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Comments by krmed (Top 25 by date)

krmed 30-Jun-13 9:27am View    
Perhaps if you remove the FOF_NOERRORUI you might get some more information. This could be why you don't see any errors.
krmed 28-Apr-13 16:49pm View    
Sounds like a good homework assignment. Guess you need to start writing the code since no one here will do your homework. Once you have that, we'll be glad to answer your questions.
krmed 15-Apr-13 9:18am View    
What do you do with the brush between the time you create it and then destroy it?

If you select the object into a DC, you must remember to "unselect" it (select a different object) before you destroy it, as you cannot destroy an object that is currently selected in a DC.
krmed 17-Jul-12 14:48pm View    
Actually, I was talking about a Post Build event in one of the ten projects that he does build. After the last one's done, just use the Post Build to copy everything that's needed to wherever desired.
krmed 25-Apr-12 6:35am View    
When you open a command prompt (let's say without the Visual Studio Command prompt) and type the command "set" (without the quotes), you see all of your environment variables.

Now if you open the VS Command Prompt and type set, you'll see all of the ones that now exist - including those set by Visual Studio. However, as Aescieal explained, they are set within the current process ONLY. This means that once you open the Visual Studio command prompt, the variables exist, but the go away when you close that command prompt.

If you start a program from that command window, the program you start will inherit those variables since it is a child process of the command window.

Hope that explains well enough.