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by J.Jash
Data Auditing Trigger Generator
by Technoses
The above code will slow down the browser and the browser can hang when Rows in Grid will be 10000 or above.Please view the below suggestion:CS Codeprotected void grvGroups_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e){ if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { ...
by ManojKumar19
Update row column with another row column in same table SQL only if it is null.
by RovenetBill
ASP.NET c# component for editing SQL tables with plug-in column format adapter architecture.

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by Perić Željko
Sorting Multi-Dimensional Arrays in C# with QuickSort Sort Extensions
by Telegram:@ArastoAhmadi
Tutorial to monitor database changes without using tools and by using a simpler trick
by Arctype SQL
How to use full text search and the match keyword to find a string in every table in a MySQL database
by Bart-Jan Brouwer
Use bootstrap tables with minimal coding on .Net Core 2.0!

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29 Nov 2012 by RovenetBill
ASP.NET c# component for editing SQL tables with plug-in column format adapter architecture.
2 Mar 2014 by ASP.NET Community
In my case, I use  a FileUpload Control(Id:->FileUpload1), an ImageButton(ImageButton1) or you can use the Image,  a Button Control(Id:->Updatebttn)
12 Sep 2017 by Bart-Jan Brouwer
Use bootstrap tables with minimal coding on .Net Core 2.0!
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The Table class allows you to build an HTML table and specify its characteristics. A table can be built at design time with static content, but the
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Step1: Create a table in database:- create table test( state1 varchar(50),city varchar(50)  )  Step2:- In the .aspx Page:-   
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
First Create Two Tables ParentTable and ChildTableParentTable-->ParentId as Primary Key-->ParentNameChildTable -->ParentId as FOREIGN KEY
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
HiThis a common task for Auction bid, events, promotions, project deadline etc.For this sample we need to create a sql table and one stored
13 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Introduction:         The companies which are offering variety of services to the customers, they need to get the response from the customers in
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Recently i came to work on sql server 2005 & 08 and full text search. i want to share some interesting point which i came to know in couple of hours.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
We all know that we can sort the rows in DataTable by making a simple use of DefaultView. But now if i want a few conditional rows to be shuffled in
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Hello All,Here I am posting code, which will read through a Excel Document. This code will traverse through all sheets of Excel spread sheet, No
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
 ASP Repeater ControlThe Repeater control is used to display a repeated list of items that are bound to the control. The Repeater control may
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Sometimes we needs to export data to file with applicable styles...Here am trying to show an simple example... .aspx page
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Following is an example of creating a transaction when require to save on many tables at once. I used Microsoft Enterprise Libraries. I assume one to
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Followings are some examples of using SELECT statement. My table name tblTest. Followings are columns. (TestID, TestName, TestDate, TestCity )1)
23 Apr 2013 by Mojtaba Eng
this article content for Build Simple-LR ( SLR ) parse table from input grammar and find First and Follows of nonterminals
14 Feb 2013 by Niral Soni
A few lines of code to create dynamic charts based on the HTML table contents with filter option
15 Dec 2010 by hector [.j.] rivas
Helping the combo box autocomplete function with a frequency count.
24 Apr 2017 by SlavaUtesinov
Implementation of "insert" repository with dynamic database table (re)creation, if it not exists. It is possible to specify which migrations will be used for that otherwise will be used default creation logic. Usage example - dynamic logging and archivation or manual table creation for some purposes
26 Jan 2015 by Alexandros Pappas
This article proposes a way to do book-keeping for home use.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
While answering forums I come across a post “Grouping the data in the data table” which lead me to write this short code snippet for that post. 
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Sql Script Generator in C# From SQL Table ,get the SQLTable name And Generate The Insert and Update Script
5 Jan 2014 by ASP.NET Community
Introduction:         The companies which are offering variety of services to the customers, they need to get the response from the customers in