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Great Reads

by Umer Qureshi
Explains how to navigate among pages with button clicks
by Akash Gutha
This tip is aimed at providing a simple solution for simple page to page navigation system for your UWP apps.
by ASP.NET Community
Overview The CreateUserWizard control provides the user interface for the MembershipProvider object that communicates with the user account data
by ASP.NET Community
With the release of ASP.NET 2.0, a new set of controls were made available to help provide navigational elements to your web sites. These controls

Latest Articles

by Michael Shpilt
Shows how to create two Wizard-type applications using Model-View-ViewModel-Controller navigation framework
by senthill
This tip will teach you how to create custom top navigation menu using custom list and user controls in SharePoint 2013.
by Akash Gutha
This tip is aimed at providing a simple solution for simple page to page navigation system for your UWP apps.
by Umer Qureshi
Explains how to navigate among pages with button clicks

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1 Dec 2015 by Umer Qureshi
Explains how to navigate among pages with button clicks
20 Dec 2015 by Akash Gutha
This tip is aimed at providing a simple solution for simple page to page navigation system for your UWP apps.
1 May 2013 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The term "navigation" has limited scope, much narrower than the class of Forms application. That is, the whole idea of navigation is not always applicable to application designs. One example (even more limiting): a wizard. Menu is much more universal, but there can be a big number of other...
9 Oct 2015 by Philippe Mori
If you want user to save file in a fixed location, then simply display a form that allows to type a file name.Thus you do code your own form and do whatever you want to do. This could be a lot of work if you want most of the functionnality of common dialogs.In that case, your application...
4 Apr 2016 by Gokulprasad05
public partial class StopWatchDemo : Window{ DispatcherTimer dt = new DispatcherTimer(); Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); string currentTime = string.Empty; public StopWatchDemo() { InitializeComponent(); dt.Tick += new EventHandler(dt_Tick);...
2 Aug 2017 by Peter Leow
in the custom.css file, add this code at the bottom of it: .navbar { background-image: url("") }
16 Apr 2013 by Dee_Bee
All,I'm working on a Silverlight application where I have a left menu and in the left menu there are Textbox and Button.Entering a number in Textbox and clicking on Button, it navigates to another page and shows the data related to particular number(Entered number in Textbox).But it is...
4 Aug 2013 by DotnetCoders001
Is it possible to navigate from a .aspx page to .asp page.I have to create a dynamic menu based on db data.The menu coding is in .aspx page but the submenus has to be directed to .asp pages.
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Overview The CreateUserWizard control provides the user interface for the MembershipProvider object that communicates with the user account data
11 Nov 2013 by Thahir Ahmed
Use Solution 1 with below mention CSS coding. .menu ul { border-bottom: 1px solid gray; } .menu ul li { border: 1px solid white; background-color: gray; text-decoration: none; padding: 3px; ...
13 Feb 2014 by Frank T. Clark
I assume you are referring to the FolderBrowserDialog.String directoryName = FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath;
25 Jun 2015 by Suvendu Shekhar Giri
To generate randome password use-System.Web.Security.Membership.GeneratePassword(int length, int numberOfNonAlphanumericCharacters)You need a flag in database to identify whether the password is updated on reset or updated by user. This updation has to be performed at reset...
11 Jul 2015 by Wendelius
From the code you have provided as far as I can see you don't populate the dataset anywhere. You do set the SQL statement and the connection and so on but I can't find a call to Fill[^] method anywhere. If this is true there's no data fetched from the database thus leaving your data row non...
27 Nov 2017 by Graeme_Grant
For MVVM, you need to use a proxy service as VMs are not supposed to access any UI, including windows. I have answer this in a similar question. Please check out my answer there rather than me reposting it here: How to change listbox item size dynamically in C# WPF?[^] UPDATE: This article...
2 Apr 2012 by thomas_wingfield
Hello!I 'm new in silverlight.I tried to find some help with navigate from one page to another, but have found only hard samples and I can't understand why it.It's looks very hard.Can You provide some simple example, when I have a UserControl(MainPage), and 2 SilverlightPages, folder(View).I...
2 Apr 2012 by m@dhu
6 Jun 2012 by db7uk
If you were using ASP.NET link buttons you could use the TAG attribute to store the treeview parent node Id / name. On postback you could use the tag contents to work out what tree node to expand.If this is not the case then I think it would have to be some javascript. You could use the (if...
9 Jun 2012 by larssy1
Dear fellow developers, At the msdn page the psupport gave me, there is described that the maximum used memory for a 256-MB device is 90 MB (94371840).Now I have been testing this at several places when launching the app, and it turned out that the used memory for my application is: 59...
14 Jun 2012 by Sparkers
Achieved it by using repeaters checkboxes and a gridview..
6 Jul 2012 by Member 8336910
I have a Highcharts Stockchart graph. I want to be able to change the navigator series view to a different series. From either clicking on the series label on the legend or even change it when I hover over the series' line. Just some efficient way of changing the navigator series.Anyone know...
3 Nov 2012 by Ahmedwaheed
You have many faults in this model- fist you use increment and decrement by 1 to get next and previous row and that is wrong bucause you may have id like for example ( 1,2,5,7,10)-second you retrieve all records from table and put it in dataset you have to get only the record you want to...
4 Nov 2012 by Ahmedwaheed
this sp sample Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[Navigate_Professions] @ID int, -- MoveFirst 1 -- Movelast 2 -- MoveNext 3 -- MovePrevious 4 @Direction tinyint ASBEGIN if(@Direction =1) select top 1 * from LPB_Profession order by Profession_ID asc ...
5 Nov 2012 by Member 8036175
I am making wpf Application, and i want to host pages (Not web pages) in tabs just like browsers, i want the tabs to be created short i want behaviour same Like, any browser, except the content to display are my own wpf pages, How to use the Back and Forward Buttons, to take...
5 Nov 2012 by Sushil Mate
You can have a Tab Control & inside them you can put web browser control. go through below links it helps you get...
26 Nov 2012 by 07405
My code is:var userName = document.getElementById("txtSearch").value; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "", true); xhr.responseType = "text"; xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml;charset=UTF-8"); ...
21 Dec 2012 by Varsha Bhatia
In myapp,it can navigate source to destination on map. i am face the problem to show navigation on map. i am fresher in android this my 1st app. guide me provide some sample code,demo,example.which can help to develop my app.
22 Dec 2012 by Abhishek Pant
have a look hereandroid : How to create Navigation on google map?[^]
8 Mar 2013 by kumar.selva.c
I have listview with Checkbox Items that are not HardCoded in XAML i load them during run time,I have two scenarios ***- Listview items Hardcoded - ListView items loaded Through Itemsource***ListviewItems with Checkbox HardCoded *> Apple , Apple1 , Ball, Bottom, Mango,...
1 May 2013 by Nayan Ambaliya
Dear all, Good morning..!!I am currently developing a windows forms business application.I am aware about the traditional Menu Bar as navigation option for this application. I want to know if people develop this windows forms navigation in any other way. I am reluctant to use the...
16 May 2013 by Sujan Kumar Biswas
Please help me: I am facing a problem with the site: the navigation menu list item only the home link title "HOME" is visible but other list item's link title are not visible. How can it be solved to make visible all the list item's title in the navigation...
16 May 2013 by Sujan Kumar Biswas
Thanks I have solved it by myself.
23 May 2013 by SYS-MAN
How to implement BindingNavigation in MVC ASP.NET with jQueryHiI am created an ASP.NET MVC page with Form layout UI that show data from Model.But I want navigate between records and show current record in elements of form tag (textbox and ...) something like BindingNavigator in...
27 May 2013 by kool15th
hello everyone, I am just a beginner and making a web where after searching the details come in a gridview with only everyone's image , name ,age and a link on each row by clicking on which the user will see the complete profile of that searched person.thus I want a hyperlink...
25 May 2013 by Abhinav S
Use HyperLink controls. Try[^][^]
19 Aug 2013 by akhil.krish
I am building a website for an organization that still only uses IE7. When creating this drop down menu on my laptop, the menu works without a problem. However, when trying it for the first time on a IE7 browser, it does not work.css code:div.hideSkiplink{ background-color: #2d4830;...
10 Oct 2013 by Sriram Ramachandran
GoogleLike.aspx.csusing System;using System.Collections;using System.Data;using System.Data.SqlClient;using DayPilot.Web.Ui.Enums;using DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events;using DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Bubble;using DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Calendar;using System.Configuration;using...
10 Oct 2013 by Member 10328769
If anyone ideas they will be truly appreciated.Here is the "NAV BAR" css:/*Nav Bar Stuff*/ .wrapper { width: 100%; height: 80px; background : #464646; background : -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(rgb(168,168,168)), to(rgb(69,69,69))); ...
10 Oct 2013 by bjdestiny
Refer this link your solution is might be there.!!actully in above code, it does not contain sub level code so now onwords you need to put you sub level.Check This Links.1.[^]2....
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
With the release of ASP.NET 2.0, a new set of controls were made available to help provide navigational elements to your web sites. These controls
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The SiteMapPath (also known as breadcrumb) control is a navigation control that allows the user to know the current page location with respect to the
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Navigation for ASP.NET Web Forms manages movement and data passing between aspx Pages in a unit testable manner. There is no Client-side logic, so it
11 Oct 2013 by ridoy
These 2 will definitely help you.One shows the way to trigger a popup on menu item click and other one shows navigation menu item click event.Navigation Menu Item click[^]trigger popup message from asp menu item[^]
10 Nov 2013 by siddesh_bobade
I am working on a project where i need to convert my menu navigation bar from verticl to horizontal plz guid me how to do it ...?
10 Nov 2013 by JoCodes
You can just set the Orientation="Horizontal" property for the menu control.
10 Nov 2013 by siddesh_bobade
i want help in creating a horizontal menu bar using navigation control of VS and css for example the menu bar of this site please provide me a code which can help me to create an dynamic and cool looking menu bar
19 Nov 2013 by Alexanbu
OK, after doing a bit of research thanks to Scott's suggestion about the IE7 z-index being the issue, I found the solutionThe trouble was my containing elements (div#header and div#mainContent) needed to be assigned z-index values for IE7 to resolve this issue. The IE z-index issue:I...
26 Dec 2013 by karthik mushyam
Am using Kendo button in MVC4 application .How and where should i write the Navigation to another page on button click .@(Html.Kendo().Button().Name("btncancel").HtmlAttributes( new {type = "button"} ).Content("Cancel"))I did like this but i am not getting
30 Dec 2013 by Jim parkson
All views need to be displayed in shell window ?I am newer for wpf prism framework , i am very confued on how to navigate between views.i mean, in the prism , we have one shell page and i define some region in the shell , so that mean the layout of shell was not changed , if i want to...
30 Dec 2013 by Abhinav S
You can always create sub-regions inside a region and plug in views in each of these regions as appropriate.To navigate, just remove a view and plug in another into the region/sub-region.
12 Feb 2014 by KUMAR619
I want to select the path using Folder Dialog Control in C# and then pass the path to the below formed directory name.How to do thisString directoryName = @"C:\Users\XXXXXX\Desktop\Refrigeration\RCA\RCA001\Children";
24 Feb 2014 by Shanmugam Vasu
Hi,I am using Sharepoint Foundation server. In top link bar it has no option for dropdown menu option. So i am using spf-dropdown2013.js. Now i am getting dropdown menu.Everything working fine except onmouseleave. onmouseleave is not firing in IE(In chrome & FF it&'s working). My ul...
5 Mar 2014 by Kinna-10626331
Hello,I'm inserting data from a external XML into a SP native list through Layer2 Tool.I'm adding Metadata navigation settings associated to the list. For now, I'm using in the list Choice Type columns to do it because through Layer2 I can't insert data in Metadata Type Columns . The...
23 Jul 2014 by Kruti Joshi
I am working on a single-page scroll ASP.NET website. I have a main navigation menu which scrolls down to the respective sections. The 'About Us' section has a submenu of its own. The submenu isn't a single page scroll. It shows/hides respective divs on click. I have used an update panel for...
23 Jul 2014 by Kruti Joshi
I solved the issue. I had applied the update panel on thw whole page. When I applied it only on the particular div which needed the update, it worked without any issues.Learned something new today :)
4 Aug 2014 by Member 10992019
Hi there everyone, I have a small problem,Im creating a web app that uses master pages. the application has a set of pages that clients can access and they inherit from a Site.master. It also has a set of pages that employees can access which in turn inherit from Admin.master.I have...
25 Aug 2014 by Muhammad Taqi Hassan Bukhari
I am building a website in 3.5. Which is based on monthly articles by the company based on category. I want to add category based dynamically menu. that when ever i add a new category then that category should directly go to my website menu navigation. More, I want to create a some...
29 Aug 2014 by Muhammad Taqi Hassan Bukhari
I am developing a website, and having a problem in navigation on it which is not displayed on the Webpage infact on a Master Page.
29 Aug 2014 by SteveyJDay
Your menu needs to have a higher z-index than the rest of the page content. From your screenshot it appears the page title "Welcome to Shia Islamic Event Popper Website" has a higher z-index than your menu.z-index reference
1 Sep 2014 by MukeshSagar
Refer the link for creating the Menu Dynamically:[^]
15 Sep 2014 by svknair
GridView column and row navigation using up/down/right and left arrowsusing the jquery code for navigation in grid view using arrow keys , its works as given in sample but i am using master page and ajax . its not working with updatepanel
21 Jan 2015 by Member 11392660
I am trying to refresh a URI in an InternetExplorer tab if it matches another URI.The issue is that it will not refresh the URI of the IE tab.So basically, if IE is open, search the URI of each tab and if that URI matches a particular URI then just update it with the new URI and go to that...
4 Mar 2015 by Member 11499475
Hey,I'm 14 and trying to figure this out for the last couple of days (im new, please dont judge)I made this image in photoshop and I would like to figure out how to make it HTML and CSS on Codepen. What would the code be for the navigation bar alone? I want to know basically how to...
4 Mar 2015 by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
I hope the below ones would help you.1. How to Create Horizontal Navigation With CSS3[^]2. 100 Great CSS Menu Tutorials[^]3. CSS Navigation Bar[^]
2 Apr 2015 by Member 11577807
I am working on a site, I want to make a navigation (full page ) like on,
2 Apr 2015 by nuke_infer
your problem is not clearly mentioned.but i think this link will help to you for paginationbootstrap pagination
4 May 2015 by Dark Envious
Here is my navigation bar:[^]As you can see all the buttons are on top and there is space between each button and they poke out at the top. If you look at the last button that says "0" it is poking out at the button and not the...
10 Jun 2015 by xiecsuk
Good morning allI am trying to create a Bootstrap navigation bar which displays a .jpg file as a background. The code is as follows:
10 Jun 2015 by Richard Deeming
The lines in the "hamburger" menu don't have a default colour set. You could add either the navbar-default or navbar-inverse class to your navbar. However, this would also set the background and border colour for the navbar itself, meaning that your image wouldn't show...
24 Jun 2015 by Member 11791402
hi,i have requirement that when user reset his password with system generated password.upon next login user should navigate to change password page.could any one can help me to get this functionality ..??
2 Jul 2015 by Member 11796396
i have a 2 PDF files. the 2 PDF files are merged into one PDF file. for suppose i have 50 pages PDF file. i add 2 pages of PDF file to it. i want to print new adding PDF file in bottom, i want to add links 50-1 and 50-2. if i click 50. i want it will go to the 50th page. what i am doing now?
12 Sep 2015 by Rakesh Meel
Visit here to resolve your query....[^]
2 Oct 2015 by Kiran2401
Hi Sir, I have following code in my very small 5 page website (With Master page). Here i am able to navigate between pages in root folder. There are 2 pages inside Admin folder. If i go to a page inside admin folder, it will open. But, when i navigate back to any other page, in the...
3 Oct 2015 by Maciej Los
Kiran2401 wrote:Hi, thanks all.. I have solved this issue by replacing with Answered only to remove question from unanswered list.
6 Oct 2015 by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
There is no such thing as "navigation", in this context. If you mean the change of current directory inside the application, just don't provide code changing it. Isn't it simple.The general idea is however abusive. Generally speaking, you should not limit the user's navigation, if there is...
20 Dec 2015 by Farhan Bajrai
Hello,I am designing a website using Asp.Net and I am new to it. In that the webpage is divided into two parts just like our forum. when Some one click on Left-Side Items/Contents it should show those details on the Right side Part. Just like how 'codeproject' works.Kindly help me to...
15 Jun 2016 by Hein Pauwelyn
How can I create a binding between a selected item of a list box that can send that item to another page with Blend?Here is some code:
13 Apr 2016 by Garth J Lancaster
How about using 'A-Star'/'A *' search algorithm to define a path between your vehicle start point and your target - the path is the set of 'directions' the vehicle will move along - I'm guessing you'll have to recalculate the path everytime you make a deviation to dodge your 'bot'
20 May 2016 by BrunoRL
I've been working on a responsive site. I'm a newbie. I'm currently in an IT-Software Development program.The website I'm developng has a main navigation (nav) as well as a mobile navigation (#mobileNav) that becomes visible for small device sizes.The mobile nav menu shows up fine and...
22 May 2016 by BladeLogan
I am trying to connect to the internet through a proxy, more specificlly, this site to test if the proxy is working AZ Environment variables 1.04 As you can see down below.. It is NOT connecting using the proxy I set it to, and as you can see in the code below, it should be.. I used the...
22 May 2016 by an0ther1
You are not setting your Proxy server in the webBrowser1_Navigating event handler, only in your Form_Load event handlerAdd the code to the webBrowser1_Navigating event handler to make your HttpWebRequest use the ProxyWebProxy myProxy = new WebProxy(proxyBox.Text);myRequest.Proxy =...
15 Jun 2016 by Member 12584971
This is using a drop down navigation menu. The following code does not work, but gives an idea of what im doing.HTMLCSS #ShowHideNavButton{ display:...
15 Jun 2016 by Hein Pauwelyn
I've found it. I must install the 'behaviors' package from Nuget and than drag and drop it onto the element I need to use it. See image here.
17 Mar 2017 by Member 10850253
I currently have a treeview that gets populated with all the files and directories in the root directory. I need to select the parent directory of a child node programatically.I have tried some code, but it only allows me to select the root directory, which is the first directory in the...
17 Mar 2017 by Dave Kreskowiak
You didn't even bother reading the documentation on TreeNode, did you?Every TreeNode object has a Parent that, obviously, refers to its parent TreeNode. var parent = someChildNode.Parent;
20 Jun 2017 by CPallini
Quote: My experience with Java is really small and I don't really know where to start. You should start reading some Java tutorials, Google is your friend[^].
21 Jun 2017 by Patrice T
Quote: I need to develop a Navigation System for my university a final project. Ok, go on. Quote: My experience with Java is really small and I don't really know where to start. ... I really need some help and would be thankful for every suggestion or hint!!! May be you should choose a...
2 Aug 2017 by Member 13341947
I am working on website built using wordpress and a purchased theme. The website url is I would like to add a background image to the website navigation bar. What I have tried: I am using the customiser to add a custom code to the CSS. This is code that I had inserted and...
25 Oct 2017 by Member 13485647
I'm trying to remove the animation from the menu, the site navigation, from this site: Yeah | Calle Holck[^]. I CAN NOT find it or make it work, and it is frustrating. I need the menu to be static, show up immediately and not "pop up" word by word. It's ok if the entire menu pops up at once, if...
27 Nov 2017 by Ocqlarity
The application I am writing has a configuration step in its startup where I collect required configs and user inputs before I init my Autofac DI. Then I close said window by invoking the standard Window.Close() call. The code seems to execute correctly but the next window does not want to...
27 Nov 2017 by johannesnestler
I think your application is closed after the Close of the mainwindow. So either don't make the first window the MainWindow (just a Dialog, like a splashscreen) or use ShutdownMode="OnExplicitShutdown" for you application
5 Feb 2018 by Member 13662800
A responsive menu on a site I'm working on is not rendering properly on small device screens. For some reason, the menu renders as a transparent overlay. Can someone clue me in as to why this happens? (Sorry, my front-end experience remains a bit rickety, so I'm probably missing something...
8 Nov 2018 by Member 14047627
So i've been on the internet for hours looking for a solution for this, i've tried at least 20 different things and none worked. I need to know how to make my Hamburger menu close when a link inside of the menu is clicked. My HTML:
8 Nov 2018 by W Balboos, GHB
I can offer you an interesting and non-conventional answer. Build your menu as an open list that looks as you wish (links, etc.) in the form of an HTML-string stored in a javaScript variable. Now - for your open event, set innerHTML value = your menu string variable - for close event, set...
16 Oct 2019 by dell-gl62m
I am Android Studio beginner and I wish to get some guidance from experienced one. So I've created a project with bottom navigation activity and have 1 default layout which is activity_main.xml. With those ready bottom navigation, I created layouts for each of them by adding a new empty...
9 Feb 2021 by nik2
Hey all, I wanted to change the text of my existing header menu on my site. Is there any way that this can be done so that when you hover over a menu item, the text changes? I want to make sure that I'll be able to use the existing menu that I...
9 Feb 2021 by Luc Pattyn
Hi, I would consider adding another HTMLelement automatically (use CSS "after") and have it invisible when not hovered. Then switch both visibilities when hovered. My CSS is a bit rusty, I won't engage in any actual code here. :)
21 Mar 2021 by Hanaa Alaoui Belghiti
Hello everyone, I'm very very new at app development and I'm supposed to make an app for my final year project, however, I've been stuck for days having no idea to connect one activity to the drawer navigation, I really need help because I've...
22 Jul 2022 by ONKAR MEHRA
I have been trying to nest stack navigator inside bottom tab navigator and which has been nested into drawer navigator. In terms of nesting, bottom tab navigator is at the top, then bottom tab navigator and then at the end stack navigator. I have...
25 Apr 2021 by Muhmmad Nauman
I'm developing a food ordering app using react native and ASP .NET MVC Entity Framework. I've Search screen with date(field) and vendor list(dropdown) and when I click on search button it will navigate to Orders Screen with date and vendor Id as...