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by vblover Programmer
Load Menu from Resource-Only DLL (created by VC++) and Set for Form As MainMenu by API Functions.
by Michael D Bray
Use the provided CSS with classed DIVs to build a clean-looking web-based menu that requires no JavaScript, and supports unlimited levels of both horizontal and vertical menus.
by Anurag_Gahrat
In this guide, learn about CSS Glassmorphism, its history, its characteristics, and how to create it, along with examples.
by Steffen Ploetz
The Win32++ class library sample collection does not contain a sample, that creates the frame menu via API instead of via resources. Here is the missing part.

Latest Articles

by Christian Specht
In this post, we look at the creation of a dynamic tree menu with Jekyll. Specifically we're looking at printing all links from a menu file to create a categorized archive.
by Brian C Hart
Discover how to create a user-friendly console application in C# and .NET Framework 4.8, with menu-driven interaction and graceful exit options.
by Anurag_Gahrat
In this guide, learn about CSS Glassmorphism, its history, its characteristics, and how to create it, along with examples.
by ToughDev
How to install Microsoft Web Deploy on Win7

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28 Jun 2023 by Anurag_Gahrat
In this guide, learn about CSS Glassmorphism, its history, its characteristics, and how to create it, along with examples.
26 Feb 2014 by ASP.NET Community
Asp Menu controls lacks to render its items which are set with dynamic visibility in Internet Explorer 8. Microsoft has also confirmed at Microsoft
21 Nov 2018 by Yaseer Mumtaz
Complete professional MEAN stack app development series for beginners
20 Mar 2012 by Jaxon7
Restoring UI Responsiveness FromContinuations (Asynch file IO)
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Getting Active Directory queries to work in ASP.NET and IIS can be extremely tricky, especially if you're just getting started with ASP.NET, IIS and
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Today my topic is regarding the Printer Friendly Web Page in which I will share the best practice how to build the Printer Friendly page.The reason
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Basic Hard Coded Cascading MenusTechnically your menus won't need javascript to be utilized. Just some basic CSS that will help with everything and
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
It seems to be very common that menu control is not to be properly displayed in IE8.I have developed a website which contains a master page
21 Mar 2013 by sistec
CurvyTip HTML5 Canvas experiment.
25 Sep 2012 by _Amy
Dynamic menu generation according to user privileges from database.
3 Jan 2015 by Espen Harlinn
Windows API, menus, C++ lambda expressions, std::enable_shared_from_this
1 Jan 2011 by Ashish Kaila
Learn how to leverage UI automation in testing your UI and also to support accessibility features
29 Nov 2013 by Adam Zgagacz
ToolStripMenuItem with RadioButton and Labeled ToolStripSeparator
15 Sep 2011 by Niral Soni
Multi-level, scrollable, browser compatible, XP Style JavaScript Start Menu and Context Menu
13 Oct 2014 by Nitesh Kejriwal
Create a responsive menu using HTML, CSS and JQuery
20 Jan 2011 by Paul M. Parks
You can provide a Ribbon in Windows 7, but still support menu input, while only releasing one executable.
26 Jun 2011 by Ray_Liang
In this article, I will show you how to build a component model for ASP.NET MVC3 with Builder and Factory design patterns. You could use this model to write your strongly type components to binding data, handling harchical objects and write jQuery UI controls / HTML5 controls for ASP.NET MVC3.
16 May 2013 by Nikfazan
This article shows how you can add jQuery UI Theme to Superfish Menu and Superfish Menu RTL
21 Aug 2015 by David Hall
An MRU Manager Component that can be dropped on a Windows Form or WPF Window and integrates with Menu, MenuStrip, Application Settings, Registry, and Windows Recent Files.
26 Sep 2010 by Reinhard Ostermeier
This article describes how menus and toolbars in WPF can be automatically merged.
8 Jul 2014 by EngDRJ
An finite state menu implemented using multiple linked-lists and function pointers in C for use with embedded programming.
8 Nov 2010 by b4rc0ll0
Create a smart Java component used as accordion menu. Explains how to create visual transition effects, and simple icons management. Also shows how to create a hierarchy of components with an easy cascade management.