Any body can help me ,i need to get Alert mail in inbox when one perticular News(ex: about Tata steel Ltd.) updated in the world( from all news papers) Like google alert.
and Any body can help me ,i'm not able to find google alert api free download.
hi Vilmos, Not like google alert that need to take cred's of google a/c. so i need to download google alert api to integrate into .net application, please send if you have any idea from where we can download freely google alert api.
afaik it can't be done. The google alert app is doing all the work on the server and just sends the registered e-mail address messages when something comes in. Having the API will allow what? A client coded front end to a web-app.
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
ok THANKS and,Please give me idea,if you have any idea how to get google search API to integrate into my application.
Hi there,
I've built a clientServer chat that each client can send message to all the connected clients, event fired when new client connect or disconnect.
What i'm trying to do now is when a new client connects to the server he will see all the clients that already connected to the chat.
Anybody has an idea how to do this?
Do you use a database on server?
If you are using when user connects write a record into a table with clients ip address, and when user disconnects delete that record. In case of client shutdowns a computer without disconnecting server , ping clients from server repeating with a time interval and try to understand if client is still accessable.
I don't use any DB,
the connected users stored in an array.
tamir901 wrote: the connected users stored in an array.
You've just answered your own question. When a user connects, get all of the connected users from the array. When a user disconnects, or you find a client is no longer accessible tell all connected clients to remove that user.
This is exactly the problem,
i can't understand how...
My Enum is residing in main application as it is the main user of the Enum. I added class library to solution and would like this Enum to be shared from class library without re-defining it. Also don't want to move Enum declaration to class library since the code that mainly using this Enum residing in main application.
Any ideas?
Well you should put your enum in the library regardless of what else is going to use it.
But if you insist on having it in your form just make it public and add a reference to the .exe from
the library
If at first you don't succeed ... post it on The Code Project and Pray.
It is in fact public in my main executable. But if I add reference to the exe from class library I will have circular reference error during add.
I am thinking to create a second assembly, collect all shared classes and enums, then add reference to this library from both executable and other class library. Hope it's better idea.
This is absolutely better idea also it is also the best solution that comes to my mind. For your requirement the only solution is creating a base assebmly can be named as InfrastructureLayer that referenced by all other assemblies.
armkbdotcom wrote: a second assembly
Or would that be a third assembly? Yes, that sounds like a good idea.
yea, sorry. third assembly (second class library).
I already went that way and looks very nice so far.
Yes, your idea is 100% better ...i don't know what i was thinking telling you to add a circular reference.
I guess that just goes to show you, even if someone answers your question you still need to think about it.
If at first you don't succeed ... post it on The Code Project and Pray.
I have xml file format mentioned "code" section.
In my program, i know Failure_ID(it comes from some other binary file), based on "Failure_ID" i want to read "Name" value from XML.
i want to read "Name" thru "Failure_ID".
Please help me to write code for this.
I am using C# windows Applcation, .net 3.5 framework
<Failure_ID="1" Name = "Failure_1" Description = "TBD" />
<Failure_ID="2" Name = "Failure_2" Description = "TBD" />
<Failure_ID="3" Name = "Failure_3" Description = "TBD" />
What have you tried ? What research have you done ? What books do you own ? The key words for your google search are XPath and XMLDocument.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Read my blog to find out how I've worked around bugs in Microsoft tools and frameworks.
I would have suggested that you use SelectSingleNode (member of XmlDocument ), but that won't work since this is not valid XML. The problem is this part <Failure_ID="1" , which as far as I can see quickly is never valid XML, and certainly not in this case. The problem is, there is either no element name or no attribute name (but it's impossible to tell which is missing). I suggest you change it to <Failure ID="3" Name="whatever" Description="Something">
Or if you're not in a position to change the format, use an other way to read the data - not as XML because that's not what it is.
If you go for the first option, the code to select the Name based on the ID could be something like
myDocument.SelectSingleNode("/Failure_Table/Failure[@ID=\"" + theID + "\"]/Name).Value
(warning: untested, and does not do any checking so will fail if Name is not present)
Hope that helps
Hi the child xml nodes are invalid. you need to add element name to the child element nodes.
Below format is be the correct one :
<Failure Failure_ID="1" Name="Failure_1" Description="TBD" />
<Failure Failure_ID="2" Name="Failure_2" Description="TBD" />
<Failure Failure_ID="3" Name="Failure_3" Description="TBD" />
And here is the C# code :
string _xmlData = "<Failure_Table>" +
"<Failure Failure_ID=\"1\" Name = \"Failure_1\" Description = \"TBD\" />" +
"<Failure Failure_ID=\"2\" Name = \"Failure_2\" Description = \"TBD\" />" +
"<Failure Failure_ID=\"3\" Name = \"Failure_3\" Description = \"TBD\" />" +
int desiredFailure_ID = 2;
string name;
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList list = doc.SelectNodes(@"//Failure");
foreach (XmlNode pNode in list)
int failure_ID =int.Parse(pNode.Attributes["Failure_ID"].Value);
if (failure_ID == desiredFailure_ID)
name = pNode.Attributes["Name"].Value;
I have fields in my report that are picklists, how can I set the the value of the field to display the string value?
Try Here[^]
If at first you don't succeed ... post it on The Code Project and Pray.
Good afternoon.
I have a form (ucTabs) with two labels (tslProgress: "Progress" tslStatus: "Status") and a progressbar (tsProgBar).
When a series of methods in the DAL layer are executed, I want to increment the progress bar and change the tslStatus to "Processing xxxx method " + "25%", "Processing yyyy method " + "50%", "Processing zzzz method " + "75%", etc.
Any suggestions?
Thank you, WHEELS