to compare two objects. It's equal value or not.
For Example
Dim emp1 As New Employee()
Dim emp2 As New Employee()
emp1.Name ="John"
emp2.Name ="John"
'emp1.Equals(emp2) return false I what to get true in this 'condition.
I know that emp1 and emp2 is the difference reference address. But I would to get the return True Value when all of it's property value is the same and else false. How do I get it.
Thanks in advance
Overwrite the Equals method.
~~~ From Milano to The Hague, easy as it goes ~~~
If this is the way you really want to do it, then you'll either have to supply a Equals override in your Employee class or add a DefaultPropertyAttribute[^] to your class specifying the Name property as the default property if none is specified in the expression.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
in a treeview,, if i do rename on any node,, by beginedit,,, but,,, after user chage it's name,, how can i detact tht,, wether new name is vbnullstring or not,,, ????????
You can check for this in the AfterLabelEdit[^] event of the TreeView control.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
your idea worked,,,
manisha vyas
I am developing a VB.NET desktop application. I am using Threading in my application. In the main thread I am creating a thread like this to start Scanning.
Dim thrd1 As Thread
thrd1 = New Thread(AddressOf StartScanning)
thrd1.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal
Catch ex As System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message & vbCrLf & "ErrorCode: " & ex.ErrorCode, "Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop)
Exit Sub
End Try
I am having a button on GUI to stop the scanning process. My problem is I am unable to click the STOP button (i.e. the button is not being clicked, enenthough i click on it). Not only this button, I am unable to click on any of the controls of my form.
Is there any problem with threading or something else?
There's nothing wrong with the code you've posted. Perhaps the problem is in the StartScanning method?? Does the component you're using support being manipulated from the non GUI thread?
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Hello everyone,
I have a little question. I have a datagridview with an unbound column, and some other columns inserted from a datatable as the datasource for the grid.
My problem is, the unbound column is always shown as the first column on the left. I need that column to be the last on the right. any idea on how to do this?
thanks in advance for your help!
~~~ From Milano to The Hague, easy as it goes ~~~
You can set the order of DataGridView Columns using the DisplayIndex property.
DataGridViewName.Columns("ColumnName").DisplayIndex = X
I'd like to change the original form caption contextmenu, for example, to disenable the "Close" menuitem and add my "Cancel". Does anybody know how to make that? Thanks.
Will, I've never had a reason to do it myself, but this[^] is where you start.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Could you please solve the issue for me ?
I have several form midchildren (Please note they are midchild forms). Each has formborderstyle.sizableToolwindow -on every form caption, there is a systemmenu Cancel button.
Now click the Cancel button, the form is closed/disposed. Instead of to close the form, my purpose is to hide it or activate an event when click the button.
Do your guys have any advice? Thanks.
Private WithEvents _oChildForm As New System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
_oChildForm = New System.Windows.Forms.Form
With _oChildForm
.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable
.Text = "ChildForm"
.MdiParent = Me
End With
End Sub
Protected Sub _oChildForm_Cancel(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles _oChildForm.Closing
End Sub
With all the new deatils, this question now has absolutely nothing to do with your original post. I'll refer you to the top post in all the programming forums for an explanation...
You can't change the behavior of that little X. Period. End of story.
No matter what, you're MDIChild form is going to get a FormClosing event. Sooooo, just handle that event, call Me.Hide or whatever you want the form to do, then set the Cancel property of the FormCloseEventArgs to True to cancel closing the form.
Now, you've introduced a problem. When you go to close your application, the child forms will force your app to stay open! Your parent form has to expose a flag to signal these child forms that the the application is closing. Your little Closing event handlers in the child forms must check this flag to see if they really should close and not hide themselves!
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
is there a way to know the number of tables in an sql database without opening sql enterprise manager/configuration? using vb.net 2005 application a simple codes/explanation will help thanks...
-- modified at 4:04 Monday 3rd July, 2006
You can find this information from sysobjects table. All the user defined table having the type 'U'
So writing a query like this will give u number of tables in a database
select count(*) from sysobjects where type = 'U'
NOTE :- Check for the table named "dtProperties", it is a system defined table but type is "U" only (so whatever the count comes COUNT-1 will give u exact number), no idea why, if anyone know about this then please clear my doubt regarding this table.
thanks this will help... ill try this one....
thank you again...