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by Dr. Song Li
This is a note on Spring Boot and JAR deployment
by Han Bo Sun
This tutorial will show you how to load and display hierarchical structured comments using RESTFul service and JavaScript.
by Han Bo Sun
How to create an AngularJS application using ES6 JavaScript and Modules
by Han Bo Sun
This tutorial will discuss how to create a rest service supports GraphQL query.

Latest Articles

by Han Bo Sun
This is a more in-depth tutorial on integrating Lucene search and index engine in Java applications.
by Han Bo Sun
In this tutorial, I will discuss how to add file upload functionality to an Angular web application.
by Han Bo Sun
How to use PDF.js in an AngularJs based app to display PDF content
by Han Bo Sun
Loading data in batches and displaying using UI-Grid in an AngularJS based app

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27 Oct 2023 by Richard Deeming
Quote: Adding ORDER BY clause gives the similar order and data every time but I do not need that for the requirement. Except you do need that. If you don't specify an explicit order for the results, then the order is undefined. The DBMS is...
25 Nov 2017 by Dr. Song Li
This is a note on Spring Boot and JAR deployment
10 Mar 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
As I don't know what Order looks like, I'm going to make some assumptions in this answer. The big assumption I'm going to make is that you have an Integer id value in the class, which I can get using getId();. I'm also going to assume that the...
19 Jul 2020 by Han Bo Sun
This tutorial will show you how to load and display hierarchical structured comments using RESTFul service and JavaScript.
1 Mar 2021 by #realJSOP
I googled it and this was the first result returned: Format Nested JSON Output with PATH Mode - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs[^] My search results are here: sql server nested json at DuckDuckGo[^]
9 Mar 2021 by Han Bo Sun
How to create an AngularJS application using ES6 JavaScript and Modules
5 Oct 2021 by OriginalGriff
You have to open the XML file, read the content, find the node(s) you are interested in, and assign them fo java variables. We really can't be any more specific, because XML is a hierarchical structured file format (i.e. the data inside resembles...
15 Dec 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
The information you need is at ISO 8583 - Wikipedia[^] and[^]
14 Jul 2022 by Han Bo Sun
This tutorial will discuss how to create a rest service supports GraphQL query.
3 Aug 2022 by Han Bo Sun
YUI-Compressor maven plugin to minify JS files for Spring Boot based web app development
16 Jan 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
You are adding a new client twice, at the start of your code and then again within another if else statement. I am not familiar with the code used ?-Java/MongoDb -? but the basics is the same How it works - 1. Search data table for client with...
14 Feb 2023 by Han Bo Sun
Loading data in batches and displaying using UI-Grid in an AngularJS based app
10 May 2023 by mtoha
related to this post. can you downgrade / upgrade version of this library? maven-surefire-plugin You can search version here. You can try this : Here is the simplest way to resolve this error: 1) Go to your pom.xml file path 2) And...
21 Jun 2023 by Richard MacCutchan
Go to[^] and start learning.
18 Dec 2017 by Dr. Song Li
This is a note on Spring Boot and Hibernate
4 Jul 2023 by Richard Deeming
Quote: I just want to count the results I can't return such data to the user there is no means I can count these values depending on these conditions provided Your code is loading all 4 million matching records into a list, simply to return...
15 Aug 2023 by Han Bo Sun
In this tutorial, I will discuss how to add file upload functionality to an Angular web application.
26 Oct 2023 by Gerry Schmitz
Add a "timestamp" to the Access records; and use a new timestamp when you update and insert. You can't "delete" initially; you'll need to add a "delete" flag (and timestamp) so you can export "deleted" records; and purge / archive them later. You...
8 Mar 2024 by Han Bo Sun
This is a more in-depth tutorial on integrating Lucene search and index engine in Java applications.
1 Nov 2019 by Member 14635434
Hi all, I have a controller class in my spring boot application there are multiple controllers and one HTML form there is only one button. If I make multiple buttons then the HTML form is very big and I want to show only one button at a time. Is it possible to access all controllers by using...
1 Nov 2019 by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
Quote: single button different click? Only possible if you are handling right-click, and left-click separately. Then this requirement can be fulfilled and you can attach different handlers that send request to different controllers. One of the way to do this would be to handle, click and...
24 Nov 2019 by Member 12310790
I am trying to sort capped collection in descending order. what I have tried: @Query(sort = "{$natural:-1}") Flux findAllByConversationId(String conversationId); it gives: Query failed with error code 2 and error message cannot use tailable option with a sort other than...
2 Dec 2019 by RickZeeland
Maybe this article will be helpful: Designing REST APIs | Vaadin[^] And also: Consuming REST services from Java applications[^]
23 Dec 2019 by Member 14675938
sI created a chat on Vaadin and Spring Boot. So I have 4 api - 1) Save - Which stores messages in the MySQL database 2) Last - Displays the last 10 messages to a new user who has entered the chat And also I have 3)unread - which was supposed to output unread messages from the database, but it...
19 Jul 2020 by CDA the Programmer
I'm developing a Java Spring Boot Web App and am currently trying to implement a "Forgot Password?" feature. As part of the feature, the user clicks on "Forgot Password?" link which takes them to forgotPassword.jsp. There, the user must enter...
23 Aug 2020 by Nilnil Zen
i am new to webservice through spring bot. When i use @GetMapping method it works fine there is no issue,and i provide @DeleteMapping methoed it throw mw this type of error Request method "GET" not supported. how to solve this issue. i check...
20 Oct 2020 by Member 11239384
I have this class public class InsurancePackageCovers { ProgramRef programId; PackageRef id; Set covers; InsurancePackageCovers(ProgramRef programId ,PackageRef id,Set covers) { ...
24 Nov 2022 by Member 15065455
I'm getting the below data from SQL view. +-------+-------+------------+------------+---------+-----------+----------------+ | ID | Name | Desc | Relation | ChildId | ChildName | ChildDesc |...
8 Mar 2021 by rtksmithjoton123
I want to know the spring boot Environment function, and what is the difference between it and core IWebHostEnvironment. What I have tried: I find the spring boot explanation, but I want to know it more detail.
8 Mar 2021 by Richard MacCutchan
See Environment (Spring Framework 5.3.4 API)[^]
1 Aug 2021 by Andre Ridho
I am trying to learn SpringBoot and Thymeleaf and I am getting a PropertyReferenceException. Most of the answers online have to do with naming errors, yet I have no naming errors; everything is in perfect camel case. Any ideas? Relevant Code: ...
19 May 2021 by Ishmeet Kaur
When I am putting the jsp files outside the views folder under webapp it works well but When I cut and paste them inside views folder first jsp page (practice1.jsp displays but when I click the submit button following errors comes: Whitelabel...
9 Jun 2021 by Ishmeet Kaur
When I'm trying to create a new maven project src/main/resources folder is not created in the spring tool suite? What I have tried: I tried to go to properties then build a path but was just able to get src/main/java src/main/resources still...
2 Jul 2021 by Member 10637246
I have four service instances,each instance have local cache.I use this code to call the method to refresh cache,but I find that each time it only call one service instance. How to change my code if I want to call all of four service instance to...
1 Aug 2021 by Member 15309186
change your model class to look like this @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE) @Column(name = "name_of_table_column", unique = true) String id;
24 Aug 2021 by massimopiedimonte99
For some reason I am not able to override Tomcat's settings about the file size limit when working with the UAT profile environment (everything works smoothly on SIT) I am using Spring Boot 2.2 and i am adding these properties to the...
29 Aug 2021 by SHYKAT ROY
Basically, I am trying to establish a relationship between my two tables using spring boots. And the relationship which I had used was the @onetoone and @onetomany relationship. But after building the relationship and creating the table in MySQL...
4 Sep 2021 by Freeex
Hello, what do you mean by dot form? Another option could be to use MapStruct and do something like this: public List getAdminsByCompanyId(String companyId) { return adminRepo.findAllByCompanyId(companyId).stream() ...
20 Sep 2021 by User 15041314
Hi there, Now I have prepared validation processes by writing rest api. And I prepared a resource-bundle operation for each validation operation. However, when I send a query in the postman, some UTF-8 characters that I added in the...
1 Oct 2021 by Prasad9472
I have a project where i am calling Google Cloud Storage API from Firebase Cloud FireStore API. This is my Firebase code before adding the Google Cloud Storage dependencies. This is my main class package...
24 Nov 2021 by Member 15435238
Hey coders, I am new to dockers. I need to dockerize an springboot application which further connects to a MySQL db. I am getting this error in docker logs of container of my springboot application. I am sure there is just a small mistake I am...
13 Dec 2021 by Member 15435238
I am working on an springboot application(Rest) and using eureka-netflix server with it. Although application is working the way it is required to work but I am getting this error in Eureka-server logs. c.n.d.s.t.d.RedirectingEurekaHttpClient ...
27 Dec 2021 by Member 15435238
I have a springboot application which is running well on docker and I am able to access it from the Chrome browser installed on my laptop. But now I want to install a browser(chrome/firefox) on docker so that when I do docker-compose up, then at...
30 Jan 2022 by salam_verdim_alana_panyatkasi_olana
I have to Entity and relationship type between them ManyToMany. @SuppressWarnings("JpaDataSourceORMInspection") @Data @Entity public class Student { @Id private Long id; private Integer anotherId; @ToString.Exclude ...
22 Feb 2022 by Member 15471521
My procedure CREATE procedure usp_set_night_free(booking_id bigint) BEGIN SELECT b.price INTO @price_per_night FROM booked_rooms as b WHERE b.booking_id = booking_id LIMIT 1; UPDATE bookings as b JOIN booked_rooms b2 on =...
22 Feb 2022 by _Asif_
Your update query seems wrong. As per your schema design. 1 booking may have multiple booked rooms which is 1 to many relationships. Below query will update the same booking multiple times because of 1 to many relationships. On top of that, your...
13 Apr 2022 by osemdeveloper
I have started to learn spring-boot framework with JPA and CRUD repositories . Also, I have completed a project using JPA where it is so easy to do crud operations . But, This is making me to miss how to write custom queries and understand the...
13 Apr 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
Take a look at Lesson: JDBC Introduction (The Java™ Tutorials > JDBC Database Access)[^].
29 May 2022 by eboi mela
I could login via LDAP but I cant fetch user role which is stored in my Database. I do get the following error: cannot be cast to com.test.rnd.geo.web.dto.CustomUser What I have...
25 Oct 2022 by Mohit Tomar
I'm new to Spring Boot and still learning concepts such as JPA and Hibernate. I was practicing CRUD operations and got an error that totally confused me. I have a project with 4 entities, Admin, Customer, Product, and Saleorder. There is an one...
25 Oct 2022 by Richard MacCutchan
I would suggest going to[^] for some good learning resources.
16 Jan 2023 by Office Systems
I want to query all data which are present in my database by comparing with while loop data and if this data is available I want to update it and if not I want to insert it as a new record into the database. The problem is I'm only getting data...
7 Feb 2023 by Member 15916804
The car class will be inherited by several others, it needs to filter all attributes and method results. Can someone give me a hint how to do this? @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @Table(name = "APP_CAR") @Entity public abstract...
10 Feb 2023 by Office Systems
I'm having a spring boot application connected with Mongo DB now I want to enable spring batch how can I manage this withi spring data Mongo What I saw with Spring data JPA
27 Feb 2023 by Member 11242959
Hi All, Need your suggestion on below mentioned scenario. We are developing microservices where azure service bus is used to communicate between different services. All write operations are handled asynchronously using azure service bus queue....
13 Mar 2023 by Office Systems
How can I compare month in spring mongo criteria with a hard corded value, month in criteria is in a spring format and the value is present in an integer format. This is what i have so far i just want to check for that month and group employee...
13 Mar 2023 by Dave Kreskowiak
Think about your query. What does ".is(2)" mean? Is it the month number? The day of the month? How about the yes? Maybe the hour, minutes, or seconds? How is your code telling the database that the 2 is a month? Hint: It's not.
29 Mar 2023 by Office Systems
I want to read mdb file using spring batch Item Reader, I have managed to read the mdb file and the results I can see them in console but I'm not able to map this results into the reader object. Below is my sample code. What I have tried: ...
19 Apr 2023 by Office Systems
I want to upload large file more than 2gb to a particular folder in spring boot, the challenge I'm facing is that, after file upload from client application (Angular Application/ Postman) it takes more than 50seconds to hit the controller, after...
2 May 2023 by Member 15226818
I was trying to connect to Postman, but I received an error message that says "error: Not Found, path: /api/postService/getPost". Apache Cassandra is also running perfectly, and I have created a keyspace too.Here is my controller class . can...
7 May 2023 by Office Systems
I am having a spring boot application which reads values from the Microsoft access file and then checks if the value exists in the database then gets updated or else inserted as the new record however I'm only getting these values present in the...
11 May 2023 by Matias Cordoba
Greetings to all. I'm telling you, I'm developing a project in netbeans 8.2 with java and spring (I'm new to this), I started it with Look, this error appears when I run my project. Failed to execute goal...
11 May 2023 by Matias Cordoba
Fixed test error by adding to pom: org.apache.maven.plugins maven-surefire-plugin 2.19.1 ...
24 May 2023 by Артём Орёл
I can not solve the issue with MultipartException? I try to create a new Item with adding the imges React. Every time I receive the error in Spring console, that current request is not Multipart request. I created a form for adding the item...
19 Jun 2023 by Natanael Fredrick
Based on my understanding of load-balancing, requests are forwarded to multiple instances of a service so that if one service is down, it will be redirected to one that is available. I have created a microservice that implements load-balancing...
19 Aug 2023 by jaikrishna310
I am trying to make a project in spring-boot! But in the controller, I am getting an error in the save() method as follows: The method save(S) in the type CrudRepository is not applicable for the arguments...
27 Oct 2023 by Office Systems
I'm fetching data from Microsoft access database file into PostgreSQL Database, then later some changes are added into Microsoft access database file and then re-uploaded into PostgreSQL Database as the latest dataset file with changes, now the...
27 Oct 2023 by Kanchana Gallage
I am doing implementation for this type of SELECT query in a Spring boot application using named parameter jdbc template. Database used is postgres. SELECT lp.*, gp.NAME, gp.description, FROM global_products gp...
17 Jan 2024 by Office Systems
I'm new to Micro-services architecture, I'm to develop a project using spring boot that gets data from API and stores that data into PostgreSQL db then computes and gets the sum of the data uploaded and sends that data into another database...
10 Mar 2024 by Office Systems
I have two arrays which both have data, what I want to do is to loop through each array and compare the data between the arrays one array is coming from the Post Method and another array has data from the database, so the comparison has to be...
27 Apr 2024 by Pete O'Hanlon
The likeliest scenario is that you haven't authenticated with the vault. You should look into DefaultAzureCredentials. I had to guess what the problem is because you supplied no code, no docker configuration, and no evidence of any error messages.
11 Jun 2023 by minnon dumbo
I need to get the product repository (where i added a query to fetch productname with I'd because we can't fetch from transaction table ) calling that method into transaction controller response(so that i can show productname in my response) can...
12 Sep 2022 by Han Bo Sun
How to stream a large file and support byte range seeking using Spring Boot
11 Jun 2023 by Andre Oosthuizen
1. From what I can see, in your repository your method name is defined as 'getproductName', but in your entity class, you are using 'getProductName', the naming must be identical, update your repository method to - String...
17 Apr 2023 by Han Bo Sun
How to use PDF.js in an AngularJs based app to display PDF content
10 May 2023 by mtoha
you can try this: Here is the simplest way to resolve this error: 1) Go to your pom.xml file path 2) And edit the pom.xml like: org.apache.maven.plugins ...
5 Oct 2021 by Devin Clark 2021
So let's say you have a UUID in an .xml file in your program and you're writing a java program in a, well, java file. They're both in the same folder so they are in the "same house just different rooms" if you understand what I mean. What steps...
26 Apr 2023 by Office Systems
How can I delete large amount of data more than 10 million records in fraction of a second in spring boot project, the code I'm having right now takes more than 1 minute and 30s to delete these records. Below is the code I'm using to delete these...
21 Jun 2023 by minnon dumbo
I wanted to create a event for customer to for receiving the OTP pop if he wanted to agree he need to click on approve or else reject i need to write functionality for cab some one help me out? What I have tried: Itss completely a new things...
22 Jun 2023 by mtoha
you can go to here and search springboot api and try some tutorials at home. You can break this question to smaller parts later. create new topic when facing some issues.
23 Sep 2020 by CPallini
I would Google for some Java-JSON tutorial[^].
4 Sep 2021 by Sneha K R
"status": true, "data": [] the above result is im getting in postman but i need to get response in dto form, Any help would be very helpful. thanks in advance What I have tried: @Override public ReporterResponse...
15 Dec 2021 by mailid4regs
Hi I need the information about Administrative Message in ISO 8583, its starts x6xx, 1) what is the purpose of Administrative Message? 2) when we will use 3) some example 4) how it related Acquirer/Issuer. What I have tried: Hi I need the...
29 Mar 2022 by salam_verdim_alana_panyatkasi_olana
Hi there, I am writing service consume where my consume service make the get request to given endpoint, but there is a problem, which I can not understand that how can I solve it? following link you can read documentation which I develop right...
29 Apr 2022 by Martin Lejeune
Hello everyone, First of all I'm not native english speaker so sorry for the mistakes I'm going to write. I need to develop a quizz webapp with Springboot. I learn java since 7 years but never work with multithreading and websockets... I'd...
17 May 2022 by Nick_is_asking
Hello.I have a java project running in the web (localhost). Something like this[^] So,I have some courses from a sql script. Also,I have a html file that contains 3 buttons such as (Edit,Remove,Show Students). So, I want to extract all the...
18 Jul 2022 by Member 13649763
JWT is implemented in Corporate App using Angular and Springboot. JWT is signed with Algorithm and secret key concatenated with Client Ip Address. Problem is JWT generated on one server with diff client ip is being allowed on another...
8 Sep 2022 by Juniorfstack
0 I'm a junior dev and my current project is in spring but unlike JavaScript I cant access the dom.How would I add something to a image so when I click it I can save its name or when I click a submit button that it will be saved. I have been...
21 Sep 2022 by Auto Samachar
I have vmscontactemail field in the database and models, when I debug the code it shows the above error when I execute that line at What I have tried: DAO @Modifying @Transactional @Query("UPDATE...
24 Nov 2022 by Pranav Arya
I want to create a tool that will accept the “OpenAPI v3 definition” document as input. Based on that, it will generate basic test cases to validate/check the API behaviour using Java/Spring Boot. Can someone please help with that or give me some...
24 Nov 2022 by Member 15843096
Were you able to solve this problem? If yes kindly let me know how.
6 Dec 2022 by nagarhemant
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Receiver class ch.qos.logback.classic.util.DefaultJoranConfigurator does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method 'abstract void...
1 Oct 2021 by User 15226833
You are (if you can), add again a new database and then enter properly credentials. If again can't work problem is in same application (program - code).
4 Jul 2023 by Office Systems
I'm trying to fetch data using Spring Boot for my REST API from PostgreSQL Database, I have more than 30 million records in my database, the API takes a lot of time to pull data from the database and sometimes it results on time out error when...
17 Aug 2023 by Muhammad Anas 2023
The issue is with spring-data-jpa version, try changing to another version in pom.xml(if its maven) or you may use the below mentioned version if it works for your spring boot project version: ...
27 Apr 2024 by Benjie Fallar III
I'm creating a Spring boot application that connecting to Azure Vault to get configurations. But when my project running inside Docker is running, it failed as it connect connect to the Azure vault. Is there anything I missed in my Dockerfile? ...