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React Native


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by André Marcos (Advisor), GracianoSouza
React Native, Node.js and PostreSQL, a PERN stack to develop an app to support the lost pets searching process
by Cindy Potvin
Add a close button to a React Native and close the modal by clicking beside it.
by D_Gregorian
How to create a React-Native (iOS & Android) FileManager with Firebase Storage
by André Marcos (Advisor), Renan Cardoso
Developing a solution to help user and personal trainer, to control and to track personal activities in a gym supported by a simple and integrated app with PHP ecosystem and React Native and Postgre database.

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by Akram El Assas
Car Rental Platform with a mobile app
by Akram El Assas
Rental Property Management Platform with a Mobile App
by Bohdan Stupak
Samples from the application that displays photos location on a map
by Alen Toma
Generate and execute external full js code in react-native and nodejs

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React Native 

18 May 2021 by D_Gregorian
How to create a React-Native (iOS & Android) FileManager with Firebase Storage
5 Sep 2022 by Alen Toma
Generate and execute external full js code in react-native and nodejs
10 Aug 2022 by Alen Toma
This library is built so that you could secure JSON or string data in JS files. The library will shuffle the data in memory and make it unreadable for the naked eye.