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Great Reads

by Victor Dashevsky
Processing the positioning information of visual objects detected by Pixy camera and received on Raspberry Pi via I2C, and using common design patterns in a C# program parsing robotics sensor data
by Daniele Fontani
Implement a private Wordpress reposiotory using Angular and PHP slim framework as backend
by Shaun C Curtis
Rethinking the Repository Pattern
by Sunny Makode
This is an introductory article about creating an Odata Rest API in collaboration with Entity Framework. We are also going to use Autofac as our IOC container. Also, Repository and Unit of Work pattern will be used for cleaner access of persistence model through our ORM (Entity Framework).

Latest Articles

by Divya Ulasala
Check out remote Git branch that does not exist on local clone
by Bert O Neill
How to incorporate repository pattern
by Shaun C Curtis
Rethinking the Repository Pattern
by Daniele Fontani
Implement a private Wordpress reposiotory using Angular and PHP slim framework as backend

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26 May 2018 by Victor Dashevsky
Processing the positioning information of visual objects detected by Pixy camera and received on Raspberry Pi via I2C, and using common design patterns in a C# program parsing robotics sensor data
9 Dec 2022 by Daniele Fontani
Implement a private Wordpress reposiotory using Angular and PHP slim framework as backend
19 Dec 2022 by Shaun C Curtis
Rethinking the Repository Pattern
8 Dec 2019 by Sunny Makode
This is an introductory article about creating an Odata Rest API in collaboration with Entity Framework. We are also going to use Autofac as our IOC container. Also, Repository and Unit of Work pattern will be used for cleaner access of persistence model through our ORM (Entity Framework).
10 Oct 2016 by Ashley Davis
A look at version control from the game developers perspective
22 Jan 2008 by parallelcoder
Describes how to use plastic from the command line
4 Jan 2023 by Bert O Neill
How to incorporate repository pattern
3 Oct 2016 by Mark W Solomon
In this article, I developed a way to determine all the SQL Servers in our environment at will and filter this information into Microsoft's Sunset report for Microsoft SQL Server and present all this information in an SSRS report.
11 Mar 2014 by mbarbac
Implementing the Repository and Unit of Work Patterns dynamically using Kerosene ORM
17 Mar 2015 by Akhil Mittal
How to create MVC application and perform CRUD operations using EntityFramework
17 Mar 2015 by Akhil Mittal
Unit of Work Pattern and Repository Pattern, and how to perform CRUD operations in an MVC application.
21 Apr 2018 by Wade Harvey
This article shows how to use Winforms, WPF and C# to create a File Explorer Clone with Tabs and an extremely fast parallel file search utility.
3 Apr 2019 by Mahsa Hassankashi
This is the simplest tutorial on AngularJS and Repository Pattern for developing professional MVC applications. It includes a source code about practical permission management project.
24 Apr 2017 by SlavaUtesinov
Implementation of "insert" repository with dynamic database table (re)creation, if it not exists. It is possible to specify which migrations will be used for that otherwise will be used default creation logic. Usage example - dynamic logging and archivation or manual table creation for some purposes
16 Nov 2016 by syed shanu
In this article, we will see in detail how to create ASP.NET Core with Repository pattern in the WEB API.