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AnswerRe: Type-safe indexers when inheriting from IList? Pin
James T. Johnson22-Nov-02 17:33
James T. Johnson22-Nov-02 17:33 
GeneralRe: Type-safe indexers when inheriting from IList? Pin
Domenic Denicola22-Nov-02 18:09
Domenic Denicola22-Nov-02 18:09 
GeneralRe: Type-safe indexers when inheriting from IList? Pin
James T. Johnson23-Nov-02 7:46
James T. Johnson23-Nov-02 7:46 
GeneralRe: Type-safe indexers when inheriting from IList? Pin
leppie23-Nov-02 2:25
leppie23-Nov-02 2:25 
GeneralRe: Type-safe indexers when inheriting from IList? Pin
David Stone23-Nov-02 5:19
sitebuilderDavid Stone23-Nov-02 5:19 
GeneralRe: Type-safe indexers when inheriting from IList? Pin
James T. Johnson23-Nov-02 7:41
James T. Johnson23-Nov-02 7:41 
GeneralRe: Type-safe indexers when inheriting from IList? Pin
David Stone23-Nov-02 8:03
sitebuilderDavid Stone23-Nov-02 8:03 
GeneralCustom Forms Designer Pin
Gevik Babakhani22-Nov-02 11:45
Gevik Babakhani22-Nov-02 11:45 
GeneralRe: Custom Forms Designer Pin
John Fisher25-Nov-02 10:29
John Fisher25-Nov-02 10:29 
GeneralConfig files embedded in exe Pin
BarryJ22-Nov-02 11:15
BarryJ22-Nov-02 11:15 
GeneralRe: Config files embedded in exe Pin
Gevik Babakhani22-Nov-02 11:57
Gevik Babakhani22-Nov-02 11:57 
Generalinvoking the compiler from my own code Pin
LongRange.Shooter22-Nov-02 9:33
LongRange.Shooter22-Nov-02 9:33 
GeneralRe: invoking the compiler from my own code Pin
leppie22-Nov-02 12:20
leppie22-Nov-02 12:20 
GeneralRe: invoking the compiler from my own code Pin
LongRange.Shooter25-Nov-02 3:37
LongRange.Shooter25-Nov-02 3:37 
GeneralRe: invoking the compiler from my own code Pin
leppie23-Nov-02 2:31
leppie23-Nov-02 2:31 
GeneralRe: invoking the compiler from my own code Pin
LongRange.Shooter26-Nov-02 4:56
LongRange.Shooter26-Nov-02 4:56 
GeneralRe: invoking the compiler from my own code Pin
leppie26-Nov-02 6:11
leppie26-Nov-02 6:11 
GeneralRe: invoking the compiler from my own code Pin
LongRange.Shooter26-Nov-02 8:49
LongRange.Shooter26-Nov-02 8:49 
GeneralRe: invoking the compiler from my own code Pin
leppie26-Nov-02 9:29
leppie26-Nov-02 9:29 
GeneralRe: invoking the compiler from my own code Pin
LongRange.Shooter26-Nov-02 10:07
LongRange.Shooter26-Nov-02 10:07 
GeneralRe: invoking the compiler from my own code Pin
leppie26-Nov-02 12:39
leppie26-Nov-02 12:39 
GeneralRe: invoking the compiler from my own code Pin
LongRange.Shooter26-Nov-02 10:18
LongRange.Shooter26-Nov-02 10:18 
GeneralReplace colour using GDI+ Pin
BigAndy22-Nov-02 4:56
BigAndy22-Nov-02 4:56 
GeneralRe: Replace colour using GDI+ Pin
Joshua Nussbaum22-Nov-02 10:45
Joshua Nussbaum22-Nov-02 10:45 
QuestionSyntax Highlightning with C# and RichTextBox? Pin
Joe_22-Nov-02 1:19
Joe_22-Nov-02 1:19 

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