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by honey the codewitch
Implementing full list support over custom data structures in .NET
by Sander Rossel
Using Venn diagrams to visualize sets.
by honey the codewitch
Easily implement efficient backtracking capabilities over any enumeration
by Rene Bustos
WCF WebService IN VB.NET Response JSON

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by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
Creating a custom Comparator function in Java allows you to define the rules for sorting or comparing objects based on specific criteria. This article will guide you through the steps of writing a custom Comparator
by Trần_Tuấn_Anh
Lambda functions are a powerful feature introduced in Java 8 that revolutionize how you write and manage code. They allow for more concise and readable code, especially when dealing with functional interfaces.
by Gerardo Recinto
In-memory B-Tree sorted dictionary
by Bohdan Stupak
Batching is a nice technique that allows you to handle big amounts of data gracefully. Directory.EnumerateFiles is the API that allows you to organize batch processing for the directory with a large number of files.

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17 Nov 2019 by honey the codewitch
Implementing full list support over custom data structures in .NET
16 May 2017 by Rene Bustos
WCF WebService IN VB.NET Response JSON
23 Mar 2021 by honey the codewitch
Make your code more efficient by hacking your compiler to improve its optimization capabilities
17 Jul 2019 by ireland94
This program demonstrates the methodology needed for by directional messaging between a Java FX foreground and 1 or more background threads.
4 Apr 2012 by pinx
List subclass for limited number of items and fast search.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
A ValidationSummary control is displayed when the IsValid property of the page is false. It "polls" each of the validation controls on the page and
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The PlaceHolder control can be used as a container control within a document to dynamically load other controls. The PlaceHolder control has no
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The Table class allows you to build an HTML table and specify its characteristics. A table can be built at design time with static content, but the
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Getting started with MongoDBMongoDB is a famous representative of NoSQL databases. It is a document-oriented database, which means that data will
13 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
When you Try this on 2.0 WebSite:http://www.YouWebsite/default.aspx?__VIEWSTATE=COUCOU!You will have something like that:Server Error in '/'
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Few days back I came across a problem on site wherein a user wanted to get information about controls of a Page from a different page.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community offers a built-in functionality for tracing theapplication. Using this functionality one can view a lot ofdiagnostic
14 May 2017 by Sander Rossel
Creating a lightweight JavaScript library that brings proper .NET-like collections and LINQ to JavaScript.
7 Feb 2022 by Pavel Bashkardin
Represents a C# generic implementation of the NameValueCollection
26 Jan 2024 by Gerardo Recinto
In-memory B-Tree sorted dictionary
25 Jan 2016 by GravityPhazer
This article demonstrates how you can simply enumerate any generic tree depth-first as well as breadth-first using the described construct. Trees can be serialized binary (using the BinaryFormatter), custom binary and as XML.
27 Apr 2015 by Jörgen Andersson
A high performance extension for creating a DataTable from a Generic collection.
26 Apr 2016 by Arthur Minduca
How to choose the right data structure for a collection of elements
25 Jun 2018 by David Serrano Martínez
A lazy stream has been implemented in C++11, so as to highlight the functional capabilities of this new specification
22 Sep 2014 by _groo_
An interface not present in .NET BCL, IIndexable exposes methods for iterating and indexing a read-only collection.
28 Feb 2011 by George Tryfonas
An ObservableCollection wrapper for an array which notifies the observer about changes to its underlying array
4 Jan 2018 by john morrison leon
Class method emulation for plain arrays plus unified handling of plain arrays, std::arrays and std::vectors
8 Mar 2012 by lampiclobe
A multi dimensional array class with the advance of negative indexes. Used like a[-2, -5, 3] with any dimensions.
26 Mar 2017 by Aydin Homay
In this article, I tried to show a real benchmark based on presser test method, for a Big Data collection deals on C++, C#, and VB.NET.