Here is the contents of a header file that seems to be causing some problems, as the preview does not show anything at all:
#pragma once
#include <HCCArray.h>
#include <HCCTuple.h>
#include <HCCVector.h>
#pragma pack(push,1)
namespace Harlinn::Common::Core::Persistent
class TypeDescriptorCursor;
constexpr size_t SequenceBlockSize = 8;
constexpr size_t MinimumValidTypeDescriptorDataSize = 4;
enum class ModifierFlags : Byte
Array = 0x01,
Fixed = 0x02,
Constant = 0x04,
BigEndian = 0x08,
Sequence = 0x10
template<typename T>
class Constant;
namespace Internal
template<typename T>
constexpr bool IsConstantImpl = false;
template<typename T>
constexpr bool IsConstantImpl<Constant<T>> = true;
template<typename T>
constexpr bool IsConstant = Persistent::Internal::IsConstantImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>;
namespace Internal
template<typename T>
struct FormatTraits;
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct FormatTraitsBase
using Type = T;
using RawType = RT;
using TypeTraits = Types::TypeTraits<T>;
static constexpr bool IsSupported = true;
static constexpr bool IsFixedSize = TypeTraits::IsFixedSize;
static constexpr size_t BufferSize( const T& object ) noexcept
return sizeof( TypeTraits::Type );
template<typename Writer>
static constexpr void Write( Writer& writer, const T& object )
writer.Write( object );
template<typename Reader>
static constexpr void Read( Reader& reader, T& object )
reader.Read( object );
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct UnsupportedFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T,RT>;
static constexpr bool IsSupported = false;
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct BasicFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T,RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T,RT>;
using Base::TypeTraits;
static constexpr Types::BasicTypeId TypeId = TypeTraits::TypeId;
using FormatType = Tuple<Types::BasicTypeId, ModifierFlags>;
static constexpr FormatType Format{ TypeId, ModifierFlags::None };
using DescriptorType = Tuple<Byte, Byte, Types::BasicTypeId, ModifierFlags>;
static constexpr DescriptorType Descriptor{ static_cast<Byte>('\x2'),static_cast<Byte>('\x1') ,TypeId, ModifierFlags::None};
template<UInt64 uint64Value>
struct SevenBitEncodedValue
static constexpr size_t SizeOfEncodedValue = Core::SizeOf7BitEncodedValue( uint64Value );
using ValueType = ByteArray<SizeOfEncodedValue>;
using type = ValueType;
static constexpr ValueType Encode( ) noexcept
ValueType result;
result.Write7BitEncoded_( 0, uint64Value );
return result;
static constexpr ValueType value = Encode( );
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct BasicArrayFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T,RT>;
using Base::TypeTraits;
static constexpr UInt64 Count = TypeTraits::Count;
using ElementType = typename TypeTraits::ElementType;
using ElementTypeTraits = Types::TypeTraits<ElementType>;
static constexpr Types::BasicTypeId TypeId = ElementTypeTraits::TypeId;
static constexpr auto Format = MakeTuple( TypeId, ModifierFlags::Array | ModifierFlags::Fixed, SevenBitEncodedValue<Count>::value );
using FormatType = decltype( Format );
static constexpr auto Descriptor = TupleCat(MakeTuple( SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( FormatType )>::value, static_cast<Byte>( '\x1' ) ), Format );
using DescriptorType = decltype( Descriptor );
static constexpr size_t BufferSize( const T& object ) noexcept
return TypeTraits::SizeOf( object );
template<typename Writer>
static constexpr void Write( Writer& writer, const T& object )
for ( UInt64 i = 0; i < Count; ++i )
writer.Write( object[i] );
template<typename Reader>
static constexpr void Read( Reader& reader, T& object )
for ( UInt64 i = 0; i < Count; ++i )
reader.Read( object[i] );
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct ArrayFormatTraits : BasicArrayFormatTraits<T, RT>
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct PointerFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct ContainerFormatTraitsBase : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
using Base::TypeTraits;
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct ArrayContainerFormatTraits : ContainerFormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = ContainerFormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
using Base::TypeTraits;
using ElementType = typename TypeTraits::ElementType;
using ElementTypeTraits = Types::TypeTraits<ElementType>;
static constexpr size_t Count = TypeTraits::Count;
static constexpr auto EvalTypeId( )
if constexpr ( ElementTypeTraits::IsBasic )
return ElementTypeTraits::TypeId;
return TypeTraits::TypeId;
static constexpr auto TypeId = EvalTypeId( );
static constexpr auto EvalFormat( )
if constexpr ( ElementTypeTraits::IsBasic )
return MakeTuple( TypeId, ModifierFlags::Array | ModifierFlags::Fixed, SevenBitEncodedValue<Count>::value );
auto elementDescriptor = FormatTraits<ElementType>::Descriptor;
return MakeTuple( TypeId, ModifierFlags::Array | ModifierFlags::Fixed, elementDescriptor, SevenBitEncodedValue<Count>::value );
static constexpr auto Format = EvalFormat( );
using FormatType = decltype( Format );
static constexpr auto Descriptor = TupleCat( MakeTuple( SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( FormatType )>::value, static_cast<Byte>( '\x1' ) ), Format );
using DescriptorType = decltype( Descriptor );
static constexpr size_t BufferSize( const T& object ) noexcept
if constexpr ( Types::IsFixedSize<ElementType>::value )
return Count * Types::PackedSizeOf<T>::value;
using ElementTypeFormatTraits = FormatTraits<ElementType>;
size_t result = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < Count; ++i )
const auto& item = object[i];
result += ElementTypeFormatTraits::BufferSize( item );
return result;
template<typename Writer>
static constexpr void Write( Writer& writer, const T& object )
using ElementTypeFormatTraits = FormatTraits<ElementType>;
for ( UInt64 i = 0; i < Count; ++i )
ElementTypeFormatTraits::Write( writer, object[i] );
template<typename Reader>
static constexpr void Read( Reader& reader, T& object )
using ElementTypeFormatTraits = FormatTraits<ElementType>;
for ( UInt64 i = 0; i < Count; ++i )
ElementTypeFormatTraits::Read( reader, object[i] );
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct VectorContainerFormatTraits : ContainerFormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = ContainerFormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
using Base::TypeTraits;
using ElementType = typename TypeTraits::ElementType;
using ElementTypeTraits = Types::TypeTraits<ElementType>;
static constexpr size_t Count = TypeTraits::Count;
static constexpr auto EvalTypeId( )
if constexpr ( ElementTypeTraits::IsBasic )
return ElementTypeTraits::TypeId;
return TypeTraits::TypeId;
static constexpr auto TypeId = EvalTypeId( );
static constexpr auto EvalFormat( )
if constexpr ( ElementTypeTraits::IsBasic )
return MakeTuple( TypeId, ModifierFlags::Array );
auto elementDescriptor = FormatTraits<ElementType>::Descriptor;
return MakeTuple( TypeId, ModifierFlags::Array, elementDescriptor );
static constexpr auto Format = EvalFormat( );
using FormatType = decltype( Format );
static constexpr auto Descriptor = TupleCat( MakeTuple( SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( FormatType )>::value, static_cast<Byte>( '\x1' ) ), Format );
using DescriptorType = decltype( Descriptor );
static constexpr size_t BufferSize( const T& object ) noexcept
if constexpr ( Types::IsFixedSize<ElementType>::value )
size_t dataSize = object.size() * Types::PackedSizeOf<T>::value;
size_t result = Core::SizeOf7BitEncodedValue( dataSize ) + dataSize;
return result;
using ElementTypeFormatTraits = FormatTraits<ElementType>;
size_t count = object.size( );
size_t dataSize = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i )
const auto& item = object[i];
dataSize += ElementTypeFormatTraits::BufferSize( item );
size_t result = Core::SizeOf7BitEncodedValue( dataSize ) + dataSize;
return result;
template<typename Writer>
static constexpr void Write( Writer& writer, const T& object )
using ElementTypeFormatTraits = FormatTraits<ElementType>;
size_t count = object.size( );
writer.Write7BitEncoded( count );
for ( UInt64 i = 0; i < count; ++i )
ElementTypeFormatTraits::Write( writer, object[i] );
template<typename Reader>
static constexpr void Read( Reader& reader, T& object )
size_t count = reader.Read7BitEncoded( );
object.reserve( count );
using ElementTypeFormatTraits = FormatTraits<ElementType>;
for ( UInt64 i = 0; i < count; ++i )
ElementTypeFormatTraits::Read( reader, object.emplace_back( ) );
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct StringContainerFormatTraits : ContainerFormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = ContainerFormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
using Base::TypeTraits;
using ElementType = typename TypeTraits::ElementType;
using ElementTypeTraits = Types::TypeTraits<ElementType>;
static constexpr Types::BasicTypeId TypeId = ElementTypeTraits::TypeId;
static constexpr auto Format = MakeTuple( TypeId, ModifierFlags::Array );
using FormatType = decltype( Format );
static constexpr auto Descriptor = TupleCat( MakeTuple( SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( FormatType )>::value, static_cast<Byte>( '\x1' ) ), Format );
using DescriptorType = decltype( Descriptor );
static constexpr size_t BufferSize( const T& object ) noexcept
size_t dataSize = object.size( );
size_t result = Core::SizeOf7BitEncodedValue( dataSize ) + dataSize;
return result;
template<typename Writer>
static constexpr void Write( Writer& writer, const T& object )
using ElementTypeFormatTraits = FormatTraits<ElementType>;
size_t count = object.size( );
writer.Write7BitEncoded( count );
writer.Write(, count * sizeof( TypeTraits::ElementType ) );
template<typename Reader>
static constexpr void Read( Reader& reader, T& object )
size_t count = reader.Read7BitEncoded( );
object.resize( count );
reader.Read(, count * sizeof( TypeTraits::ElementType ) );
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct ContainerFormatTraits
: std::conditional_t
IsArrayContainer<T>, ArrayContainerFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
IsVectorContainer<T>, VectorContainerFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
IsStdBasicString<T>, StringContainerFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
ContainerFormatTraitsBase<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>
template<size_t N, typename T, typename ...Types>
struct FormatTypeImplHelper
using TypeFormatTraits = FormatTraits<T>;
static constexpr auto Format = TupleCat( TypeFormatTraits::Format, FormatTypeImplHelper<N-1, Types...>::Format );
using FormatType = decltype( Format );
template<typename T, typename ...Types>
struct FormatTypeImplHelper<1, T, Types...>
using TypeFormatTraits = FormatTraits<T>;
using FormatType = TypeFormatTraits::FormatType;
static constexpr FormatType Format = TypeFormatTraits::Format;
template<typename T, typename ...Types>
struct FormatTypeImplHelper<0, T, Types...>
using FormatType = Tuple<>;
static constexpr FormatType Format{};
template<typename T>
struct FormatTypeImpl
static constexpr auto Format = FormatTraits<T>::Format;
template<typename ...Types>
struct FormatTypeImpl<Tuple<Types...>>
static constexpr auto Format = FormatTypeImplHelper<sizeof...( Types ), Types...>::Format;
template<typename ...Types>
struct FormatTypeImpl<std::tuple<Types...>>
static constexpr auto Format = FormatTypeImplHelper<sizeof...( Types ), Types...>::Format;
template<typename ...Types>
struct FormatTypeImpl<std::pair<Types...>>
static constexpr auto Format = FormatTypeImplHelper<sizeof...( Types ), Types...>::Format;
template<typename ...Types>
struct FormatTypeImpl<TypeList<Types...>>
static constexpr auto Format = FormatTypeImplHelper<sizeof...( Types ), Types...>::Format;
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct TupleFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
using Base::TypeTraits;
static constexpr Types::TupleTypeId TypeId = TypeTraits::TypeId;
using ImplType = FormatTypeImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>;
static constexpr auto HeaderByteSizeAndCount = MakeTuple( TypeId,
SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( ImplType::Format )>::value,
SevenBitEncodedValue<TypeTraits::Count>::value );
static constexpr auto Format = TupleCat( HeaderByteSizeAndCount, ImplType::Format );
using FormatType = decltype( Format );
static constexpr auto Sizes = MakeTuple( SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( FormatType )>::value, static_cast<Byte>( '\x1' ) );
static constexpr auto Descriptor = TupleCat( Sizes, Format );
using DescriptorType = decltype( Descriptor );
static constexpr size_t BufferSize( const T& object ) noexcept
if constexpr ( TypeTraits::Count > 0 )
if constexpr ( Types::IsFixedSize<T>::value )
return Types::PackedSizeOf<T>::value;
if constexpr ( IsStdTuple<T> || IsStdPair<T> )
size_t result = std::apply( []( auto&... v )
return ( FormatTraits<decltype( v )>::BufferSize( v ) + ... );
}, object );
return result;
else if constexpr ( IsCoreTuple<T> )
size_t result = Apply( []( auto&... v )
return ( FormatTraits<decltype( v )>::BufferSize( v ) + ... );
}, object );
return result;
static_assert( false, "Unknown tuple type" );
return 0;
template<typename Writer>
static constexpr void Write( Writer& writer, const T& object )
if constexpr ( IsStdTuple<T> || IsStdPair<T> )
std::apply( [&writer]( auto&... v )
( FormatTraits<decltype( v )>::Write( writer, v ), ... );
}, object );
else if constexpr ( IsCoreTuple<T> )
Apply( [&writer]( auto&... v )
( FormatTraits<decltype( v )>::Write( writer, v ), ... );
}, object );
static_assert( false, "Unknown tuple type" );
template<typename Reader>
static constexpr void Read( Reader& reader, T& object )
if constexpr ( IsStdTuple<T> || IsStdPair<T> )
std::apply( [&reader]( auto&... v )
( FormatTraits<decltype( v )>::Read( reader, v ), ... );
}, object );
else if constexpr ( IsCoreTuple<T> )
Apply( [&reader]( auto&... v )
( FormatTraits<decltype( v )>::Read( reader, v ), ... );
}, object );
static_assert( false, "Unknown tuple type" );
template<typename RT>
struct TupleFormatTraits<Tuple<>, RT> : FormatTraitsBase<Tuple<>, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<Tuple<>, RT>;
using Type = typename Base::Type;
static constexpr Types::TupleTypeId TypeId = Types::TupleTypeId::Tuple;
static constexpr auto HeaderByteSizeAndCount = MakeTuple( TypeId, ModifierFlags::None, static_cast<Byte>( '\x0' ), static_cast<Byte>( '\x0' ) );
static constexpr auto Format = HeaderByteSizeAndCount;
using FormatType = decltype( Format );
static constexpr auto Sizes = MakeTuple( SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( FormatType )>::value, static_cast<Byte>( '\x1' ) );
static constexpr auto Descriptor = TupleCat( Sizes, Format );
using DescriptorType = decltype( Descriptor );
static constexpr size_t BufferSize( const Type& object ) noexcept
return 0;
template<typename Writer>
static constexpr void Write( Writer& writer, const Type& object )
template<typename Reader>
static constexpr void Read( Reader& reader, Type& object )
template<typename RT>
struct TupleFormatTraits<std::tuple<>, RT> : FormatTraitsBase<std::tuple<>, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<std::tuple<>, RT>;
using Type = typename Base::Type;
static constexpr Types::TupleTypeId TypeId = Types::TupleTypeId::StdTuple;
static constexpr auto HeaderByteSizeAndCount = MakeTuple( TypeId, ModifierFlags::None, static_cast<Byte>( '\x0' ), static_cast<Byte>( '\x0' ) );
static constexpr auto Format = HeaderByteSizeAndCount;
using FormatType = decltype( Format );
static constexpr auto Sizes = MakeTuple( SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( FormatType )>::value, static_cast<Byte>( '\x1' ) );
static constexpr auto Descriptor = TupleCat( Sizes, Format );
using DescriptorType = decltype( Descriptor );
static constexpr size_t BufferSize( const Type& object ) noexcept
return 0;
template<typename Writer>
static constexpr void Write( Writer& writer, const Type& object )
template<typename Reader>
static constexpr void Read( Reader& reader, Type& object )
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct OptionalFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct UniquePtrFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct SharedPtrFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct VariantFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct TypeListFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
using Base::TypeTraits;
static constexpr auto TypeId = TypeTraits::TypeId;
using ImplType = FormatTypeImpl<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>;
static constexpr auto HeaderByteSizeAndCount = MakeTuple( TypeId,
SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( ImplType::Format )>::value,
SevenBitEncodedValue<TypeTraits::Count>::value );
static constexpr auto Format = TupleCat( HeaderByteSizeAndCount, ImplType::Format );
using FormatType = decltype( Format );
static constexpr auto Sizes = MakeTuple( SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( FormatType )>::value, static_cast<Byte>( '\x1' ) );
static constexpr auto Descriptor = TupleCat( Sizes, Format );
using DescriptorType = decltype( Descriptor );
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct AdaptedFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
using Base::Type;
using Base::TypeTraits;
using TupleType = typename TypeTraits::TupleType;
static constexpr auto TypeId = TypeTraits::TypeId;
using ImplType = FormatTypeImpl<typename T::TypeList>;
static constexpr auto HeaderByteSizeAndCount = MakeTuple( TypeId,
SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( ImplType::Format )>::value,
SevenBitEncodedValue<TypeTraits::Count>::value );
static constexpr auto Format = TupleCat( HeaderByteSizeAndCount, ImplType::Format );
using FormatType = decltype( Format );
static constexpr auto Sizes = MakeTuple( SevenBitEncodedValue<sizeof( FormatType )>::value, static_cast<Byte>( '\x1' ) );
static constexpr auto Descriptor = TupleCat( Sizes, Format );
using DescriptorType = decltype( Descriptor );
static constexpr size_t BufferSize( const Type& object ) noexcept
if constexpr ( TypeTraits::Count > 0 )
if constexpr ( Types::IsFixedSize<T>::value )
return Types::PackedSizeOf<T>::value;
size_t result = Apply( []( auto&... v )
return ( FormatTraits<decltype( v )>::BufferSize( v ) + ... );
}, reinterpret_cast<const TupleType&>(object) );
return result;
return 0;
template<typename Writer>
static constexpr void Write( Writer& writer, const Type& object )
Apply( [&writer]( auto&... v )
( FormatTraits<decltype( v )>::Write( writer, v ), ... );
}, reinterpret_cast<const TupleType&>( object ) );
template<typename Reader>
static constexpr void Read( Reader& reader, T& object )
Apply( [&reader]( auto&... v )
( FormatTraits<decltype( v )>::Read( reader, v ), ... );
}, reinterpret_cast<const TupleType&>( object ) );
template<typename T, typename RT>
struct ConstantFormatTraits : FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>
using Base = FormatTraitsBase<T, RT>;
template<typename T>
struct FormatTraits :
IsBasicType<T>, Persistent::Internal::BasicFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>,T>,
IsArray<T>, Persistent::Internal::ArrayFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
IsPointer<T>, Persistent::Internal::PointerFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
IsContainer<T>, Persistent::Internal::ContainerFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
IsTupleType<T>, Persistent::Internal::TupleFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
IsStdOptional<T>, Persistent::Internal::OptionalFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
IsStdUniquePtr<T>, Persistent::Internal::UniquePtrFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
IsStdSharedPtr<T>, Persistent::Internal::SharedPtrFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
IsStdVariant<T>, Persistent::Internal::VariantFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
IsTypeList<T>, Persistent::Internal::TypeListFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
IsConstant<T>, Persistent::Internal::ConstantFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
Types::IsAdapted<T>, Persistent::Internal::AdaptedFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>,
Persistent::Internal::UnsupportedFormatTraits<std::remove_cvref_t<T>, T>
{ };
template<typename T>
class Constant
using RawType = T;
using Type = std::remove_cvref_t<T>;
template<typename ...Args>
constexpr auto Descriptor( Args&& ... args )
if constexpr ( sizeof...( Args ) > 0 )
using Types = TypeList<Args...>;
using FormatTraitsT = Internal::FormatTraits<Types>;
return FormatTraitsT::Descriptor;
return MakeTuple( static_cast<Byte>( 4 ), static_cast<Byte>( 1 ), Types::UtilityTypeId::TypeList, ModifierFlags::None, static_cast<Byte>( 0 ), static_cast<Byte>( 0 ) );
template<typename ...Types>
struct DescriptorType
using FormatTraitsT = Internal::FormatTraits<TypeList<Types...>>;
using type = typename FormatTraitsT::DescriptorType;
static constexpr auto value = FormatTraitsT::Descriptor;
struct DescriptorType<>
using type = Tuple<Byte, Byte, Types::UtilityTypeId, ModifierFlags, Byte, Byte>;
static constexpr auto value = MakeTuple( static_cast<Byte>( 4 ), static_cast<Byte>( 1 ), Types::UtilityTypeId::TypeList, ModifierFlags::None, static_cast<Byte>( 0 ), static_cast<Byte>( 0 ) );
template<typename ...Args>
inline constexpr bool IsFixedSize( const Args& ... args )
if constexpr ( sizeof...( Args ) > 0 )
return ( Types::IsFixedSize<Args>::value && ... );
return true;
template<typename ...Args>
inline constexpr size_t BufferSize( const Args& ... args )
if constexpr ( sizeof...( Args ) > 0 )
return ( Internal::FormatTraits<Args>::BufferSize( args ) + ... );
return 0;
template<typename Writer, typename ...Args>
inline constexpr void Write( Writer& writer, const Args& ... args )
if constexpr ( sizeof...( Args ) > 0 )
( Internal::FormatTraits<Args>::Write( writer, args ), ... );
template<typename Reader, typename ...Args>
inline constexpr void Read( Reader& reader, Args& ... args )
if constexpr ( sizeof...( Args ) > 0 )
( Internal::FormatTraits<Args>::Read( reader, args ), ... );
inline bool IsBasicTypeDescriptor( const Byte* descriptor, size_t descriptorSize ) noexcept
if ( descriptorSize == 8 &&
descriptor[0] == 6 &&
descriptor[1] == 1 &&
descriptor[2] == static_cast<Byte>( Types::UtilityTypeId::TypeList ) &&
descriptor[3] == static_cast<Byte>( ModifierFlags::None ) &&
descriptor[4] == 2 &&
descriptor[5] == 1 &&
descriptor[6] >= static_cast<Byte>( Types::BasicTypeIdMin ) &&
descriptor[6] >= static_cast<Byte>( Types::BasicTypeIdMax ) &&
( (descriptor[7] & static_cast<Byte>( Persistent::ModifierFlags::Array | Persistent::ModifierFlags::Fixed | Persistent::ModifierFlags::Sequence )) == static_cast<Byte>( Persistent::ModifierFlags::None ) ) )
return true;
return false;
template<typename T>
requires ((IsStdVector<T> || IsCoreVector<T> || IsStdSpan<T>) && std::is_same_v<Byte, typename std::remove_cvref_t<T>::value_type >)
inline bool IsBasicTypeDescriptor(const T& bytes )
return IsBasicTypeDescriptor(, bytes.size() );
inline bool IsIntegerBasicTypeDescriptor( const Byte* descriptor, size_t descriptorSize ) noexcept
if ( descriptorSize == 8 &&
descriptor[0] == 6 &&
descriptor[1] == 1 &&
descriptor[2] == static_cast<Byte>( Types::UtilityTypeId::TypeList ) &&
descriptor[3] == static_cast<Byte>( ModifierFlags::None ) &&
descriptor[4] == 2 &&
descriptor[5] == 1 &&
( (descriptor[7] & static_cast<Byte>( Persistent::ModifierFlags::Array | Persistent::ModifierFlags::Fixed | Persistent::ModifierFlags::Sequence )) == static_cast<Byte>( Persistent::ModifierFlags::None ) ) )
auto typeId = static_cast<Types::BasicTypeId>( descriptor[6] );
switch ( typeId )
case Types::BasicTypeId::Unknown:
case Types::BasicTypeId::Boolean:
case Types::BasicTypeId::Char:
case Types::BasicTypeId::WChar:
case Types::BasicTypeId::Single:
case Types::BasicTypeId::Double:
return false;
return true;
return false;
template<typename T>
requires ( ( IsStdVector<T> || IsCoreVector<T> || IsStdSpan<T> ) && std::is_same_v<Byte, typename std::remove_cvref_t<T>::value_type > )
inline bool IsIntegerBasicTypeDescriptor( const T& bytes )
return IsIntegerBasicTypeDescriptor( ), bytes.size( ) );
#pragma pack(pop)
After posting the message, the C++ code doesn't look all that bad, even if some of the template stuff could do with a bit more coloring.
I pasted the code 'as-is', and it is actually readable on the site . If I remember correctly this used to be a big 'no-no' some years ago, and everything had to be encoded as HTML.
Quote: Ugh. The apostrophe separated numbers are just...ugh.
They have, as you know, been a part of C++ for some time now, and they makes big numbers more readable: 1000000000000 vs 1'000'000'000'000 - while 1'0 is just silly compared to 10
Have a nice weekend
Espen Harlinn
Senior Architect - Ulriken Consulting AS
The competent programmer is fully aware of the strictly limited size of his own skull; therefore he approaches the programming task in full humility, and among other things he avoids clever tricks like the plague.Edsger W.Dijkstra
modified 26-Jun-21 5:08am.