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Dear Team,

I have a problem with PrintDocument in Class).

While printing from application to a PDF printer printout goes to PDF and works great But while actual printing hard copy to my HP Printer it shows an error in the printer. In my physical printer(hardware) there is an error button it blinks continuously while printing command is given from the application but if i give the printout from excel/word printout comes.

When i press the error button then also print out comes of my application but it is not coming directly without manual intervention of pressing error button in printer.

I am trying to solve myself past 7 days but no success and finally as usual seeking for help

Sukhen Dass
Sascha Lefèvre 13-May-15 12:26pm    
Doesn't your printer give a more specific error indication?
sukhen dass 13-May-15 12:28pm    
no only a orange color blinking led
Sascha Lefèvre 13-May-15 12:31pm    
And the color orange and the blinking frequency isn't specific to a certain error? (I'm thinking of something like this in manuals: "If it blinks red and slow, then...; if it blinks orange and fast, then...")
sukhen dass 13-May-15 12:44pm    
i dont have any manual
Sascha Lefèvre 13-May-15 12:48pm    
Google it :)
Otherwise I have no good idea. Maybe somebody else can help you. If not, I would suggest you to take your application to some other PC where a printer with a display is available so you (should) get a more helpful error message.

1 solution

Imports System.Text
Imports System.Drawing.Printing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Drawing
Imports FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient
Imports Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms
Imports IO = System.IO
Imports System.Globalization
Public Class Print_Invoice_From_User_Setting
    '------------Print Preview Variables--------------
    Dim HX As Integer = 0
    Dim HY As Integer = 0

    Dim lblPageOfTotal As New ToolStripLabel
    Dim dicPrevGroupingColumns As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim dicPrevGroupingDetailColumns As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim dicPrevHeaderColumnsValue As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim dicSumOfHeaderColumns As New Dictionary(Of String, Decimal)
    Dim dicSumOfDetailColumns As New Dictionary(Of String, Decimal)
    Dim dicSumOfGroupColumns As New Dictionary(Of String, Decimal)
    Dim dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns As New Dictionary(Of String, Decimal)
    Dim dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns As New Dictionary(Of String, Decimal)
    Dim nMax_Width As Double = 0
    Dim nMax_Height As Double = 0
    'Dim dicPrevGroupingDetailColumns As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim nGap As Integer = 1
    Dim nLineGap As Integer = 2
    Dim strEmail_Ids As String = ""
    Private WithEvents PrintDoc As New System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument ' PrintDocumnet Object used for printing
    Dim Is_Exit_On As Boolean = False
    Dim nSheets As Integer = 0

    Dim objects As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs
    Dim nHeaderHeight As Integer = 0
    Dim nFooterHeight As Integer = 0
    Dim nFooter_RTF_Height As Integer = 0
    Dim dr As DataRow()
    Dim nPrinted_Rows As Integer = 0
    Dim ppc As New System.Drawing.Printing.PreviewPrintController()
    Dim Is_Print_Summary As Boolean = False
    Dim Is_Print_Grand_Total As Boolean = False
    Private Shared StrFormat As StringFormat
    Private Shared StrVariableFormat As StringFormat
    Private Shared StrLeftCenterAlignment As StringFormat
    Private Shared StrCenterAlignment As StringFormat
    Private Shared numFormat As StringFormat
    Private Shared numFormatNoDecimal As StringFormat
    Private Shared printFont As Font
    Private Shared printFontHeaderFooter As Font
    Private Shared printFontDetail As Font
    Private Shared printFontHeaderFooterDetail As Font

    Dim Is_Print_Preview As Boolean = False
    Dim Has_Print As Boolean = False
    Dim CInfo As CultureInfo

    Private strFormName As String = ""
    Private ppvw As PrintPreviewDialog
    Dim nEdit_Id_Value As Long
    Private Shared NewPage As Boolean            ' Indicates if a new page reached 
    Private Shared PageNo As Int16               ' Number of pages to print 
    Private Shared nPageNo As Int16 = 0
    Private Shared nRows As Integer = 0
    Private Shared nRowsChild As Integer = 0
    Private Shared nChildItems As Integer = 0
    Private Shared nCurrent_Copy As Byte = 0
    Private Shared Has_Child_Item As Boolean = False
    Private Shared Has_More_Child_Item As Boolean = False
    Private Shared nResetChildiLoop As Integer = 0
    Private Shared nDetailHeaderRepeat_Start As Integer = 0
    Private Shared nResetiLoop As Integer = 0
    Private Shared Is_Continue_Same_Item As Boolean = False
    Private Shared nColCountChild As Integer = 0
    Private Shared nColCount As Integer = 0
    Private nHeader_Serial_No As Integer = 0
    Private nGroup_Serial_No As Integer = 0
    Private nDetail_Group_Serial_No As Integer = 0
    Private nDetail_Serial_No As Integer = 0

    Dim img1 As Bitmap = Nothing
    Dim img2 As Bitmap = Nothing
    Dim Header_Position As Integer = 0
    Dim Footer_Position As Integer = 0
    Dim Is_DetailHeader_Caption_To_Repeat As Boolean = False

    Dim lPageHeight As Integer = 0
    Dim lPageWidth As Integer = 0
    Dim Type_Of_Pages As New List(Of String)
    Dim leftMargin As Single = 0
    Dim topMargin As Single = 0
    Dim nPrev_Right_Margin As Single = 0
    Dim nPrev_Bottom_Margin As Single = 0
    Dim isPageNoFormat_Set As Boolean = True
    Dim Is_Closed_From_TextBox As Boolean = False

    Dim nPFSLeft_Margin As Integer = 0
    Dim nPFSRight_Margin As Integer = 0
    Dim nPFSTop_Margin As Integer = 0
    Dim nPFSBottom_Margin As Integer = 0
    Dim nPFSPage_Width As Integer = 0
    Dim nPFSPage_Height As Integer = 0
    Dim nPFSCopy_In_One_Page As Integer = 0
    Dim nPFSEach_Page_Width As Integer = 0
    Dim nPFSEach_Page_Height As Integer = 0
    Dim nPFSPage_No_Format As Integer = -1
    Dim Is_Horizontal_Grid_Line As Boolean = False
    Dim Is_Vertical_Grid_Line As Boolean = False
    Dim nPFSPage_No_Alignment As Integer = -1
    Dim strContinuation_Caption As String = "Continue..."
    Dim strContinuation_Caption_Next_Page As String = "Continue..."
    Dim strForm_Caption As String = ""
    Dim xColor As New ColorConverter
    Dim xFont As New FontConverter
    Dim Is_preview As Boolean = False
    Dim Is_mdiform_Closing As Boolean = False
    Dim Is_Print_Given As Boolean = False

    '---------------Data Variables--------------
    Dim dicData_Format As Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim dicHeader_Sum As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
    Dim dicHeader_Count As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
    Dim dicHeader_Grouping As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
    Dim dicHeader_Width As Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
    Dim dicPrint_Options As New Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
    Dim strFrom_Date As String = ""
    Dim strTo_Date As String = ""

    Dim dicData_Type As Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim dicDetail_Sum As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
    Dim dicDetail_Count As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
    Dim dicDetail_Grouping As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
    Dim dicDetail_Width As Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
    Dim dicDecimal_Place As Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim dicSummary_Captions As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim dicGroup_Serial_No_Reset_Columns As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim dicColumn_Captions As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim dicMerge_Columns As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
    Dim strBook_Type_As_Register_Type As String = """"
    Dim dsHeader As DataSet
    Dim strRegister_Heading As String = ""
    Dim strHeader_Detail_Or_Both As String = ""
    Dim Is_Detail_Start As Boolean = False
    Dim Is_Group_Serial_No_On_Single_Columns As Boolean = False
    Dim dtrPrint_Setting As DataRow
    Dim dPrint_Setting_Detail As DataSet
    Dim dsInvoice_Print_Data As DataSet
    Dim Is_Full_Page_Print As Boolean = False
    Public Sub New(ByVal drPrint_Setting_Header As DataRow, ByVal dsPrint_Setting_Detail As DataSet, ByVal dsInvoice_Data As DataSet, ByVal Print_Copy As List(Of String), ByVal Register_Heading As String, ByVal Print_Options As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean), ByVal From_Date As String, ByVal To_Date As String, ByVal dsHeader_Data_Set As DataSet, ByVal Header_Detail_Or_Both As String, ByVal dicHeader_Fields_Width As Dictionary(Of String, Integer), ByVal dicDetail_Fields_Width As Dictionary(Of String, Integer), ByVal dicFormat_Fields As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal dicData_Field_Type As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal dicHeader_Sum_Fields As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean), ByVal dicDetail_Sum_Fields As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean), ByVal dicHeader_Count_Fields As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean), ByVal dicDetail_Count_Fields As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean), ByVal dicHeader_Grouping_Fields As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean), ByVal dicDetail_Grouping_Fields As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean), ByVal Book_Type_As_Register_Type As String, ByVal Mdi_Form As Form, ByVal Edit_id_Value As Long, ByVal nPageWidth As Integer, ByVal dicDecimal_Places As Dictionary(Of String, String), Optional ByVal dicSummary_Caption As Dictionary(Of String, String) = Nothing, Optional ByVal dicGroup_Serial_No_Reset_Column As Dictionary(Of String, String) = Nothing, Optional ByVal dicColumn_Caption As Dictionary(Of String, String) = Nothing, Optional ByVal dicMerge_Column As Dictionary(Of String, String) = Nothing)
        dicPrint_Options = Print_Options
        dtrPrint_Setting = drPrint_Setting_Header
        dPrint_Setting_Detail = dsPrint_Setting_Detail
        dsInvoice_Print_Data = dsInvoice_Data

        If Not dicSummary_Caption Is Nothing Then
            dicSummary_Captions = dicSummary_Caption
        End If
        If Not dicGroup_Serial_No_Reset_Column Is Nothing Then
            dicGroup_Serial_No_Reset_Columns = dicGroup_Serial_No_Reset_Column
        End If
        If Not dicColumn_Caption Is Nothing Then
            dicColumn_Captions = dicColumn_Caption
        End If
        If Not dicMerge_Column Is Nothing Then
            dicMerge_Columns = dicMerge_Column
        End If

        strFrom_Date = From_Date
        strTo_Date = To_Date
        strRegister_Heading = Register_Heading

        dsHeader = dsHeader_Data_Set
        strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = Header_Detail_Or_Both

        dicData_Format = dicFormat_Fields
        dicHeader_Sum = dicHeader_Sum_Fields
        dicHeader_Count = dicHeader_Count_Fields
        dicHeader_Grouping = dicHeader_Grouping_Fields
        dicHeader_Width = dicHeader_Fields_Width
        dicDecimal_Place = dicDecimal_Places

        dicData_Type = dicData_Field_Type
        dicDetail_Sum = dicDetail_Sum_Fields
        dicDetail_Count = dicDetail_Count_Fields
        dicDetail_Grouping = dicDetail_Grouping_Fields
        dicDetail_Width = dicDetail_Fields_Width

        If drPrint_Setting_Header("HEADING_FONT") & "" <> "" Then
            printFontHeaderFooter = xFont.ConvertFromString(drPrint_Setting_Header("HEADING_FONT"))
            printFontHeaderFooterDetail = New Font(printFontHeaderFooter.Name, printFontHeaderFooter.Size - 1, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Italic)
            printFontHeaderFooter = New Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Bold)
            printFontHeaderFooterDetail = New Font("Verdana", 8, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Italic)
        End If

        If drPrint_Setting_Header("DATA_FONT") & "" <> "" Then
            printFont = xFont.ConvertFromString(drPrint_Setting_Header("DATA_FONT"))
            printFontDetail = New Font(printFont.Name, printFont.Size - 1, FontStyle.Italic)
            printFont = New Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Regular)
            printFontDetail = New Font("Verdana", 8, FontStyle.Italic)
        End If

        strBook_Type_As_Register_Type = Book_Type_As_Register_Type
        CInfo = New CultureInfo("hi-IN")
        If strBook_Type_As_Register_Type = "S" Then
            Type_Of_Pages = Print_Copy
        End If
        Header_Position = 1     '0-In All Page,1-First Page Only
        Footer_Position = 0     '0-In All Page,1-Last Page Only

        Is_DetailHeader_Caption_To_Repeat = False
        'PrintDoc.OriginAtMargins = False
        ppvw = New PrintPreviewDialog
        ppvw.Document = PrintDoc  'PreparePrintDocument()

        ppvw.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
        ppvw.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 1.0
        ppvw.KeyPreview = True
        ppvw.ControlBox = False
        'ppvw.MinimizeBox = False
        ppvw.AutoScroll = True

        AddHandler ppvw.KeyPress, AddressOf CloseOnEscapeKeyPress
        AddHandler ppvw.KeyUp, AddressOf CloseOnEscape

        AddHandler ppvw.FormClosed, AddressOf FormClosed
        AddHandler ppvw.FormClosing, AddressOf ForClosing
        AddHandler ppvw.MdiChildActivate, AddressOf MdiChildActivate

        If nPFSPage_Height = 0 Then
            lPageHeight = 1169
            lPageHeight = nPFSPage_Height
        End If
        If nPageWidth = 0 Then
            lPageWidth = 827
            lPageWidth = nPageWidth
        End If

        lPageHeight = drPrint_Setting_Header("PAGE_HEIGHT") * 100


        leftMargin = drPrint_Setting_Header("LEFT_MARGIN") * 100
        nPFSRight_Margin = drPrint_Setting_Header("RIGHT_MARGIN") * 100
        nPFSBottom_Margin = drPrint_Setting_Header("BOTTOM_MARGIN") * 100
        topMargin = drPrint_Setting_Header("TOP_MARGIN") * 100

        'nPFSLeft_Margin = leftMargin

        nPrev_Right_Margin = nPFSRight_Margin
        nPrev_Bottom_Margin = nPFSBottom_Margin

        nPFSCopy_In_One_Page = drPrint_Setting_Header("COPY_IN_ONE_PAGE")
        nPFSEach_Page_Height = drPrint_Setting_Header("EACH_PAGE_HEIGHT")
        nPFSEach_Page_Width = drPrint_Setting_Header("EACH_PAGE_WIDTH")
        If nPFSEach_Page_Width = 0 Then
            nPFSEach_Page_Width = lPageWidth
        End If

        nPFSTop_Margin = drPrint_Setting_Header("TOP_MARGIN") * 100

        nPFSPage_No_Alignment = drPrint_Setting_Header("PAGE_NO_ALIGNMENT")
        nPFSPage_No_Format = drPrint_Setting_Header("PAGE_NO_FORMAT")

        If drPrint_Setting_Header("HORIZONTAL_GRID_LINES") & "" = "Y" Then
            Is_Horizontal_Grid_Line = True
        End If

        If drPrint_Setting_Header("VERTICAL_GRID_LINES") & "" = "Y" Then
            Is_Vertical_Grid_Line = True
        End If

        If drPrint_Setting_Header("FULL_PAGE_PRINT") = "Y" Then
            Is_Full_Page_Print = True
        End If
        strContinuation_Caption = drPrint_Setting_Header("CONTINUITY_CAPTION")
        strContinuation_Caption_Next_Page = drPrint_Setting_Header("CONTINUITY_CAPTION_NEXT_PAGE")

        PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = IIf(nPFSLeft_Margin < 25, 25, nPFSLeft_Margin)
        PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = IIf(nPFSRight_Margin < 25, 25, nPFSRight_Margin)
        PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = IIf(nPFSTop_Margin < 25, 25, nPFSTop_Margin)
        PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = IIf(nPFSBottom_Margin < 25, 25, nPFSBottom_Margin)
        Get_Footer_Height(nFooterHeight, nFooter_RTF_Height, dsInvoice_Print_Data, dsPrint_Setting_Detail)

        HX = 0
        HY = 0 'CInt(PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.HardMarginY)

        'Dim HX As Integer = CInt(PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.HardMarginX)
        'Dim HY As Integer = CInt(PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.HardMarginY)

        'Dim margins As New Margins(100, 100, 100, 100)
        If lPageWidth > lPageHeight Then
            ppvw.Document.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = True

            ppvw.Document.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = New PaperSize("Test", lPageHeight , lPageWidth, + ppvw.Document.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top)
            ppvw.Width = lPageWidth '+ leftMargin + nPFSRight_Margin
            ppvw.Document.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize = New PaperSize("Test", lPageWidth, lPageHeight + ppvw.Document.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top + ppvw.Document.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom)
            ppvw.Document.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = False
            ppvw.Height = lPageHeight '+ topMargin + nPFSBottom_Margin
            ppvw.Width = lPageWidth
        End If

        'PrintDoc.OriginAtMargins = True
        'ppvw.Document.OriginAtMargins = True

        Dim ctlToolStrip As Control()
        ctlToolStrip = ppvw.Controls.Find("toolStrip1", True)

        If ctlToolStrip.Count > 0 Then

            Dim tsp As ToolStrip
            tsp = DirectCast(ctlToolStrip(0), ToolStrip)
            For Each CTL As Control In ppvw.Controls
                CTL.BackColor = Color.PowderBlue
            For Each tsi As ToolStripItem In tsp.Items
                If tsi.Name.ToLower Like "*print*" Then
                ElseIf tsi.Name = "pageToolStripLabel" Then
                    lblPageOfTotal = tsi
                    lblPageOfTotal.ForeColor = Color.Red
                    lblPageOfTotal.Font = New Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Italic Or FontStyle.Underline)

                    'tsi.Text = "Print To &Default Printer"
                    'tsi.Font = New Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Bold)
                    'tsi.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText
                    'tsi.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText
                    'tsi.Height = 18
                    'tsi.Visible = False

                ElseIf tsi.Name.ToLower Like "*separa*" Then
                    tsi.Visible = False
                ElseIf tsi.Name.ToLower Like "*close*" Then
                    tsi.Visible = False
                End If

            '--------------Default Print-------
            Dim btnDefaultPrint As New ToolStripButton
            btnDefaultPrint.Text = "Print To &Default Printer"
            btnDefaultPrint.Font = New Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Bold)
            btnDefaultPrint.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText
            btnDefaultPrint.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText
            btnDefaultPrint.Height = 18
            btnDefaultPrint.Name = "btnPrintDefault"

            AddHandler btnDefaultPrint.Click, AddressOf PRINT_DEFAULT_DOC

            '---------Selected Print---------
            Dim btnPrint As New ToolStripButton
            btnPrint.Text = "&Print"
            btnPrint.Font = New Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Bold)
            btnPrint.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText
            btnPrint.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText
            btnPrint.Height = 18
            btnPrint.Name = "btnPrint"
            AddHandler btnPrint.Click, AddressOf PRINT_DOC

            Dim btnClose As New ToolStripButton
            btnClose.Text = "&Close"
            btnClose.Font = New Font("Verdana", 9, FontStyle.Bold)
            btnClose.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText
            btnClose.TextImageRelation = TextImageRelation.ImageBeforeText
            btnClose.Height = 18
            btnClose.Name = "btnClose"
            AddHandler btnClose.Click, AddressOf CLOSE_DOC


            tsp.BackColor = Color.LightYellow

        End If

        ppvw.Name = "PRINT_REGISTER_" & strBook_Type_As_Register_Type & "."
        ppvw.ShowIcon = True
        ppvw.Tag = ppvw.Name
        ppvw.Text = ppvw.Name
        Is_Print_Preview = True


            If Is_Print_Preview = False Then
                Is_Print_Given = True
                PrintDoc.PrintController = New StandardPrintController()
                Is_Print_Given = False
                PrintDoc.PrintController = New StandardPrintController()
            End If
            ppvw.MdiParent = Mdi_Form

        Catch ex As Exception
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Print", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub PrintDoc_BeginPrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles PrintDoc.BeginPrint
        Is_Exit_On = False

        Dim InMargins As Margins

        PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = IIf(nPFSLeft_Margin < 25, 25, nPFSLeft_Margin)
        PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = IIf(nPFSRight_Margin < 25, 25, nPFSRight_Margin)
        PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = IIf(nPFSTop_Margin < 25, 25, nPFSTop_Margin)
        PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = IIf(nPFSBottom_Margin < 25, 25, nPFSBottom_Margin)

        'PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = nPFSLeft_Margin
        'PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = nPFSRight_Margin
        'PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = nPFSTop_Margin
        'PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = nPFSBottom_Margin

        InMargins = PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins
        If PrintDoc.OriginAtMargins Then
            If PrintDoc.PrintController.IsPreview Then
                PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = New Margins(InMargins.Left + HX, _
                                                InMargins.Right - HX, _
                                                InMargins.Top + HY, _
                                                InMargins.Bottom - HY)
            End If
            If Not PrintDoc.PrintController.IsPreview Then
                PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = New Margins(InMargins.Left - HX, _
                                                InMargins.Right + HX, _
                                                InMargins.Top - HY, _
                                                InMargins.Bottom + HY)
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub PrintDoc_EndPrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles PrintDoc.EndPrint

            If Is_mdiform_Closing = True Then
                Is_mdiform_Closing = False
                Exit Sub
            End If

            nRows = 0

            Has_Print = True
            Is_Print_Given = False
            Dim mdiParent As Object
            Dim nCount As Integer = 0
            Dim strName As String = ppvw.Name
            mdiParent = ppvw.MdiParent

            ppvw.Name = strName
            ppvw.Tag = strName
            ppvw.Text = strName

            mdiParent.imgFormImage.Images.Add(strName, GetFormImage(ppvw))

            lblPageOfTotal.Text = "Out Of " & IIf(nPageNo = 0, 1, nPageNo) & " Current Page No. Is"
            'objects.Graphics.DrawString("Hello_End", New Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Underline, GraphicsUnit.Point), Brushes.Black, leftMargin, 10, StrCenterAlignment)

        Catch ex As Exception
            'PrintDoc.OriginAtMargins = True
            'ppvw.Document.OriginAtMargins = True
            Is_Exit_On = True
        End Try

    End Sub

    Private Sub PrintDoc_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDoc.PrintPage

        Dim Is_Print_Summary_Called As Boolean = False
        Dim nPerWidth As Integer
        Dim nPerHeight As Integer
        Dim Is_Merge_Exist As Boolean = False
        Dim nMerge_Start_Postition As Integer = 0
        Dim nMerge_Text_Height As Integer = 0
        Dim nMerge_Width As Integer = 0
        Dim nMerge_Height As Integer = 0
        Dim strPrev_Merge_Text As String = ""
        Dim actual As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim actualMerge As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim actual1 As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim nHeight As Integer = 0
        Dim iLoop As Integer = 0
        Dim strColumn As String = ""
        Dim strColumn1 As String = ""
        Dim strFont As String = "Verdana,9pt ,style=Regular"
        Dim strColor As String = "-16776961"
        Dim nLeft As Integer = 0
        Dim nTop As Integer = 0
        Dim nWidth As Integer = 0
        Dim nTotalWidth As Integer = 0
        Dim nTotalHeight As Integer = 0
        Dim nPrev_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim nNext_Row_Max_Height As Integer = 0

        Dim nHeight_Gap As Integer = nPFSTop_Margin

        Dim strData As String = ""
        Dim strPrevGroup As String = ""
        Dim Has_Negative_Value As Boolean = False

        Dim nRTF_Footer_Height As Double = 0
        Dim nRTF_Header_Height As Double = 0
        Dim nHeader_Height As Double = 0
        Dim nCustom_Field_Height As Double = 0
        Dim nMisc_Charges_Height As Double = 0

        'Dim dicPrevGroupingColumns As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
        'Dim dicPrevGroupingDetailColumns As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
        Dim Is_Print_Group_Header As Boolean = True
        Dim nGroup_Height As Integer = 0
        Dim nStart_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim nEnd_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim strGroup_Data As String = ""
        Dim Is_Print_Header_Column_Value As Boolean = True
        Dim Is_Merge_Line_Print As Boolean = False
        Dim Is_To_Go_To_Print_Group_Header As String = "H"
        Dim Is_First_Time As Boolean = False
        Dim Is_Header_Printed As Boolean = False
        If leftMargin = 0 Then
            leftMargin = e.MarginBounds.Left / 2
        End If


            nPerWidth = e.PageBounds.Width
            nPerHeight = e.PageBounds.Height
            e.Graphics.InterpolationMode = Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.Bicubic

            If Not dicPrint_Options Is Nothing Then
                Print_Company_Name_And_Address(e, nHeight_Gap)
            End If

            'e.Graphics.DrawString(strRegister_Heading, New Font("Verdana", 10, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Underline, GraphicsUnit.Point), Brushes.Black, leftMargin, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
            'actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Date Range:", printFontHeaderFooter)
            'nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
            'e.Graphics.DrawString("Date Range:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
            'e.Graphics.DrawString(strFrom_Date & " To " & strTo_Date, printFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin + actual1.Width + 5, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

            nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height

            If dtrPrint_Setting("IS_HEADER_FORMAT") = "Y" AndAlso dsInvoice_Print_Data.Tables("T_FORMAT").Rows.Count > 0 Then
                Print_Header_Footer_RTF_Part(e, dsInvoice_Print_Data.Tables("T_FORMAT").Rows(0), nRTF_Header_Height, nMax_Width, nMax_Height, nHeight_Gap, "H")
            End If

            Print_Header_Part(e, dsInvoice_Print_Data.Tables("T_Sale_Purchase").Rows(0), nHeader_Height, nHeight_Gap)
            If dsInvoice_Print_Data.Tables("TC_CUSTOM_FIELDS").Rows.Count > 0 Then
                Print_Custom_Fields_Part(e, dsInvoice_Print_Data.Tables("TC_CUSTOM_FIELDS"), nCustom_Field_Height, nHeight_Gap)
            End If
            'nCustom_Field_Height+ nRTF_Header_Height + nHeader_Height
            topMargin = nHeight_Gap

            If Not dicPrevGroupingColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicPrevGroupingColumns.Count > 0 Then
                Is_Print_Group_Header = False
            ElseIf Not dicPrevGroupingDetailColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicPrevGroupingDetailColumns.Count > 0 Then
                Is_Print_Group_Header = False
            End If

            For iLoop = nPrinted_Rows To dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
                '---------Grouping Print Start------------
                nGroup_Height = 0
                If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                    Is_Print_Header_Column_Value = False
                End If
                If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "H" Then
                    If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height + printFont.Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, True, False, False, iLoop, False) = True Then
                        Is_Print_Group_Header = False
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                    Print_Group_Header_Part(e, nTop, nGroup_Height, dicPrevGroupingColumns, Is_Print_Group_Header, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height)
                    If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height + printFont.Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, True, False, False, iLoop, False) = True Then
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                ElseIf strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "D" Then
                    If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height + printFont.Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, True, False, False, iLoop, False) = True Then
                        Is_Print_Group_Header = False
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                    Print_Group_Detail_Part(e, nTop, nGroup_Height, dicPrevGroupingDetailColumns, Is_Print_Group_Header, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height)
                    If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height + printFont.Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, True, False, False, iLoop, False) = True Then
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                    If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height + printFont.Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, True, False, False, iLoop, False) = True Then
                        Is_Print_Group_Header = False
                        Exit Sub
                    End If

                    If Is_Print_Header_Column_Value = False OrElse Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                        If Not dicPrevHeaderColumnsValue Is Nothing AndAlso dicPrevHeaderColumnsValue.Count > 0 Then
                            For iCol = 0 To dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
                                strColumn = dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns(iCol).ColumnName
                                If Not dicHeader_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                    strData = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop)(strColumn).ToString & ""
                                    If strData <> dicPrevHeaderColumnsValue("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                        dicPrevHeaderColumnsValue("""" & strColumn & """") = strData
                                        Is_Print_Header_Column_Value = True
                                        nDetail_Serial_No = 0
                                        If Is_Print_Summary_Called = False Then
                                            nHeader_Serial_No = nHeader_Serial_No + 1
                                            Is_Print_Summary_Called = True
                                            If dicSummary_Captions.ContainsKey("DT") Then
                                                Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nGroup_Height, dicSumOfDetailColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "D", dicSummary_Captions("DT"))
                                                Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nGroup_Height, dicSumOfDetailColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "D", "Total :")
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                        Is_Detail_Start = False
                                    End If
                                End If
                            Is_Print_Summary_Called = False
                        End If
                    End If
                    If Is_To_Go_To_Print_Group_Header = "H" Then
                        Print_Group_Header_Part(e, nTop, nGroup_Height, dicPrevGroupingColumns, Is_Print_Group_Header, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height)
                    ElseIf Is_To_Go_To_Print_Group_Header = "D" Then
                        Print_Group_Detail_Part(e, nTop, nGroup_Height, dicPrevGroupingDetailColumns, Is_Print_Group_Header, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height)
                    End If
                    If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height + printFont.Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, True, False, False, iLoop, False) = True Then
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                End If
                If Is_Print_Group_Header = True AndAlso nHeader_Serial_No = 0 Then
                    nHeader_Serial_No = 0
                End If
                Is_Print_Group_Header = False
                '---------Grouping Print End------------

                'If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B" AndAlso Is_Detail_Start = False Then
                '    nDetail_Serial_No = 0
                'End If
                If iLoop = nPrinted_Rows OrElse (Is_Print_Header_Column_Value = True AndAlso strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B") Then
                    Is_First_Time = False
                    For iCol = 0 To dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
                        strColumn = dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns(iCol).ColumnName
                        If Not dicHeader_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                            If dicPrevHeaderColumnsValue.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") = False AndAlso strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B" Then
                                dicPrevHeaderColumnsValue.Add("""" & strColumn & """", dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop)(strColumn).ToString & "")
                            End If
                            If Is_Detail_Start = False Then
                                nWidth = dicHeader_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                                Continue For
                            End If
                        ElseIf Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "D" Then
                            nWidth = dicDetail_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                        ElseIf Is_Detail_Start = True AndAlso Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                            'nWidth = dicDetail_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                            Continue For
                            Continue For
                        End If
                        If dicData_Type.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso (dicData_Type("""" & strColumn & """").ToLower Like "*varchar*") Then  'OrElse dicData_Type("""" & strColumn & """").ToLower Like "*date*"
                            StrVariableFormat = StrFormat
                            StrVariableFormat = numFormat
                        End If
                        If dicMerge_Columns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                            Is_Merge_Exist = True
                            nMerge_Width = nMerge_Width + nWidth
                            If strPrev_Merge_Text <> "" AndAlso strPrev_Merge_Text <> dicMerge_Columns("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso dicMerge_Columns.Last.Key <> """" & strColumn & """" Then
                                actualMerge = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strPrev_Merge_Text, printFontHeaderFooter)
                                e.Graphics.DrawString(strPrev_Merge_Text, printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(nMerge_Start_Postition + leftMargin + (nMerge_Width - nWidth - actualMerge.Width) / 2, topMargin + nTop, nMerge_Width - nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                                e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, nMerge_Start_Postition + leftMargin, topMargin + nMerge_Height + nGroup_Height, nMerge_Width + nMerge_Start_Postition + leftMargin - nWidth, topMargin + nMerge_Height + nGroup_Height)
                                strPrev_Merge_Text = ""
                                nMerge_Start_Postition = nLeft
                                nMerge_Width = nWidth

                            ElseIf dicMerge_Columns.Last.Key = """" & strColumn & """" Then
                                actualMerge = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strPrev_Merge_Text, printFontHeaderFooter)
                                e.Graphics.DrawString(strPrev_Merge_Text, printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(nMerge_Start_Postition + leftMargin + (nMerge_Width - actualMerge.Width) / 2, topMargin + nTop, nMerge_Width, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                                e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, nMerge_Start_Postition + leftMargin, topMargin + nMerge_Height + nGroup_Height, nMerge_Width + nMerge_Start_Postition + leftMargin, topMargin + nMerge_Height + nGroup_Height)
                                strPrev_Merge_Text = ""
                                If strPrev_Merge_Text <> dicMerge_Columns("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso strPrev_Merge_Text = "" AndAlso nMerge_Start_Postition = 0 Then
                                    nMerge_Start_Postition = nLeft
                                End If
                                strPrev_Merge_Text = dicMerge_Columns("""" & strColumn & """")
                            End If

                            actualMerge = e.Graphics.MeasureString(dicMerge_Columns("""" & strColumn & """"), printFontHeaderFooter)

                            If actualMerge.Height > nMerge_Text_Height AndAlso nMerge_Text_Height = 0 Then
                                nMerge_Text_Height = actualMerge.Height
                                nMerge_Height = nMerge_Text_Height
                            End If
                        End If

                        If dicColumn_Captions.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                            actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(dicColumn_Captions("""" & strColumn & """"), printFontHeaderFooter, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strColumn, printFontHeaderFooter, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                        End If

                        If actual.Height + nMerge_Text_Height > nHeight Then
                            nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height) + nMerge_Text_Height
                        End If

                        If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B" Then
                            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightGray, New Rectangle(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop + 2, nWidth, actual.Height - 3 + nMerge_Text_Height))
                        End If
                        'OrElse dicMerge_Columns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") = False
                        If dicMerge_Columns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") = False Then
                            nMerge_Text_Height = 0
                        End If
                        If dicColumn_Captions.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                            e.Graphics.DrawString(dicColumn_Captions("""" & strColumn & """"), printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop + nMerge_Text_Height, nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            e.Graphics.DrawString(strColumn, printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop + nMerge_Text_Height, nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                        End If

                        nLeft = nLeft + nWidth
                        Is_Header_Printed = True
                        If dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 > iLoop Then
                            strData = Get_Formatted_Data(dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop + 1)(iCol).ToString & "", strColumn, dicData_Format, dicData_Type, dicDecimal_Place, StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                            If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                                actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFont, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            End If
                            If actual.Height + nMerge_Text_Height > nNext_Row_Max_Height Then
                                nNext_Row_Max_Height = Math.Round(actual.Height) + nMerge_Text_Height
                            End If
                        End If
                        'OrElse dicMerge_Columns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") = False 
                        If strPrev_Merge_Text = "" Then
                            nMerge_Text_Height = 0
                            nMerge_Height = 0
                        End If
                    'If nLeft = 0 Then
                    '    nHeight = 0
                    'End If
                    If Is_Header_Printed = False Then
                        nHeight = 0
                    End If
                    strPrev_Merge_Text = ""
                    nPrev_Top = nTop
                    nGroup_Height = 0
                    nTop = nTop + nHeight
                    nLeft = 0

                    If Is_Header_Printed = True Then
                        e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, topMargin + nTop)
                    End If
                    If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, True, False, False, iLoop, False) = True Then
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                    '-----Below column header----

                End If
                'Is_Print_Header_Column_Value = False
                If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "H" OrElse nHeader_Serial_No = 0 Then
                    nHeader_Serial_No = nHeader_Serial_No + 1
                End If
                If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both <> "H" Then
                    nDetail_Serial_No = nDetail_Serial_No + 1
                End If
                If iLoop <> nPrinted_Rows Then
                    nStart_Top = nEnd_Top + nGroup_Height
                End If

                For iCol = 0 To dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
                    strColumn = dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns(iCol).ColumnName
                    If Not dicHeader_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso Is_Print_Header_Column_Value = True Then
                        nWidth = dicHeader_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                        Is_Detail_Start = False
                    ElseIf Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "D" Then
                        nWidth = dicDetail_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                    ElseIf Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B" Then
                        If Is_Detail_Start = False Then
                            nDetail_Serial_No = 1
                            Is_Detail_Start = True
                            If iLoop <> nPrinted_Rows Then
                                nEnd_Top = nStart_Top + nHeight
                            End If
                            nPrev_Top = IIf(nTop = 0, nPrev_Top, nTop)
                            nTop = nTop + nHeight
                            nTotalHeight = nTop
                            nHeight = printFont.Height
                            nHeight = 0
                            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, topMargin + nTop)
                            If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, False, True, False, iLoop, True) = True Then
                                Exit Sub
                            End If

                            nLeft = 0
                        End If

                        If Is_First_Time = False Then
                            nLeft = 0
                            Is_First_Time = True
                            For nCol = 0 To dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
                                strColumn1 = dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns(nCol).ColumnName
                                If dicData_Type.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn1 & """") AndAlso (dicData_Type("""" & strColumn1 & """").ToLower Like "*varchar*") Then    ' OrElse dicData_Type("""" & strColumn1 & """").ToLower Like "*date*"
                                    StrVariableFormat = StrFormat
                                    StrVariableFormat = numFormat
                                End If

                                If Is_Detail_Start = True AndAlso Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn1 & """") Then
                                    nWidth = dicDetail_Width("""" & strColumn1 & """")
                                    Continue For
                                End If
                                If dicColumn_Captions.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn1 & """") Then
                                    actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(dicColumn_Captions("""" & strColumn1 & """"), printFontHeaderFooterDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                    actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strColumn1, printFontHeaderFooterDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                End If
                                If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                                    nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                                End If

                                If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B" Then
                                    'e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.LightYellow, New Rectangle(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop + 2, nWidth, actual.Height - 3))
                                End If
                                If dicColumn_Captions.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn1 & """") Then
                                    e.Graphics.DrawString(dicColumn_Captions("""" & strColumn1 & """"), printFontHeaderFooterDetail, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop, nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strColumn1, printFontHeaderFooterDetail, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop, nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                End If
                                nLeft = nLeft + nWidth
                                If dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 > iLoop Then
                                    'strData = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop + 1)(iCol).ToString & ""
                                    strData = Get_Formatted_Data(dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop + 1)(strColumn1).ToString & "", strColumn1, dicData_Format, dicData_Type, dicDecimal_Place, StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                                    If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                                        actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                        actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFont, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                    End If

                                    If actual.Height > nNext_Row_Max_Height Then
                                        nNext_Row_Max_Height = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                                    End If
                                End If
                            nLeft = 0
                            If iLoop <> nPrinted_Rows Then
                                nEnd_Top = nStart_Top + nHeight
                            End If
                            nPrev_Top = IIf(nTop = 0, nPrev_Top, nTop)
                            nTop = nTop + nHeight
                            nTotalHeight = nTop
                            nHeight = 0

                            '-----Below column header----
                            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, topMargin + nTop)

                        End If
                        If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, False, True, False, iLoop, False) = True Then
                            Exit Sub
                        End If
                        nWidth = dicDetail_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                        Continue For
                    End If
                    If Is_Detail_Start = False Then
                        If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "D" OrElse strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "H" Then
                            '----------For Columns Separation Lines----------------
                            nMerge_Height = 0
                            If iLoop = nPrinted_Rows Then
                                If dicMerge_Columns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                    If strPrev_Merge_Text = dicMerge_Columns("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                        actualMerge = e.Graphics.MeasureString(dicMerge_Columns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """"), printFontHeaderFooter)
                                        nMerge_Height = actualMerge.Height
                                        strPrev_Merge_Text = dicMerge_Columns("""" & strColumn & """")
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nPrev_Top + nMerge_Height, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop - nGroup_Height)
                        End If
                    End If

                    strData = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop)(iCol).ToString & ""

                    If strData = "SL#" OrElse strColumn = "SL#" Then
                        If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                            If Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                strData = Get_Formatted_Data(nDetail_Serial_No, strColumn, dicData_Format, dicData_Type, dicDecimal_Place, StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                                If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                                    actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                    actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFont, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                End If
                                If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                                    nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                                End If
                                e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFontDetail, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop, nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            End If
                            If Not dicHeader_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                strData = Get_Formatted_Data(nHeader_Serial_No, strColumn, dicData_Format, dicData_Type, dicDecimal_Place, StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                                If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                                    actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                    actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFont, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                End If
                                If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                                    nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                                End If
                                e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFont, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop, nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            ElseIf Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                strData = Get_Formatted_Data(nDetail_Serial_No, strColumn, dicData_Format, dicData_Type, dicDecimal_Place, StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                                If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                                    actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                    actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFont, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                                End If
                                If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                                    nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                                End If
                                e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFont, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop, nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            End If
                        End If
                        strData = Get_Formatted_Data(dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop)(iCol).ToString & "", strColumn, dicData_Format, dicData_Type, dicDecimal_Place, StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)

                        If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                            actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFont, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                        End If
                        If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                            nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                        End If
                        If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                            e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFontDetail, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop, nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            If Not dicDetail_Sum Is Nothing Then
                                If dicDetail_Sum.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso dicDetail_Sum("""" & strColumn & """").ToString = "True" Then
                                    If Has_Negative_Value = True Then
                                        strData = -Convert_Rs_Format_To_Value(strData)
                                        strData = Convert_Rs_Format_To_Value(strData)
                                    End If
                                    If dicSumOfDetailColumns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                        dicSumOfDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = Val(dicSumOfDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """")) + Val(strData)
                                        dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = Val(dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """")) + Val(strData)
                                        dicSumOfDetailColumns.Add("""" & strColumn & """", Val(strData))
                                        If Not dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                            dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns.Add("""" & strColumn & """", Val(strData))
                                            dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = Val(dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """")) + Val(strData)
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                            e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFont, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop, nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "D" Then
                                If dicDetail_Sum.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso dicDetail_Sum("""" & strColumn & """").ToString = "True" Then
                                    If Has_Negative_Value = True Then
                                        strData = -Convert_Rs_Format_To_Value(strData)
                                        strData = Convert_Rs_Format_To_Value(strData)
                                    End If
                                    If dicSumOfDetailColumns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                        dicSumOfDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = Val(dicSumOfDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """")) + Val(strData)
                                        dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = Val(dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """")) + Val(strData)
                                        dicSumOfDetailColumns.Add("""" & strColumn & """", Val(strData))
                                        If Not dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                            dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns.Add("""" & strColumn & """", Val(strData))
                                            dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = Val(dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns("""" & strColumn & """")) + Val(strData)
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            ElseIf strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "H" Then
                                If dicHeader_Sum.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso dicHeader_Sum("""" & strColumn & """").ToString = "True" Then

                                    If Has_Negative_Value = True Then
                                        strData = -Convert_Rs_Format_To_Value(strData)
                                        strData = Convert_Rs_Format_To_Value(strData)
                                    End If
                                    If dicSumOfHeaderColumns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                        dicSumOfHeaderColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = Val(dicSumOfHeaderColumns("""" & strColumn & """")) + Val(strData)
                                        dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = Val(dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns("""" & strColumn & """")) + Val(strData)
                                        dicSumOfHeaderColumns.Add("""" & strColumn & """", Val(strData))
                                        If Not dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                            dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns.Add("""" & strColumn & """", Val(strData))
                                            dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = Val(dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns("""" & strColumn & """")) + Val(strData)
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            ElseIf strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B" Then
                                If Not dicHeader_Sum Is Nothing Then
                                    If dicHeader_Sum.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso dicHeader_Sum("""" & strColumn & """").ToString = "True" Then
                                        If Has_Negative_Value = True Then
                                            strData = -Convert_Rs_Format_To_Value(strData)
                                            strData = Convert_Rs_Format_To_Value(strData)
                                        End If

                                        If dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                                            dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = Val(dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns("""" & strColumn & """")) + Val(strData)
                                            dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns.Add("""" & strColumn & """", Val(strData))
                                        End If
                                    End If
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    nLeft = nLeft + nWidth
                    If dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 > iLoop Then
                        'strData = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop + 1)(iCol).ToString & ""
                        strData = Get_Formatted_Data(dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop + 1)(iCol).ToString & "", strColumn, dicData_Format, dicData_Type, dicDecimal_Place, StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                        If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                            actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFont, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                        End If

                        If actual.Height > nNext_Row_Max_Height Then
                            nNext_Row_Max_Height = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                        End If
                    End If
                If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B" Then
                    Is_Print_Header_Column_Value = False
                End If

                If iLoop <> nPrinted_Rows Then
                    nEnd_Top = nStart_Top + nHeight
                End If
                nPrev_Top = IIf(nTop = 0, nPrev_Top, nTop)
                nTop = nTop + nHeight
                nTotalWidth = nLeft
                nTotalHeight = nTop
                nHeight = printFont.Height
                nLeft = 0
                If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, True, False, IIf(iLoop = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1, True, False), iLoop + 1, False) = True Then
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin + CInt(nMax_Width), topMargin + nTop, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, topMargin + nTop)


            'If topMargin + nTop < lPageHeight - nFooterHeight - nFooter_RTF_Height - nPFSBottom_Margin Then
            '    'nTotalHeight = nTotalHeight + (lPageHeight - nFooterHeight - nFooter_RTF_Height - nPFSBottom_Margin - nTotalHeight)
            '    nTop = topMargin + nTop + (lPageHeight - (nFooterHeight + nFooter_RTF_Height + nPFSBottom_Margin + topMargin + nTop))

            '    '(nNext_Row_Max_Height + nTop > lPageHeight - topMargin - nFooterHeight - nFooter_RTF_Height - nPFSBottom_Margin)

            'End If
            If nNext_Row_Max_Height + nTop < lPageHeight - topMargin - nFooterHeight - nFooter_RTF_Height - nPFSBottom_Margin Then
                nTop = lPageHeight - topMargin - nFooterHeight - nFooter_RTF_Height - nPFSBottom_Margin - printFontHeaderFooter.Height * 2
                nTotalHeight = nTop
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            If Is_Print_Summary = False AndAlso ((Not dicSumOfDetailColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicSumOfDetailColumns.Count > 0) OrElse (Not dicSumOfHeaderColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicSumOfHeaderColumns.Count > 0)) Then
                If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height + printFont.Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, True, True, False, iLoop, False) = False Then

                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, topMargin + nTop)
                    If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B" OrElse strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "D" Then
                        If dicSummary_Captions.ContainsKey("DT") Then
                            Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfDetailColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "D", dicSummary_Captions("DT"))
                            Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfDetailColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "D", "Total :")
                        End If
                        If dicSummary_Captions.ContainsKey("HT") Then
                            Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfHeaderColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "H", dicSummary_Captions("HT"))
                            Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfHeaderColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "H", "Total :")
                        End If

                    End If

                    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, New Rectangle(leftMargin, topMargin, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin - leftMargin, nTotalHeight))
                    Is_Print_Summary = True
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End If

            If Is_Print_Grand_Total = False AndAlso ((Not dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns.Count > 0) OrElse (Not dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns.Count > 0)) Then
                If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height + printFont.Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, True, True, False, iLoop, False) = False Then

                    If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B" Then
                        If dicSummary_Captions.ContainsKey("GTD") Then
                            Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "GT", dicSummary_Captions("GTD"))
                            Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "GT", "Grand Total(Detail) :")
                        End If
                        Is_Print_Grand_Total = True
                    ElseIf strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "H" AndAlso Not dicHeader_Grouping Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Grouping.Count > 0 Then
                        If dicSummary_Captions.ContainsKey("GTH") Then
                            Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "GT", dicSummary_Captions("GTH"))
                            Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "GT", "Grand Total :")
                        End If
                    ElseIf strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "D" AndAlso Not dicDetail_Grouping Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Grouping.Count > 0 Then
                        If dicSummary_Captions.ContainsKey("GDT") Then
                            Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "GT", dicSummary_Captions("GDT"))
                            Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "GT", "Grand Total :")
                        End If
                    End If

                    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, New Rectangle(leftMargin, topMargin, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin - leftMargin, nTotalHeight))

                    'nPrinted_Rows = iLoop
                    If (Not dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicSumOfOverAllDetailColumns.Count > 0) OrElse (Not dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns.Count > 0) Then
                        Exit Sub
                        e.HasMorePages = False
                    End If
                End If

            End If
            If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B" AndAlso (Not dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns.Count > 0) Then
                If Page_Break(e, nNext_Row_Max_Height + printFont.Height, nTop, iLoop, nPrev_Top, True, True, False, iLoop, False) = False Then
                    If dicSummary_Captions.ContainsKey("GHT") Then
                        Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "GTH", dicSummary_Captions("GHT"))
                        Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nTotalHeight, dicSumOfOverAllHeaderColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "GTH", "Grand Total(Header) :")
                    End If
                    e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, New Rectangle(leftMargin, topMargin, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin - leftMargin, nTotalHeight))
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End If
            nTotalHeight = nTotalHeight + topMargin            
            If dsInvoice_Print_Data.Tables("TC_CHARGES").Rows.Count > 0 Then
                Print_Misc_Charges_Part(e, dsInvoice_Print_Data, nMisc_Charges_Height, nTotalHeight, dtrPrint_Setting)
            End If

            If dtrPrint_Setting("IS_FOOTER_FORMAT") = "Y" AndAlso dsInvoice_Print_Data.Tables("T_FORMAT").Rows.Count > 0 Then
                Print_Header_Footer_RTF_Part(e, dsInvoice_Print_Data.Tables("T_FORMAT").Rows(0), nRTF_Footer_Height, nMax_Width + leftMargin, nMax_Height, nTotalHeight, "F")
            End If

            Print_Options(e, nTotalHeight - topMargin)
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub
    Private Sub CloseOnEscapeKeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs)
        If Is_Exit_On = True Then
            If e.KeyChar = Chr(Keys.Escape) AndAlso Not ppvw Is Nothing Then
                If MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to close the print privew window...???", "Print Preview Closing Prompt...!!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = DialogResult.Yes Then
                        Dim mdiParent As Object
                        mdiParent = ppvw.MdiParent
                        If mdiParent.imgFormImage.Images.ContainsKey(ppvw.Name) Then
                        End If
                    Catch ex As Exception

                    End Try
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub CloseOnEscape(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs)
        If Is_Exit_On = True Then
            If e.KeyCode = Keys.Escape And e.Control = False AndAlso e.Alt = False AndAlso e.Shift = False AndAlso Not ppvw Is Nothing Then
                If MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to close the print privew window...???", "Print Preview Closing Prompt...!!!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = DialogResult.Yes Then
                        Dim mdiParent As Object
                        mdiParent = ppvw.MdiParent
                        If mdiParent.imgFormImage.Images.ContainsKey(ppvw.Name) Then
                        End If
                    Catch ex As Exception

                    End Try
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormClosedEventArgs)

            Dim mdiParent As Object
            mdiParent = ppvw.MdiParent
            If mdiParent.imgFormImage.Images.ContainsKey(ppvw.Name) Then
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub ForClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormClosingEventArgs)
        If e.CloseReason = CloseReason.MdiFormClosing Then
            Is_mdiform_Closing = True
            Is_mdiform_Closing = False
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub MdiChildActivate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            Dim mdiParent As Object
            mdiParent = ppvw.MdiParent

            If mdiParent.Images.ContainsKey(ppvw.Name) Then
            End If
            mdiParent.Images.Add(ppvw.Name, GetFormImage(ppvw))

        Catch ex As Exception

        End Try
        If Has_Print = True Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub PRINT_DEFAULT_DOC(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            ppvw.Enabled = False
            Is_Print_Given = False
            PrintDoc.PrintController = New StandardPrintController()
        Catch ex As Exception
            ppvw.Enabled = True
        End Try
    End Sub
    Sub Set_Hard_Print_Margin(ByVal Is_Direct_Print As Boolean)
        If Is_Direct_Print = True Then
            'leftMargin = nPFSLeft_Margin - 10
            'topMargin = nPFSTop_Margin - 10
            'nPFSRight_Margin = nPrev_Right_Margin - 10
            'nPFSBottom_Margin = nPrev_Bottom_Margin - 10
            PrintDoc.OriginAtMargins = False
            'ppvw.Document.OriginAtMargins = True
            PrintDoc.OriginAtMargins = True
            'ppvw.Document.OriginAtMargins = True
            'leftMargin = nPFSLeft_Margin + 20
            'topMargin = nPFSTop_Margin
            'nPFSRight_Margin = nPrev_Right_Margin + 20
            'nPFSBottom_Margin = nPrev_Bottom_Margin + 10
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub PRINT_DOC(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        Dim xPrintDlg As New PrintDialog
            ppvw.Enabled = False
            If xPrintDlg.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
                PrintDoc.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = xPrintDlg.PrinterSettings.PrinterName
                Is_Print_Given = False
                PrintDoc.PrintController = New StandardPrintController()
            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
            ppvw.Enabled = True
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Sub CLOSE_DOC(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
        If Is_Exit_On = True Then
            If MsgBox("Are you sure to close the print preview window...???", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Print Preview Closing Prompt...!!!") = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
                    Dim mdiParent As Object
                    mdiParent = ppvw.MdiParent
                    If mdiParent.imgFormImage.Images.ContainsKey(ppvw.Name) Then
                    End If
                Catch ex As Exception
                End Try
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Print_Company_Name_And_Address(ByVal e As PrintPageEventArgs, ByRef nHeight_Gap As Integer)

        If dicPrint_Options("IS_COMPANY_NAME_PRINT") = True Then
            Dim actual1 As SizeF = Nothing
            Dim nWidth_Gap As Integer = 50
            Dim nPrev_Width As Integer = 0
            actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCompany_Name, New Font(printFontHeaderFooter.Name, printFontHeaderFooter.Size, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Underline, GraphicsUnit.Point))
            e.Graphics.DrawString(strCompany_Name, New Font(printFontHeaderFooter.Name, printFontHeaderFooter.Size, FontStyle.Bold Or FontStyle.Underline, GraphicsUnit.Point), Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + (nPFSEach_Page_Width - actual1.Width) / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
            nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
            If dicPrint_Options("IS_COMPANY_ADDRESS_PRINT") = True Then
                If Trim(strCompany_Address1) & Trim(strCompany_Address2) & Trim(strCompany_Address3) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCompany_Address1 & IIf(strCompany_Address2 = "", "", "," & strCompany_Address2) & IIf(strCompany_Address3 = "", "", "," & strCompany_Address3), printFont)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCompany_Address1 & IIf(strCompany_Address2 = "", "", "," & strCompany_Address2) & IIf(strCompany_Address3 = "", "", "," & strCompany_Address3), printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + (nPFSEach_Page_Width - actual1.Width) / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFont.Height

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Trim(strCompany_City) & IIf(Trim(strCompany_State) <> "", IIf(Trim(strCompany_City) = "", "", ",") & Trim(strCompany_State) & IIf(strCompany_Pin_Code <> "", " - " & strCompany_Pin_Code, ""), ""), printFont)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(Trim(strCompany_City) & IIf(Trim(strCompany_State) <> "", IIf(Trim(strCompany_City) = "", "", ",") & Trim(strCompany_State) & IIf(strCompany_Pin_Code <> "", " - " & strCompany_Pin_Code, ""), ""), printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + (nPFSEach_Page_Width - actual1.Width) / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFont.Height
                End If

                If Trim(strCompany_Phone) <> "" AndAlso Trim(strCOMPANY_FAX) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Phone:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Fax:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCompany_Phone, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCOMPANY_FAX, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    nPrev_Width = nWidth_Gap
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("Phone:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Phone:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCompany_Phone, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Phone:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCompany_Phone, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width

                    e.Graphics.DrawString("Fax:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Fax:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width

                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCOMPANY_FAX, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                ElseIf Trim(strCOMPANY_FAX) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Fax: ", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("Fax: ", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCOMPANY_FAX, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 + actual1.Width + 5, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                ElseIf Trim(strCompany_Phone) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Phone: ", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("Phone: ", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCompany_Phone, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 + nWidth_Gap + 5, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                End If
                If Trim(strCompany_Email) <> "" AndAlso Trim(strCompany_Website) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("e-mail:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("website:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCompany_Email, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCompany_Website, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    nPrev_Width = nWidth_Gap
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("e-mail:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("e-mail:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCompany_Email, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("e-mail:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCompany_Email, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width

                    e.Graphics.DrawString("website:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("website:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width

                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCompany_Website, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                ElseIf Trim(strCompany_Email) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("e-mail: ", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("e-mail: ", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCompany_Email, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 + actual1.Width + 5, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                ElseIf Trim(strCompany_Website) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(", website: ", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(", website: ", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCompany_Website, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 + nWidth_Gap + 5, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                End If
                If Trim(strCOMPANY_TIN) <> "" AndAlso Trim(strCOMPANY_PAN) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("TIN:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("PAN:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCOMPANY_TIN, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCOMPANY_PAN, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    nPrev_Width = nWidth_Gap
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("TIN:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("TIN:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCOMPANY_TIN, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("TIN:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCOMPANY_TIN, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width

                    e.Graphics.DrawString("PAN:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("PAN:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width

                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCOMPANY_PAN, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                ElseIf Trim(strCOMPANY_TIN) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("TIN: ", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("TIN: ", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCOMPANY_TIN, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 + actual1.Width + 5, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                ElseIf Trim(strCOMPANY_PAN) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("PAN: ", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("PAN: ", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCOMPANY_PAN, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 + nWidth_Gap + 5, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                End If
                If Trim(strCOMPANY_CST) <> "" AndAlso Trim(strCOMPANY_ECC) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("CST:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("ECC:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCOMPANY_CST, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCOMPANY_ECC, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width
                    nPrev_Width = nWidth_Gap
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("CST:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("ECC:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCOMPANY_CST, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("ECC:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strCOMPANY_ECC, printFont)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width

                    e.Graphics.DrawString("ECC:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)

                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("ECC:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = nWidth_Gap + actual1.Width

                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCOMPANY_ECC, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 - nPrev_Width / 2 + nWidth_Gap, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                ElseIf Trim(strCOMPANY_CST) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("CST: ", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("CST: ", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCOMPANY_CST, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 + actual1.Width + 5, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                ElseIf Trim(strCOMPANY_ECC) <> "" Then
                    actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("ECC: ", printFontHeaderFooter)
                    nWidth_Gap = actual1.Width
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("ECC: ", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strCOMPANY_ECC, printFont, Brushes.Black, nMax_Width + lPageWidth / 2 + nWidth_Gap + 5, nHeight_Gap, StrFormat)
                    nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                End If
            End If
        End If

    End Sub
    Private Sub Print_Options(ByVal e As PrintPageEventArgs, ByVal nTotalHeight As Integer)
        Dim actual1 As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim nPrev_Width As Integer = 0
        If dicPrint_Options("IS_USER_ID_PRINT") = True Then
            e.Graphics.DrawString("User Id:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, topMargin + nTotalHeight, StrFormat)
            actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("User Id:", printFontHeaderFooter)
            nPrev_Width = actual1.Width
            e.Graphics.DrawString(strUser_ID, printFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin + actual1.Width, topMargin + nTotalHeight, StrFormat)
            nPrev_Width = nPrev_Width + leftMargin
        End If
        If dicPrint_Options("IS_DATE_PRINT") = True AndAlso dicPrint_Options("IS_TIME_PRINT") = True Then
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Print Date/Time:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, leftMargin + nPrev_Width + 5, topMargin + nTotalHeight, StrFormat)
            actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Print Date/Time:", printFontHeaderFooter)
            nPrev_Width = nPrev_Width + actual1.Width
            e.Graphics.DrawString(Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss"), printFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin + nPrev_Width, topMargin + nTotalHeight, StrFormat)
            actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss"), printFont)
            nPrev_Width = nPrev_Width + leftMargin + actual1.Width
            If dicPrint_Options("IS_DATE_PRINT") = True Then
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Print Date:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, leftMargin + nPrev_Width + 5, topMargin + nTotalHeight, StrFormat)
                actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Print Date:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                nPrev_Width = nPrev_Width + actual1.Width
                e.Graphics.DrawString(Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy"), printFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin + nPrev_Width, topMargin + nTotalHeight, StrFormat)
                actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy"), printFont)
                nPrev_Width = nPrev_Width + leftMargin + actual1.Width
            End If
            If dicPrint_Options("IS_TIME_PRINT") = True Then
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Print Time:", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, leftMargin + nPrev_Width + 5, topMargin + nTotalHeight, StrFormat)
                actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Print Time:", printFontHeaderFooter)
                nPrev_Width = nPrev_Width + actual1.Width
                e.Graphics.DrawString(Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"), printFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin + nPrev_Width, topMargin + nTotalHeight, StrFormat)
                actual1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"), printFont)
                nPrev_Width = nPrev_Width + leftMargin + actual1.Width
            End If
        End If
        If dicPrint_Options("IS_PAGE_NO_PRINT") = True Then
            nPageNo = nPageNo + 1
            e.Graphics.DrawString("Page# " & nPageNo.ToString, printFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, 10, StrFormat)

        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Print_Group_Header_Part(ByVal e As PrintPageEventArgs, ByRef nTop As Integer, ByRef nGroup_Height As Integer, ByRef dicPrevGroupingColumns As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal Is_Print_Group_Header As Boolean, ByVal iLoop As Integer, ByRef nHeight As Integer, ByRef nNext_Row_Max_Height As Integer)
        Dim strGroup_Data As String = ""
        Dim nLeft As Integer = 0
        Dim nWidth As Integer = 0
        Dim strData As String = ""
        Dim actual As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim Dont_Draw_Line As Boolean = False
        Dim Is_Prev_Print_Group_Header As Boolean = Is_Print_Group_Header
        Dim Is_Print_Summary_Called As Boolean = False
        Dim Is_Group_Serial_No_Reset As Boolean = False
        nNext_Row_Max_Height = 0
        'If iLoop > 0 Then
        '    Is_Prev_Print_Group_Header = True
        'End If
        If Not dicHeader_Grouping Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Grouping.Count > 0 Then
            If Is_Print_Group_Header = False OrElse iLoop > 0 Then
                If Not dicPrevGroupingColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicPrevGroupingColumns.Count > 0 Then
                    For Each strColumn In dicHeader_Grouping.Keys
                        strColumn = Replace(strColumn, """", "")
                        strData = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop)(strColumn).ToString & ""

                        If dicGroup_Serial_No_Reset_Columns.Count > 0 AndAlso dicGroup_Serial_No_Reset_Columns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                            If strData <> dicGroup_Serial_No_Reset_Columns("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso Is_Group_Serial_No_Reset = False Then
                                Is_Group_Serial_No_Reset = True
                                dicGroup_Serial_No_Reset_Columns("""" & strColumn & """") = strData
                            End If
                        End If

                        If strData <> dicPrevGroupingColumns("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                            dicPrevGroupingColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = strData
                            Is_Print_Group_Header = True
                            If Is_Print_Summary_Called = False Then
                                If Is_Group_Serial_No_Reset = True OrElse dicGroup_Serial_No_Reset_Columns.Count = 0 Then
                                    nGroup_Serial_No = nGroup_Serial_No + 1
                                End If
                                If dicSummary_Captions.ContainsKey("HT") Then
                                    Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nGroup_Height, dicSumOfHeaderColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "H", dicSummary_Captions("HT"))
                                    Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nGroup_Height, dicSumOfHeaderColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "H", "Total :")
                                End If
                                Is_Print_Summary_Called = True
                                If nHeight > 0 Then
                                    Dont_Draw_Line = True
                                    Dont_Draw_Line = False
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                End If
            End If
            strGroup_Data = ""
            If Is_Print_Group_Header = True OrElse (iLoop > 0 AndAlso iLoop = nPrinted_Rows) Then
                If iLoop = nPrinted_Rows Then
                    For Each strColumn In dicHeader_Grouping.Keys
                        strColumn = Replace(strColumn, """", "")
                        If dicPrevGroupingColumns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") = False Then
                            dicPrevGroupingColumns.Add("""" & strColumn & """", dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop)(strColumn).ToString & "")
                        End If
                        If Not dicHeader_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                            nWidth = dicHeader_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                            Continue For
                        End If
                        If Trim(strGroup_Data) = "" Then
                            strGroup_Data = strColumn
                            strGroup_Data = strGroup_Data & "->" & strColumn
                        End If
                        nLeft = nLeft + nWidth
                    If strGroup_Data <> "" Then
                        e.Graphics.DrawString("Grouping On:- " & strGroup_Data, printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, lPageWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                        actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strGroup_Data, printFontHeaderFooter, New SizeF(lPageWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                        If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                            nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                            nNext_Row_Max_Height = nHeight
                        End If
                        nTop = nTop + nHeight
                        nGroup_Height = nGroup_Height + nHeight
                        nLeft = 0

                    End If
                    'e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, lPageWidth + leftMargin, topMargin + nTop)
                End If
                '----Above Group Header---
                If Dont_Draw_Line = False OrElse iLoop = nPrinted_Rows Then
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, lPageWidth + leftMargin, topMargin + nTop)
                End If

                strGroup_Data = ""
                If iLoop = 0 Then
                    nGroup_Serial_No = 1
                End If

                For Each strColumn In dicHeader_Grouping.Keys
                    strColumn = Replace(strColumn, """", "")
                    'strData = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop)(strColumn).ToString & ""
                    strData = Get_Formatted_Data(dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop)(strColumn).ToString & "", strColumn, dicData_Format, dicData_Type, dicDecimal_Place, StrVariableFormat)

                    'actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontHeaderFooter, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                    'If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                    '    nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                    'End If
                    If strData = "SL#" OrElse strColumn = "SL#" Then
                        strData = nGroup_Serial_No
                    End If
                    'strData = Get_Formatted_Data(dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop + 1)(iCol).ToString & "", strColumn, dicData_Format, dicData_Type, dicDecimal_Place, StrVariableFormat)
                    If Trim(strGroup_Data) = "" Then
                        If Is_Print_Group_Header = False AndAlso iLoop > 0 AndAlso iLoop = nPrinted_Rows Then
                            strGroup_Data = "Continue..." & nGroup_Serial_No & ". " & strData
                            strGroup_Data = nGroup_Serial_No & ". " & strData
                        End If
                        strGroup_Data = strGroup_Data & "->" & strData
                    End If
                    nLeft = nLeft + nWidth
                    'actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strColumn, printFontHeaderFooter, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                    'If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                    '    nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                    'End If
                If strGroup_Data <> "" Then
                    actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strGroup_Data, printFontHeaderFooter, New SizeF(lPageWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strGroup_Data, printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, lPageWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                    If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                        nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                        nNext_Row_Max_Height = nHeight + nNext_Row_Max_Height
                    End If
                    nGroup_Height = nGroup_Height + nHeight
                    nTop = nTop + nHeight
                    nLeft = 0
                End If

                '----Below Group Header---
                'If Dont_Draw_Line = False Then
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, lPageWidth + leftMargin, topMargin + nTop)
                'End If
            End If
        End If

    End Sub
    Private Sub Print_Group_Detail_Part(ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs, ByRef nTop As Integer, ByRef nGroup_Height As Integer, ByRef dicPrevGroupingColumns As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal Is_Print_Group_Header As Boolean, ByVal iLoop As Integer, ByRef nHeight As Integer, ByRef nNext_Row_Max_Height As Integer)
        Dim strGroup_Data As String = ""
        Dim nLeft As Integer = 0
        Dim nWidth As Integer = 0
        Dim strData As String = ""
        Dim actual As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim Dont_Draw_Line As Boolean = False
        Dim Is_Prev_Print_Group_Header As Boolean = Is_Print_Group_Header
        Dim Is_Print_Summary_Called As Boolean = False
        'If iLoop > 0 Then
        '    Is_Prev_Print_Group_Header = True
        'End If
        If Not dicDetail_Grouping Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Grouping.Count > 0 Then
            If Is_Print_Group_Header = False OrElse iLoop > 0 Then
                If Not dicPrevGroupingColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicPrevGroupingColumns.Count > 0 Then
                    For Each strColumn In dicDetail_Grouping.Keys
                        strColumn = Replace(strColumn, """", "")
                        strData = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop)(strColumn).ToString & ""
                        If strData <> dicPrevGroupingColumns("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                            dicPrevGroupingColumns("""" & strColumn & """") = strData
                            Is_Print_Group_Header = True
                            If Is_Print_Summary_Called = False Then
                                nDetail_Group_Serial_No = nDetail_Group_Serial_No + 1
                                Is_Print_Summary_Called = True
                                If dicSummary_Captions.ContainsKey("DT") Then
                                    Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nGroup_Height, dicSumOfDetailColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "D", dicSummary_Captions("DT"))
                                    Print_Summary_Part(e, nTop, nGroup_Height, dicSumOfDetailColumns, iLoop, nHeight, nNext_Row_Max_Height, "D", "Total :")
                                End If

                                If nHeight > 0 Then
                                    Dont_Draw_Line = True
                                    Dont_Draw_Line = False
                                End If
                            End If

                        End If
                End If
            End If
            strGroup_Data = ""
            If Is_Print_Group_Header = True OrElse (iLoop > 0 AndAlso iLoop = nPrinted_Rows) Then
                If iLoop = nPrinted_Rows Then
                    For Each strColumn In dicDetail_Grouping.Keys
                        strColumn = Replace(strColumn, """", "")
                        If dicPrevGroupingColumns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") = False Then
                            dicPrevGroupingColumns.Add("""" & strColumn & """", dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop)(strColumn).ToString & "")
                        End If
                        If Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                            nWidth = dicDetail_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                            Continue For
                        End If
                        If Trim(strGroup_Data) = "" Then
                            strGroup_Data = strColumn
                            strGroup_Data = strGroup_Data & "->" & strColumn
                        End If
                        nLeft = nLeft + nWidth
                    If strGroup_Data <> "" Then
                        e.Graphics.DrawString("Grouping On:-" & strGroup_Data, printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, lPageWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                        actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strGroup_Data, printFontHeaderFooter, New SizeF(lPageWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                        If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                            nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                        End If
                        nTop = nTop + nHeight
                        nGroup_Height = nGroup_Height + nHeight
                        nLeft = 0
                    End If
                End If
                '----Above Group Header---
                If Dont_Draw_Line = False OrElse iLoop = nPrinted_Rows Then
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, lPageWidth + leftMargin, topMargin + nTop)
                End If
                'If Dont_Draw_Line = False Then
                '    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, lPageWidth + leftMargin, topMargin + nTop)
                'End If
                strGroup_Data = ""
                'nGroup_Serial_No = nGroup_Serial_No + 1
                'If Is_Prev_Print_Group_Header = True AndAlso iLoop > 0 Then

                If iLoop = 0 Then
                    nDetail_Group_Serial_No = 1 'nDetail_Group_Serial_No + 1
                End If

                For Each strColumn In dicDetail_Grouping.Keys
                    strColumn = Replace(strColumn, """", "")
                    strData = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop)(strColumn).ToString & ""
                    If strData = "SL#" OrElse strColumn = "SL#" Then
                        strData = nDetail_Group_Serial_No
                    End If
                    If Trim(strGroup_Data) = "" Then
                        If Is_Print_Group_Header = False AndAlso iLoop > 0 AndAlso iLoop = nPrinted_Rows Then
                            strGroup_Data = "Continue..." & nDetail_Group_Serial_No & ". " & strData
                            strGroup_Data = nDetail_Group_Serial_No & ". " & strData
                        End If
                        strGroup_Data = strGroup_Data & "->" & strData
                    End If
                    nLeft = nLeft + nWidth
                If strGroup_Data <> "" Then
                    actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strGroup_Data, printFontHeaderFooter, New SizeF(lPageWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strGroup_Data, printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, lPageWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                    If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                        nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                    End If
                    nGroup_Height = nGroup_Height + nHeight
                    nTop = nTop + nHeight
                    nLeft = 0
                End If
                '----Below Group Header---
                'If Dont_Draw_Line = False Then
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin, topMargin + nTop, lPageWidth + leftMargin, topMargin + nTop)
                'End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Function Page_Break(ByVal e As PrintPageEventArgs, ByVal nNext_Row_Max_Height As Integer, ByVal nTop As Integer, ByVal iLoop As Integer, ByVal nPrev_Top As Integer, ByVal Draw_Line As Boolean, ByVal Reset_Detail_Serial_No As Boolean, ByVal Is_Last_Row As Boolean, ByVal Next_Print_Row As Integer, ByVal Detail_Start As Boolean) As Boolean
        Dim nTotalHeight As Integer = 0
        Dim nLeft As Integer = 0
        Dim nWidth As Integer = 0
        Dim strColumn As String = ""
        If nNext_Row_Max_Height + nTop > lPageHeight - topMargin - nPFSBottom_Margin OrElse Is_Last_Row = True Then
            nTotalHeight = nTop
            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, New Rectangle(leftMargin + nMax_Width, topMargin, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin - leftMargin, nTotalHeight))
            nLeft = 0
            nWidth = 0
            For iCol = 0 To dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
                strColumn = dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns(iCol).ColumnName
                If Not dicHeader_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                    nWidth = dicHeader_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                ElseIf Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                    nWidth = dicDetail_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                    Continue For
                End If

                If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both <> "B" Then
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nPrev_Top, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTotalHeight)
                    'ElseIf Draw_Line = True Then
                    '    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nPrev_Top, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTotalHeight)
                End If
                nLeft = nLeft + nWidth

            If iLoop <> dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 OrElse (iLoop = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 AndAlso Is_Last_Row = False) Then
                nPrinted_Rows = Next_Print_Row
                Print_Options(e, nTotalHeight)
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Continue...", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nPFSEach_Page_Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString("Continue...", printFontHeaderFooter).Width, topMargin + nTotalHeight, StrFormat)
                e.HasMorePages = True
                If Reset_Detail_Serial_No = True Then
                    nDetail_Serial_No = 0
                End If
                If Detail_Start = True Then
                    Is_Detail_Start = True
                End If
                Return True
            End If
        ElseIf (nNext_Row_Max_Height + nTop > lPageHeight - topMargin - nFooterHeight - nFooter_RTF_Height - nPFSBottom_Margin) Then
            If iLoop = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 Then
                nTotalHeight = nTop
                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, New Rectangle(leftMargin, topMargin, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin - leftMargin, nTotalHeight))
                nLeft = 0
                nWidth = 0
                For iCol = 0 To dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
                    strColumn = dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns(iCol).ColumnName
                    If Not dicHeader_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                        nWidth = dicHeader_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                    ElseIf Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                        nWidth = dicDetail_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                        Continue For
                    End If

                    If strHeader_Detail_Or_Both <> "B" Then
                        e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nPrev_Top, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTotalHeight)
                        'ElseIf Draw_Line = True Then
                        '    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nPrev_Top, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTotalHeight)
                    End If
                    nLeft = nLeft + nWidth

                'If iLoop <> dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 OrElse (iLoop = dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 AndAlso Is_Last_Row = False) Then
                nPrinted_Rows = Next_Print_Row - 1
                Print_Options(e, nTotalHeight)
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Continue...", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, nPFSEach_Page_Width - e.Graphics.MeasureString("Continue...", printFontHeaderFooter).Width, topMargin + nTotalHeight, StrFormat)
                e.HasMorePages = True
                If Reset_Detail_Serial_No = True Then
                    nDetail_Serial_No = 0
                End If
                If Detail_Start = True Then
                    Is_Detail_Start = True
                End If
                Return True
                'End If
            End If
        End If
        Return False
    End Function

    Private Sub Print_Summary_Part(ByVal e As PrintPageEventArgs, ByRef nTop As Integer, ByRef nTotal_Height As Integer, ByRef dicSumOfColumns As Dictionary(Of String, Decimal), ByVal iLoop As Integer, ByRef nHeight As Integer, ByRef nNext_Row_Max_Height As Integer, ByVal Sum_Of_Which_Part As String, ByVal strSummary_Caption As String)
        Dim strGroup_Data As String = ""
        Dim nLeft As Integer = 0
        Dim nWidth As Integer = 0
        Dim strData As String = ""
        Dim actual As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim strColumn As String = ""
        Dim strTotal_Caption As String = strSummary_Caption
        Dim Has_Negative_Value As Boolean = False
        Dim Is_Grand_Total As Boolean = False
        nNext_Row_Max_Height = 0
        nHeight = 0
        If Not dicSumOfColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicSumOfColumns.Count > 0 Then
            For iCol = 0 To dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns.Count - 1
                strColumn = dsHeader.Tables(0).Columns(iCol).ColumnName
                If Not dicHeader_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso Sum_Of_Which_Part = "H" Then
                    nWidth = dicHeader_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                ElseIf Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso Sum_Of_Which_Part = "D" Then
                    nWidth = dicDetail_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                ElseIf Not dicHeader_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GT" AndAlso strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "H" Then    'Group Header Grand Total
                    Is_Grand_Total = True
                    nWidth = dicHeader_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                ElseIf Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GT" AndAlso strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "D" Then    'Group Detail Grand Total
                    Is_Grand_Total = True
                    nWidth = dicDetail_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                ElseIf Not dicDetail_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicDetail_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GT" AndAlso strHeader_Detail_Or_Both = "B" Then    'Detail Part Grand Total
                    Is_Grand_Total = True
                    nWidth = dicDetail_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                ElseIf Not dicHeader_Width Is Nothing AndAlso dicHeader_Width.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GTH" Then    'Header Part Grand Total
                    Is_Grand_Total = True
                    nWidth = dicHeader_Width("""" & strColumn & """")
                    Continue For
                End If

                If Not dicSumOfColumns Is Nothing AndAlso dicSumOfColumns.Count > 0 Then
                    If dicSumOfColumns.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                        strData = Get_Formatted_Data(dicSumOfColumns("""" & strColumn & """").ToString(), strColumn, dicData_Format, dicData_Type, dicDecimal_Place, StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                        If Has_Negative_Value = True Then
                            If Is_Grand_Total = True Then
                                If dicData_Format.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & "_" & "Grand_Total""") AndAlso dicData_Format("""" & strColumn & "_" & "Grand_Total""").ToLower() = "nabs" Then
                                    strData = "-" & strData
                                End If
                                If dicData_Format.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & "_" & "Total""") AndAlso dicData_Format("""" & strColumn & "_" & "Total""").ToLower() = "nabs" Then
                                    strData = "-" & strData
                                End If
                            End If
                        End If
                        If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                            actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontHeaderFooterDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                                nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                            End If
                            e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFontHeaderFooterDetail, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop - IIf(Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GT" Or Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GTH", 0, 1), nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            If nHeight > 0 Then
                                e.Graphics.DrawString(strTotal_Caption, printFontHeaderFooterDetail, Brushes.Black, leftMargin + 5, topMargin + nTop - IIf(Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GT" Or Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GTH", 0, 1), StrFormat)
                            End If
                            actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontHeaderFooter, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            If actual.Height > nHeight Then
                                nHeight = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                            End If
                            e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop - IIf(Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GT" Or Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GTH", 0, 1), nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            If nHeight > 0 Then
                                e.Graphics.DrawString(strTotal_Caption, printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, leftMargin + 5, topMargin + nTop - IIf(Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GT" Or Sum_Of_Which_Part = "GTH", 0, 1), StrFormat)
                            End If
                        End If
                        If Sum_Of_Which_Part <> "GT" AndAlso Sum_Of_Which_Part <> "GTH" Then
                            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop + nHeight - 2, leftMargin + nLeft + nWidth - nLineGap, topMargin + nTop + nHeight - 2)
                            'e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin + nLeft, topMargin + nTop + nHeight - 2, leftMargin + nLeft + nWidth, topMargin + nTop + nHeight - 2)
                        End If
                    End If

                    nLeft = nLeft + nWidth
                    If dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1 > iLoop Then
                        strData = Get_Formatted_Data(dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows(iLoop + 1)(iCol).ToString & "", strColumn, dicData_Format, dicData_Type, dicDecimal_Place, StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                        'If Has_Negative_Value = True Then
                        '    strData = -Convert_Rs_Format_To_Value(strData)
                        '    strData = Convert_Rs_Format_To_Value(strData)
                        'End If
                        If Is_Detail_Start = True Then
                            actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontHeaderFooterDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                            actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontHeaderFooter, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                        End If
                        'actual = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontHeaderFooterDetail, New SizeF(nWidth, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                        If actual.Height > nNext_Row_Max_Height Then
                            nNext_Row_Max_Height = Math.Round(actual.Height)
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            If nHeight > 0 Then
                If iLoop <= dsHeader.Tables(0).Rows.Count Then
                    If Sum_Of_Which_Part <> "GT" AndAlso Sum_Of_Which_Part <> "GTH" Then
                        e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin + CInt(nMax_Width), topMargin + nTop + nHeight, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, topMargin + nTop + nHeight)
                    End If
                    nTop = nTop + nHeight
                    nTotal_Height = nTotal_Height + nHeight
                End If
            End If
            nLeft = 0
            nWidth = 0
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Function Get_Formatted_Data_From_Direct(ByVal Data As String, ByVal dData_Format As String, ByVal dData_Type As String, ByVal dDecimal_Place As String, ByRef sVariableFormat As StringFormat, Optional ByRef Has_Negative_Value As Boolean = False) As String
        Has_Negative_Value = False
        If Not dData_Type.ToLower Like "*varchar*" AndAlso Not dData_Type.ToLower Like "*date*" Then
            If dData_Format.ToLower() = "abs" Then
                If Val(Data) < 0 Then
                    Has_Negative_Value = True
                End If
                Data = Convert_Value_Format_To_Rs(Math.Abs(Val(Data)), Val(dDecimal_Place), False, False)
                Data = Convert_Value_Format_To_Rs(Data, Val(dDecimal_Place), False, False)
            End If
            sVariableFormat = numFormat
        ElseIf dData_Type.ToLower Like "*date*" Then
            If Val(Data) > 0 Then
                If dData_Format <> "" Then
                    Data = DateTime.FromOADate(Val(Data)).ToString(dData_Format)   '"dd-MMM-yy"
                    If Val(Data) - Int(Val(Data)) > 0 AndAlso Int(Val(Data)) > 0 Then
                        Data = DateTime.FromOADate(Val(Data)).ToString("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss")   '"dd-MMM-yy"
                    ElseIf Val(Data) - Int(Val(Data)) > 0 AndAlso Int(Val(Data)) = 0 Then
                        Data = DateTime.FromOADate(Val(Data)).ToString("HH:mm:ss")   '"dd-MMM-yy"
                    ElseIf Val(Data) > 0 AndAlso Int(Val(Data)) > 0 Then
                        Data = DateTime.FromOADate(Val(Data)).ToString("dd-MMM-yy")   '"dd-MMM-yy"
                        Data = ""
                    End If
                End If
                Data = ""
            End If
            'sVariableFormat = numFormat
            sVariableFormat = StrFormat
            sVariableFormat = StrFormat
        End If
        Return Data
    End Function
    Private Function Get_Formatted_Data(ByVal Data As String, ByVal strColumn As String, ByVal dData_Format As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal dData_Type As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal dDecimal_Place As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByRef sVariableFormat As StringFormat, Optional ByRef Has_Negative_Value As Boolean = False) As String
        Has_Negative_Value = False
        If dData_Type.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") AndAlso Not dData_Type.Item("""" & strColumn & """").ToLower Like "*varchar*" AndAlso Not dData_Type.Item("""" & strColumn & """").ToLower Like "*date*" Then
            If dData_Format.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                If dDecimal_Place.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                    If dData_Format("""" & strColumn & """").ToLower() = "abs" Then
                        If Val(Data) < 0 Then
                            Has_Negative_Value = True
                        End If
                        Data = Convert_Value_Format_To_Rs(Math.Abs(Val(Data)), Val(dDecimal_Place("""" & strColumn & """")), False, False)
                        Data = Convert_Value_Format_To_Rs(Data, Val(dDecimal_Place("""" & strColumn & """")), False, False)
                    End If
                    Data = Convert_Value_Format_To_Rs(Data, 0, False, False)
                End If
                If dicDecimal_Place.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                    Data = Convert_Value_Format_To_Rs(Data, Val(dDecimal_Place("""" & strColumn & """")), False, False)
                    Data = Convert_Value_Format_To_Rs(Data, 0, False, False)
                End If
            End If
            sVariableFormat = numFormat
        ElseIf dData_Type.Item("""" & strColumn & """").ToLower Like "*date*" Then
            If dData_Format.ContainsKey("""" & strColumn & """") Then
                If Val(Data) > 0 Then
                    If dData_Format("""" & strColumn & """").ToString <> "" Then
                        Data = DateTime.FromOADate(Val(Data)).ToString(dData_Format("""" & strColumn & """"))   '"dd-MMM-yy"
                        If Val(Data) - Int(Val(Data)) > 0 AndAlso Int(Val(Data)) > 0 Then
                            Data = DateTime.FromOADate(Val(Data)).ToString("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss")   '"dd-MMM-yy"
                        ElseIf Val(Data) - Int(Val(Data)) > 0 AndAlso Int(Val(Data)) = 0 Then
                            Data = DateTime.FromOADate(Val(Data)).ToString("HH:mm:ss")   '"dd-MMM-yy"
                        ElseIf Val(Data) > 0 AndAlso Int(Val(Data)) > 0 Then
                            Data = DateTime.FromOADate(Val(Data)).ToString("dd-MMM-yy")   '"dd-MMM-yy"
                            Data = ""
                        End If
                    End If
                    Data = ""
                End If
                If Val(Data) - Int(Val(Data)) > 0 AndAlso Int(Val(Data)) > 0 Then
                    Data = DateTime.FromOADate(Val(Data)).ToString("dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss")   '"dd-MMM-yy"
                ElseIf Val(Data) - Int(Val(Data)) > 0 AndAlso Int(Val(Data)) = 0 Then
                    Data = DateTime.FromOADate(Val(Data)).ToString("HH:mm:ss")   '"dd-MMM-yy"
                ElseIf Val(Data) > 0 AndAlso Int(Val(Data)) > 0 Then
                    Data = DateTime.FromOADate(Val(Data)).ToString("dd-MMM-yy")   '"dd-MMM-yy"
                    Data = ""
                End If
            End If
            sVariableFormat = numFormat
            sVariableFormat = StrFormat
        End If
        Return Data
    End Function




    Private Sub Reset_Print()


        StrFormat = New StringFormat
        StrFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near 'text horizontal alignment
        StrFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near  'Text vetical alignment
        StrFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter

        StrLeftCenterAlignment = New StringFormat
        StrLeftCenterAlignment.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near 'text horizontal alignment
        StrLeftCenterAlignment.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center  'Text vetical alignment
        StrLeftCenterAlignment.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter

        StrCenterAlignment = New StringFormat
        StrCenterAlignment.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center  'text horizontal alignment
        StrCenterAlignment.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center   'Text vetical alignment
        StrCenterAlignment.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter

        numFormat = New StringFormat
        numFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far
        numFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near
        nCurrent_Col = 2
        nCurrent_Row = 0
        nRows = 0
        nRowsChild = 0
        nChildItems = 0
        nCurrent_Copy = 0
        Has_Child_Item = False
        Has_More_Child_Item = False
        nResetChildiLoop = 0
        Is_Continue_Same_Item = False
        nColCountChild = 0
        nColCount = 0
        nResetiLoop = 0
        nDetailHeaderRepeat_Start = 0
        PageNo = 0
        NewPage = True
        nPageNo = 0
        nPrinted_Rows = 0
        nHeader_Serial_No = 0
        nDetail_Serial_No = 0
        nGroup_Serial_No = 0
        Is_Detail_Start = False
        Is_Print_Summary = False
        Is_Print_Grand_Total = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub Print_Header_Footer_RTF_Part(ByVal e As PrintPageEventArgs, ByVal dataRow As DataRow, ByRef nHeader_RTF_Height As Integer, ByVal nMax_Width As Double, ByVal nMax_Height As Double, ByRef nHeight_Gap As Double, ByVal Header_Or_Footer As String)
        Dim strHeader_Or_Footer As String = IIf(Header_Or_Footer = "H", "INVOICE_HEADER_FORMAT", "INVOICE_FOOTER_FORMAT")
        Dim RTF_Height As Double = 0
        If dataRow.Item(strHeader_Or_Footer) <> "" AndAlso dataRow.Item(strHeader_Or_Footer) <> "0" Then
            Dim rtfHeader As New RichTextBox
            Dim xRtfImage As New DrawRichTextBoxToBitmap
            rtfHeader.Width = nPFSEach_Page_Width - leftMargin - nPFSRight_Margin
            rtfHeader.WordWrap = True            
            rtfHeader.Rtf = dataRow.Item(strHeader_Or_Footer)
            rtfHeader.Height = Get_RTF_Text_Height(rtfHeader)
            RTF_Height = rtfHeader.Height

            If RTF_Height > 0 Then
                e.Graphics.DrawImage(xRtfImage.DrawRTB(rtfHeader), New Point(nMax_Width + leftMargin, nMax_Height + nHeight_Gap + 1))
            End If

            If Header_Or_Footer = "H" Then
                If RTF_Height > (dataRow.Item("TOP_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100 Then
                    'RTF_Height = (rtfHeader.Height - (dataRow.Item("TOP_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100) + 1
                ElseIf RTF_Height <= (dataRow.Item("TOP_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100 Then
                    RTF_Height = (dataRow.Item("TOP_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100 + 1
                End If
                If RTF_Height > (dataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100 Then
                    'RTF_Height = (rtfHeader.Height - (dataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100) + 1
                ElseIf RTF_Height <= (dataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100 Then
                    RTF_Height = (dataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100 + 1
                End If
            End If

            'If nMax_Top < topMargin + nEnd + nEndMiscChargeTop + nCustomFieldEndTop + nHeader_RTF_Height + nFooter_RTF_Height Then        '+ nMax_Height 
            '    nMax_Top = topMargin + nEnd + nEndMiscChargeTop + nCustomFieldEndTop + nHeader_RTF_Height + nFooter_RTF_Height       '+ nMax_Height 
            'End If
            If Header_Or_Footer = "H" Then
                If dataRow.Item("IMAGE_PATH_TOP").ToString() <> "" Then
                        If IO.File.Exists(strFinnecalImagePath & "\User_Images\" & dataRow.Item("IMAGE_PATH_TOP").ToString()) Then
                            If Val(dataRow.Item("IMAGE_TOP_ALIGNMENT").ToString()) = 3 Then    'Right
                                e.Graphics.DrawImage(New Bitmap(strFinnecalImagePath & "\User_Images\" & dataRow.Item("IMAGE_PATH_TOP").ToString(), False), CInt(nMax_Width + nPFSEach_Page_Width - leftMargin - nPFSRight_Margin - dataRow.Item("TOP_IMAGE_WIDTH") * 100), CInt(nMax_Height + nHeight_Gap), dataRow.Item("TOP_IMAGE_WIDTH") * 100, dataRow.Item("TOP_IMAGE_HEIGHT") * 100)
                            ElseIf Val(dataRow.Item("IMAGE_TOP_ALIGNMENT").ToString()) = 2 Then    'Center
                                e.Graphics.DrawImage(New Bitmap(strFinnecalImagePath & "\User_Images\" & dataRow.Item("IMAGE_PATH_TOP").ToString(), False), CInt(nMax_Width + (nPFSEach_Page_Width - leftMargin - nPFSRight_Margin) / 2), CInt(nMax_Height + nHeight_Gap), (dataRow.Item("TOP_IMAGE_WIDTH")) * 100, (dataRow.Item("TOP_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100)
                            Else 'LEFT
                                e.Graphics.DrawImage(New Bitmap(strFinnecalImagePath & "\User_Images\" & dataRow.Item("IMAGE_PATH_TOP").ToString(), False), CInt(nMax_Width + leftMargin), CInt(nMax_Height + nHeight_Gap), (dataRow.Item("TOP_IMAGE_WIDTH")) * 100, (dataRow.Item("TOP_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100)
                            End If
                        End If
                    Catch ex As Exception
                    End Try
                End If
                If dataRow.Item("IMAGE_PATH_BOTTOM").ToString() <> "" Then
                        If IO.File.Exists(strFinnecalImagePath & "\User_Images\" & dataRow.Item("IMAGE_PATH_BOTTOM").ToString()) Then
                            If Val(dataRow.Item("IMAGE_BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT").ToString()) = 3 Then    'Right
                                e.Graphics.DrawImage(New Bitmap(strFinnecalImagePath & "\User_Images\" & dataRow.Item("IMAGE_PATH_BOTTOM").ToString(), False), CInt(nMax_Width + nPFSEach_Page_Width - leftMargin - nPFSRight_Margin - dataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_WIDTH") * 100), CInt(nMax_Height + nHeight_Gap + 1), dataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_WIDTH") * 100, dataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_HEIGHT") * 100)
                            ElseIf Val(dataRow.Item("IMAGE_BOTTOM_ALIGNMENT").ToString()) = 2 Then    'Center
                                e.Graphics.DrawImage(New Bitmap(strFinnecalImagePath & "\User_Images\" & dataRow.Item("IMAGE_PATH_BOTTOM").ToString(), False), CInt(nMax_Width + (nPFSEach_Page_Width - leftMargin - nPFSRight_Margin) / 2), CInt(nMax_Height + nHeight_Gap + 1), (dataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_WIDTH")) * 100, (dataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100)
                            Else 'LEFT
                                e.Graphics.DrawImage(New Bitmap(strFinnecalImagePath & "\User_Images\" & dataRow.Item("IMAGE_PATH_BOTTOM").ToString(), False), CInt(nMax_Width + leftMargin), CInt(nMax_Height + nHeight_Gap + 1), (dataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_WIDTH")) * 100, (dataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100)
                            End If
                        End If
                    Catch ex As Exception
                    End Try
                End If
            End If
            nHeader_RTF_Height = RTF_Height
            nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + nHeader_RTF_Height + 1
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Print_Header_Part(ByVal e As PrintPageEventArgs, ByVal dataRow As DataRow, ByRef nHeader_Height As Double, ByRef nHeight_Gap As Double)
        Dim dvAddress_Fields As DataView = dPrint_Setting_Detail.Tables(0).AsDataView
        Dim dvOther_Main_Fields As DataView = dPrint_Setting_Detail.Tables(0).AsDataView
        Dim nInital_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim nAddress_Height As Double = 0
        Dim nAddress_Width As Double = 0
        Dim nMain_Fields_Height As Integer = 0
        Dim actualHeight As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim actualHeight1 As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim strData As String = ""
        Dim Has_Negative_Value As Boolean = False
        Dim nStart_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim nEnd_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim nStart_Left As Integer = 0
        Dim nAddress_Left As Integer = 0
        Dim nAddress_Top As Integer = 0
        dvAddress_Fields.RowFilter = "Field_Type='ADDRESS'"
        dvOther_Main_Fields.RowFilter = "Field_Type='MAIN'"

        For iLoop = 0 To dvAddress_Fields.Count - 1

            If iLoop = 0 Then
                nAddress_Top = nHeight_Gap + nAddress_Height
                nAddress_Left = leftMargin
            End If
            strData = dataRow(dvAddress_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_NAME")) & ""
            actualHeight = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontHeaderFooter, dvAddress_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100)

            e.Graphics.DrawString(dataRow(dvAddress_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_NAME")) & "", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + 1 + nMax_Width, nHeight_Gap + nAddress_Height, dvAddress_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)

            nAddress_Height = nAddress_Height + actualHeight.Height
            nAddress_Width = dvAddress_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100
        If nAddress_Top > 0 Then
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin, nAddress_Top, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, nAddress_Top)
        End If
        For iLoop = 0 To dvOther_Main_Fields.Count - 1
            If iLoop = 0 Then
                nStart_Top = nHeight_Gap + nMain_Fields_Height
                nStart_Left = leftMargin + 1 + nAddress_Width
            End If
            strData = dvOther_Main_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_CAPTION")
            actualHeight = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontHeaderFooter, dvOther_Main_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100)
            e.Graphics.DrawString(dvOther_Main_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_CAPTION"), printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + 1 + nAddress_Width + nMax_Width, nHeight_Gap + nMain_Fields_Height, dvOther_Main_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)

            strData = Get_Formatted_Data_From_Direct(dataRow(dvOther_Main_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_NAME")) & "", "", dvOther_Main_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("DATA_TYPE") & "", Val(dvOther_Main_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("DECIMAL_PLACES") & ""), StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
            actualHeight1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFont, dvOther_Main_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100)
            e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFont, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + 1 + nAddress_Width + dvOther_Main_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100 + nMax_Width, nHeight_Gap + nMain_Fields_Height, dvOther_Main_Fields.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
            If actualHeight.Height > actualHeight1.Height Then
                nMain_Fields_Height = nMain_Fields_Height + actualHeight.Height
                nMain_Fields_Height = nMain_Fields_Height + actualHeight1.Height
            End If

        If nStart_Top > 0 Then
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, CInt(nMax_Width) + nStart_Left, nStart_Top, nStart_Left, nStart_Top + CInt(nMain_Fields_Height))
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, CInt(nMax_Width) + leftMargin, nStart_Top, leftMargin, nStart_Top + CInt(nMain_Fields_Height))
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, CInt(nMax_Width) + nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, nStart_Top, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, nStart_Top + CInt(nMain_Fields_Height))

            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, CInt(nMax_Width) + leftMargin, nStart_Top + CInt(nMain_Fields_Height), nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, nStart_Top + CInt(nMain_Fields_Height))
            nStart_Top = 0
            nStart_Left = 0
            nAddress_Top = 0
            nAddress_Left = 0
        End If

        If nAddress_Height > nMain_Fields_Height Then
            nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + nAddress_Height
            nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + nMain_Fields_Height
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Print_Custom_Fields_Part(ByVal e As PrintPageEventArgs, ByVal dataRow As DataTable, ByRef nCustom_Field_Height As Double, ByRef nHeight_Gap As Double)
        Dim dvCustom As DataView = dPrint_Setting_Detail.Tables(0).AsDataView
        Dim nInital_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim nCustom_Height As Double = 0
        Dim nCustom_Width As Double = 0
        Dim nCustom_Field_Start_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim nCustom_Field_Start_Left As Integer = 0
        Dim nCustom_Field_Second_Start_Left As Integer = 0
        Dim actualHeight As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim actualHeight1 As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim strData As String = ""
        Dim Has_Negative_Value As Boolean = False
        Dim nFirst_Custom_Field_Height As Double = 0
        Dim nSecond_Custom_Field_Height As Double = 0

        dvCustom.RowFilter = "Field_Type='CUSTOM'"

        For iLoop = 0 To dvCustom.Count - 1
            If iLoop = 0 Then
                nCustom_Field_Start_Left = leftMargin
                nCustom_Field_Start_Top = nHeight_Gap + nCustom_Field_Height
            End If
            For nCustom = 0 To dataRow.Rows.Count - 1
                If dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("MISC_CHARGE_OR_CUSTOM_FIELD_ID") = dataRow.Rows(nCustom)("CUSTOM_FIELD_IDS") Then
                    strData = dataRow.Rows(nCustom)("CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUE") & ""
                    Exit For
                End If

            If iLoop Mod 2 = 0 Then
                actualHeight = e.Graphics.MeasureString(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_CAPTION"), printFontHeaderFooter, dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100)
                e.Graphics.DrawString(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_CAPTION"), printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + 1 + nCustom_Width + nMax_Width, nHeight_Gap + nCustom_Field_Height, dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                nCustom_Width = dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100

                strData = Get_Formatted_Data_From_Direct(strData, "", dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("DATA_TYPE") & "", Val(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("DECIMAL_PLACES") & ""), StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                actualHeight1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFont, dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100)
                e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFont, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + 1 + nCustom_Width + nMax_Width, nHeight_Gap + nCustom_Field_Height, dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)

                nCustom_Width = nCustom_Width + dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100

                If actualHeight.Height > actualHeight1.Height Then
                    nFirst_Custom_Field_Height = actualHeight.Height
                    nFirst_Custom_Field_Height = actualHeight1.Height
                End If
                If iLoop = dvCustom.Count - 1 Then
                    nCustom_Field_Height = nCustom_Field_Height + nFirst_Custom_Field_Height
                End If
                If iLoop = 1 Then
                    nCustom_Field_Second_Start_Left = leftMargin + 1 + nCustom_Width
                End If

                actualHeight = e.Graphics.MeasureString(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_CAPTION"), printFontHeaderFooter, dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100)
                e.Graphics.DrawString(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_CAPTION"), printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + 1 + nCustom_Width + nMax_Width, nHeight_Gap + nCustom_Field_Height, dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                nCustom_Width = dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100

                strData = Get_Formatted_Data_From_Direct(strData, "", dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("DATA_TYPE") & "", Val(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("DECIMAL_PLACES") & ""), StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                actualHeight1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFont, dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100)
                e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFont, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + 1 + nCustom_Width + nMax_Width, nHeight_Gap + nCustom_Field_Height, dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)

                If actualHeight.Height > actualHeight1.Height Then
                    nSecond_Custom_Field_Height = actualHeight.Height
                    nSecond_Custom_Field_Height = actualHeight1.Height
                End If
                If nFirst_Custom_Field_Height > nSecond_Custom_Field_Height Then
                    nCustom_Field_Height = nCustom_Field_Height + nFirst_Custom_Field_Height
                    nCustom_Field_Height = nCustom_Field_Height + nSecond_Custom_Field_Height
                End If
                nFirst_Custom_Field_Height = 0
                nSecond_Custom_Field_Height = 0
                nCustom_Width = 0
            End If
        If nCustom_Field_Start_Top > 0 Then
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, CInt(nMax_Width) + leftMargin, nCustom_Field_Start_Top, leftMargin, nCustom_Field_Start_Top + CInt(nCustom_Field_Height))
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, CInt(nMax_Width) + nCustom_Field_Second_Start_Left, nCustom_Field_Start_Top, nCustom_Field_Second_Start_Left, nCustom_Field_Start_Top + CInt(nCustom_Field_Height))
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, CInt(nMax_Width) + nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, nCustom_Field_Start_Top, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, nCustom_Field_Start_Top + CInt(nCustom_Field_Height))
        End If
        nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + nCustom_Field_Height
    End Sub
    Private Sub Print_Misc_Charges_Part(ByVal e As PrintPageEventArgs, ByVal dataDetail As DataSet, ByRef nMisc_Charge_Height As Double, ByRef nHeight_Gap As Double, ByVal settingDataRow As DataRow)
        Dim dvCustom As DataView = dPrint_Setting_Detail.Tables(0).AsDataView
        Dim nInital_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim nCharge_Width As Double = 100
        Dim nCharge_Caption_Width As Double = 0
        Dim nMisc_Charge_Start_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim nMisc_Charge_Start_Left As Integer = 0

        Dim actualHeight As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim actualHeight1 As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim strData As String = ""
        Dim Has_Negative_Value As Boolean = False
        Dim nFirst_Custom_Field_Height As Double = 0
        Dim nSecond_Custom_Field_Height As Double = 0
        Dim nMisc_Charge_Caption_End_Left As Integer = 0
        'eachpagewidth-field width*2

        dvCustom.RowFilter = "Field_Type='CAL'"
        For iLoop = 0 To dvCustom.Count - 1
            nCharge_Caption_Width = nPFSEach_Page_Width - dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100 - leftMargin - nPFSRight_Margin - nCharge_Width
            If iLoop = 0 Then
                nMisc_Charge_Start_Top = nHeight_Gap
                nMisc_Charge_Start_Left = nCharge_Caption_Width + nMax_Width
                nMisc_Charge_Caption_End_Left = dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100

                e.Graphics.DrawString("Grand Total In Words", printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + nMax_Width, nHeight_Gap, nCharge_Caption_Width - leftMargin, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
                actualHeight = e.Graphics.MeasureString("Grand Total In Words", printFontHeaderFooter, nCharge_Caption_Width - leftMargin)
                e.Graphics.DrawString(Number_To_Word(Val(dataDetail.Tables("T_SALE_PURCHASE").Rows(0)(dtrPrint_Setting.Item("NUMBER_TO_WORD_FIELD")) & "")), printFontDetail, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(leftMargin + 1 + nMax_Width, nHeight_Gap + actualHeight.Height, nCharge_Caption_Width, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
            End If

            If dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("HAS_LINE") = "Y" Then
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, CInt(nMax_Width + nCharge_Caption_Width), CInt(nHeight_Gap + nMisc_Charge_Height), nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, CInt(nHeight_Gap + nMisc_Charge_Height))
            End If

            strData = dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_CAPTION")
            actualHeight = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFontHeaderFooter, dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100)
            e.Graphics.DrawString(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_CAPTION"), printFontHeaderFooter, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(nCharge_Caption_Width + nMax_Width, nHeight_Gap + nMisc_Charge_Height, dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("WIDTH") * 100, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrFormat)
            If dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("TABLE_NAME") = "TC_CHARGES" Then
                For iCharges = 0 To dataDetail.Tables("TC_CHARGES").Rows.Count - 1                
                    If dataDetail.Tables("TC_CHARGES").Rows(iCharges)("MISC_CHARGE_IDS") = dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("MISC_CHARGE_OR_CUSTOM_FIELD_ID") Then
                        strData = Get_Formatted_Data_From_Direct(dataDetail.Tables("TC_CHARGES").Rows(iCharges)("PERCENTAGE_VALUE") & "", "", dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("DATA_TYPE") & "", Val(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("DECIMAL_PLACES") & ""), StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                        e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFont, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(nMax_Width + nCharge_Caption_Width + 10, nHeight_Gap + nMisc_Charge_Height, nCharge_Width + 10, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
                        strData = Get_Formatted_Data_From_Direct(dataDetail.Tables("TC_CHARGES").Rows(iCharges)("CHARGE_VALUE") & "", "", dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("DATA_TYPE") & "", Val(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("DECIMAL_PLACES") & ""), StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
                        Exit For
                    End If
                strData = Get_Formatted_Data_From_Direct(dataDetail.Tables(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("TABLE_NAME")).Rows(0).Item(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("FIELD_NAME")) & "", "", dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("DATA_TYPE") & "", Val(dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("DECIMAL_PLACES") & ""), StrVariableFormat, Has_Negative_Value)
            End If
            'nPFSEach_Page_Width  - leftMargin - nPFSRight_Margin
            actualHeight1 = e.Graphics.MeasureString(strData, printFont, nCharge_Width)
            e.Graphics.DrawString(strData, printFont, Brushes.Black, New RectangleF(nMax_Width + nPFSEach_Page_Width - nCharge_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, nHeight_Gap + nMisc_Charge_Height, nCharge_Width, e.MarginBounds.Size.Height), StrVariableFormat)
            If actualHeight.Height > actualHeight1.Height Then
                nMisc_Charge_Height = nMisc_Charge_Height + actualHeight.Height
                nMisc_Charge_Height = nMisc_Charge_Height + actualHeight1.Height
            End If
        If nMisc_Charge_Start_Top > 0 Then
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin + CInt(nMax_Width), nMisc_Charge_Start_Top, leftMargin + CInt(nMax_Width), nMisc_Charge_Start_Top + CInt(nMisc_Charge_Height))
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, nMisc_Charge_Start_Left + CInt(nMax_Width), nMisc_Charge_Start_Top, nMisc_Charge_Start_Left + CInt(nMax_Width), nMisc_Charge_Start_Top + CInt(nMisc_Charge_Height))
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin + CInt(nMax_Width), nMisc_Charge_Start_Top, nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin + CInt(nMax_Width), nMisc_Charge_Start_Top + CInt(nMisc_Charge_Height))
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, nMisc_Charge_Start_Left + nMisc_Charge_Caption_End_Left + CInt(nMax_Width), nMisc_Charge_Start_Top, nMisc_Charge_Start_Left + nMisc_Charge_Caption_End_Left + CInt(nMax_Width), nMisc_Charge_Start_Top + CInt(nMisc_Charge_Height))
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, leftMargin + CInt(nMax_Width), nMisc_Charge_Start_Top + CInt(nMisc_Charge_Height), nPFSEach_Page_Width - nPFSRight_Margin, nMisc_Charge_Start_Top + CInt(nMisc_Charge_Height))
        End If
        nHeight_Gap = nHeight_Gap + nMisc_Charge_Height
    End Sub

    Private Sub Get_Footer_Height(ByRef nFooterHeight As Integer, ByRef nFooter_RTF_Height As Integer, ByVal dataDetail As DataSet, ByVal dsPrint_Setting_Detail As DataSet)
        Dim dvCustom As DataView = dPrint_Setting_Detail.Tables(0).AsDataView
        Dim nInital_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim nCharge_Width As Double = 100
        Dim nCharge_Caption_Width As Double = 0
        Dim nMisc_Charge_Start_Top As Integer = 0
        Dim nMisc_Charge_Start_Left As Integer = 0
        Dim nMisc_Charge_Height As Double = 0
        Dim actualHeight As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim actualHeight1 As SizeF = Nothing
        Dim strData As String = ""
        Dim Has_Negative_Value As Boolean = False
        Dim nFirst_Custom_Field_Height As Double = 0
        Dim nSecond_Custom_Field_Height As Double = 0
        Dim nMisc_Charge_Caption_End_Left As Integer = 0
        Dim strHeader_Or_Footer As String = "INVOICE_FOOTER_FORMAT"
        Dim datarow As DataRow = dataDetail.Tables("T_FORMAT").Rows(0)
        Dim RTF_Height As Double = 0
        If DataRow.Item(strHeader_Or_Footer) <> "" AndAlso DataRow.Item(strHeader_Or_Footer) <> "0" Then
            Dim rtfHeader As New RichTextBox
            Dim xRtfImage As New DrawRichTextBoxToBitmap
            rtfHeader.Width = nPFSEach_Page_Width
            rtfHeader.WordWrap = True
            rtfHeader.Rtf = DataRow.Item(strHeader_Or_Footer)
            rtfHeader.Height = Get_RTF_Text_Height(rtfHeader)
            RTF_Height = rtfHeader.Height

            If RTF_Height > (DataRow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100 Then
                RTF_Height = (rtfHeader.Height - (datarow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100) + 1
            ElseIf RTF_Height <= (datarow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100 Then
                RTF_Height = (datarow.Item("BOTTOM_IMAGE_HEIGHT")) * 100 + 1
            End If        
        End If
        nFooter_RTF_Height = RTF_Height

        dvCustom.RowFilter = "Field_Type='CAL'"        
        For iLoop = 0 To dvCustom.Count - 1
            If dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("TABLE_NAME") = "TC_CHARGES" Then
                For iCharges = 0 To dataDetail.Tables("TC_CHARGES").Rows.Count - 1
                    If dataDetail.Tables("TC_CHARGES").Rows(iCharges)("MISC_CHARGE_IDS") = dvCustom.Item(iLoop).Item("MISC_CHARGE_OR_CUSTOM_FIELD_ID") Then
                        nMisc_Charge_Height = nMisc_Charge_Height + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
                        Exit For
                    End If
                nMisc_Charge_Height = nMisc_Charge_Height + printFontHeaderFooter.Height
            End If            

        nFooterHeight = nMisc_Charge_Height
    End Sub

    Private Sub PrintDoc_QueryPageSettings(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.QueryPageSettingsEventArgs) Handles PrintDoc.QueryPageSettings
        'Dim prn As PrintDocument = DirectCast(sender, PrintDocument)

        'Dim xHard As Integer = CType(e.PageSettings.HardMarginX, Integer)
        'Dim yHard As Integer = CType(e.PageSettings.HardMarginY, Integer)

        'If prn.PrintController.IsPreview Then
        '    PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = xHard   'nPFSLeft_Margin
        '    'PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = nPFSRight_Margin
        '    PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = yHard    'nPFSTop_Margin
        '    'PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = nPFSBottom_Margin

        '    'mMarginLeft = xHard
        '    'mMarginTop = yHard
        '    PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = 0
        '    PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = 0
        '    PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top = 0
        '    PrintDoc.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = 0
        '    'mMarginLeft = 0
        '    'mMarginTop = 0
        'End If

    End Sub
End Class
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